BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:The Russian invasion and war in Ukraine raises new questions ab out the historical relationship between Ukraine and Russia\, the sovereignt y and independence of the former republics of the Soviet Union\, human righ ts\, and global and regional security more widely.\n\n \n\nThis event inclu des graduate students with expertise in the region for a roundtable discuss ion on the short-term effects and long-term consequences of the war in Ukra ine\, the developments that brought us to this point\, and where we go from here. This event is presented as part of ‘The World Now’ Series in the Ce nter for International Studies\, and in cooperation with the Bobcats for Uk raine. \n\n \n\nChair/ moderator:  \n\nDr. Catherine Cutcher\, Assistant Di rector\, Center for International Studies\, Ohio University \n\n  \n\nParti cipants:  \n\n \n\nAnastasiia Kulikalova\, M.F.A. Student\, School of Film \, Ohio University \n\n \n\nShawn Liming\, Ph.D. Student\, Department of Hi story\, Ohio University \n\n \n\nAnastasiia Sakharova\, M.A. Student\, Lati n American Studies\, Ohio University \n\n \n\nOleksandr Yakymchuk\, M.F.A. Student\, Communication Media Arts\, Ohio University (remote) \n\n \n\nOlen a Zenchenko\, M.F.A. Student\, Communication Media Arts\, Ohio University ( remote) \n\n \n\nTetyana Dovbnya\, Ph.D. Student\, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures\, The Ohio State University (tentativ e) \n\n \n\nMegan Westervelt\, M.F.A. Candidate and Bobcats for Ukraine (te ntative) DTEND:20220422T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T073821Z DTSTART:20220422T160000Z GEO:39.327579;-82.096532 LOCATION:Patton College of Education\, Patton Hall (McCracken)\, Room 232 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ukraine: The World Now\,2008:EventInstance_39730368249073 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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