BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The case study method of teaching and learning is an active app roach to learning that simulates real world situations using scenarios. Cas es require students to make decision about complex questions and issues bas ed on given and implied information about a situation. Although case method learning outcomes typically focus on cognitive learning outcomes\, case-ba sed teaching provides opportunities for students to achieve affective learn ing outcomes as well. Grounded in the Affective Domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy\ , this workshop will provide instructors with tools and techniques to use t he case study method of teaching and learning to transform student attitude s and values.\n\nLearning Outcomes: After the workshop\, participants will be able to:\n\nAppreciate the benefits and limitations of the case study me thod of teaching and learning.Recognize the categories and levels of the Af fective Domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy.Identify select affective learning conce pts.Write affective-focused learning outcomes for cases.Describe the import ance of affective development to students.Presenter Information: Katie Hart man is the Vice Provost for Faculty Development and a Professor of Marketin g. She has been using the case study method of teaching and learning in dif ferent contexts for more than a decade. Since 2017\, she has co-authored fi ve invited\, peer-reviewed brief cases available through Harvard Business P ublishing (HBP). She has also written more than a dozen invited cases for r egional and national student competitions. Katie currently serves as a memb er of HBP’s Educator Advisory Team and as a trustee for the Pi Sigma Epsilo n National Educational Foundation.\n\nClick here to register. DTEND:20240213T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T042153Z DTSTART:20240213T200000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Using Case Studies to Transform Student Attitudes\,2008:EventInstance_45279509011272 URL: _attitudes END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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