BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances,Movies & Screenings,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ukrainian Film Night: Reflecting on History\, Culture\, and Pos sible Future. \n\n \n\nCarol of the Bells\, Ukrainian-Polish film\, directe d by Olesya Morgunets-Isaenko\, 2021\n\nFebruary 13th\, 2024\, Baker Theate r (3rd floor)\, 5:30-8:00 pm.\n\n \n\nIn remembrance of two years since Rus sia’s full-scale war against Ukraine\, you are cordially invited to attend a free screening of Ukrainian-Polish historic drama Carol of the Bells\, di rected by Olesya Morguntes-Isaenko (2021). The director has generously shar ed the film with the Ohio University and Athens communities\, aiming to dee pen our understanding of Ukraine’s complex and rich culture\, as well as it s resilient people. The trailer for the film is available at https://www.yo\n\n \n\nThe event will commence with the address from Athens Mayor Steve Patterson\, followed by remarks by Dr. Gil lian Ice\, the Interim Associate Provost for Global Affairs at Ohio Univers ity. Local Ukrainian community members and representatives from the studen t organization Bobcats for Ukraine will introduce the film and remain avail able for the Q&A session following the screening. Please\, contact Tetyana Dovbnya at if you have any questions about the event. \n\n \n\nSynopsis: The film poignantly interweaves history\, music\, and person al and national tragedy that come alive in a Ukrainian song “Shchedryk\,” k nown in the West as “Carol of the Bells.” Set in the year 1939 in Stanislav iv\, a city in western Ukraine\, the film depicts the lives of three famili es - Ukrainian\, Jewish\, and Polish – residing as neighbors in the same dw elling. The onset of war abruptly shatters their once harmonious and joyful environment. Both the Soviet regime and the Nazi occupation inflict loss a nd death impacting the fates of all families equally. Sacrificing their liv es\, the Ukrainian family manages to save their neighbors’ children and the ir own daughter. Across time and space\, these children carry with them the ir shared memory of tragedy alongside the beloved song. Transcending the bo rders\, “Shchedryk” also becomes the children’s - and universal - unfailing symbol of hope and kindness. Echoing one of the main character’s sentiment \, “The war cannot last forever.” \n\nWritten by Tetyana Dovbny a\n\n \n\n \n\nDirector Statement: “…our fil m deals with a topical theme of the relationship between Ukrainians\, Poles \, and Jews. These are the nations that suffered the most from both the Naz is and the Soviets during World War II. This story is told from the perspec tive of the children who do not care about nationalities or cultural differ ences but appreciate friendship and loyalty.” \n\n - Olesya Morgunets-Isaen ko DTEND:20240214T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T062516Z DTSTART:20240213T223000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ukranian Film Night: "Carol of the Bells"\,2008:EventInstance_45525466114946 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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