BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:THIS SESSION IS FOR FACULTY\; A SEPARATE GRADUATE STUDENT INSTR UCTOR SESSION IS AVAILABLE.\n\nSession Description: Gathering student feedb ack on a course early in the semester offers insight into what is working a nd not working in a course and allows the opportunity to make reasonable ch anges. In addition\, this type of easy-to-deploy survey allows instructors to reinforce learning outcomes\, why they teach the way they do and why the y make certain choices about content\, making decisions transparent to stud ents. Early-semester feedback asks students to reflect on responsibility fo r their own learning and how they can support it. End-of-term student evalu ation allows an instructor to make refinements to the next iteration of the course or refine instructional approaches in the future.\n\nLearning Outco mes: Following this workshop\, participants will be able to\n\nConnect the research on formative student feedback with their own implementation.Admini ster or adapt a Center for Teaching\, Learning\, and Assessment survey to g ather early-semester formative feedback.Explain the process for preparing s tudents to take the survey and debriefing students on survey results.Determ ine what -- if any -- changes to instruction should result from survey admi nistration and student feedback.To register: DTEND:20230918T175000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T034440Z DTSTART:20230918T165500Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Using Early-term Feedback to Improve Instruction\,2008:EventInstance_44093157409275 URL: struction END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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