BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Artist Statement:\n\nThe Virgin Mitch refers to surreal symboli sm through the use of distorted figures made from clay and other manufactur ed materials. Reflecting on symbolism\, I am interested in the interpretati onal relationship between ambiguity to the outsider\, and significance to t he insider. I believe prioritizing preservation in place of reality enables politicians to manipulate abortion and same-sex marriage laws as public pu rity standards. My goal is to question preconceived notions of purity and m artyrdom by embellishing the ambiguity and the significance of religious sy mbolism.\n\n--Eben Tobar\n\n \n\nExhibition dates and times:\n\nDecember 8 – December 12\, 2020\nTrisolini Gallery\n405 Baker University Center 1 Park Place\nHours: Tuesday 12 - 4\, Thursday 3 - 7\, Saturday 12 - 4\n\n \n\nAr tist Talk: \n\nThursday\, December 10th \n\n4:00 pm\n\nViewable live on the Ohio University Art Galleries Instagram IGTV\, Click here to join the arti st talk. \n\n \n\nThis College of Fine Arts event is made possible through support from Arts for Ohio. \n\n \n\nFollow the gallery on Instagram and Facebook @ohiouniversityartgalleries and Twitter @ohiouartgallery for up-to -date listings. DTEND:20201208T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T214954Z DTSTART:20201208T170000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Trisolini Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Virgin Mitch: A BFA Thesis Exhibition by Eben Tobar\,2008:EventInstance_35279308611261 URL: n_by_eben_tobar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Artist Statement:\n\nThe Virgin Mitch refers to surreal symboli sm through the use of distorted figures made from clay and other manufactur ed materials. Reflecting on symbolism\, I am interested in the interpretati onal relationship between ambiguity to the outsider\, and significance to t he insider. I believe prioritizing preservation in place of reality enables politicians to manipulate abortion and same-sex marriage laws as public pu rity standards. My goal is to question preconceived notions of purity and m artyrdom by embellishing the ambiguity and the significance of religious sy mbolism.\n\n--Eben Tobar\n\n \n\nExhibition dates and times:\n\nDecember 8 – December 12\, 2020\nTrisolini Gallery\n405 Baker University Center 1 Park Place\nHours: Tuesday 12 - 4\, Thursday 3 - 7\, Saturday 12 - 4\n\n \n\nAr tist Talk: \n\nThursday\, December 10th \n\n4:00 pm\n\nViewable live on the Ohio University Art Galleries Instagram IGTV\, Click here to join the arti st talk. \n\n \n\nThis College of Fine Arts event is made possible through support from Arts for Ohio. \n\n \n\nFollow the gallery on Instagram and Facebook @ohiouniversityartgalleries and Twitter @ohiouartgallery for up-to -date listings. DTEND:20201211T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T214954Z DTSTART:20201210T200000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Trisolini Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Virgin Mitch: A BFA Thesis Exhibition by Eben Tobar\,2008:EventInstance_35279308612286 URL: n_by_eben_tobar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Artist Statement:\n\nThe Virgin Mitch refers to surreal symboli sm through the use of distorted figures made from clay and other manufactur ed materials. Reflecting on symbolism\, I am interested in the interpretati onal relationship between ambiguity to the outsider\, and significance to t he insider. I believe prioritizing preservation in place of reality enables politicians to manipulate abortion and same-sex marriage laws as public pu rity standards. My goal is to question preconceived notions of purity and m artyrdom by embellishing the ambiguity and the significance of religious sy mbolism.\n\n--Eben Tobar\n\n \n\nExhibition dates and times:\n\nDecember 8 – December 12\, 2020\nTrisolini Gallery\n405 Baker University Center 1 Park Place\nHours: Tuesday 12 - 4\, Thursday 3 - 7\, Saturday 12 - 4\n\n \n\nAr tist Talk: \n\nThursday\, December 10th \n\n4:00 pm\n\nViewable live on the Ohio University Art Galleries Instagram IGTV\, Click here to join the arti st talk. \n\n \n\nThis College of Fine Arts event is made possible through support from Arts for Ohio. \n\n \n\nFollow the gallery on Instagram and Facebook @ohiouniversityartgalleries and Twitter @ohiouartgallery for up-to -date listings. DTEND:20201212T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T214954Z DTSTART:20201212T170000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Trisolini Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Virgin Mitch: A BFA Thesis Exhibition by Eben Tobar\,2008:EventInstance_35279308614335 URL: n_by_eben_tobar END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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