BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Katherine Calcamuggio Donner is an award-winning mezzo-soprano who has been featured in important role and company debuts across the Unit ed States\, eliciting kudos for her “soaring\, rich voice” (The Miami Hera ld)\, her “polished musical and dramatic characterizations” (Kurt Weill New sletter) and her “fine coloratura technique” (Philadelphia Inquirer).\n\n \ n\nEqually at home on the operatic\, concert and recitals stages\, she has a diversified performing portfolio\, however\, favorite roles and works inc lude the comic and light-hearted operatic roles of Buttercup in HMS Pinafor e (Union Avenue Opera)\, Julia Child in Bon Appetit! (Opera Lynchburg)\, Ha nsel in Hansel and Gretl (Syracuse Opera) to the more serious concert roles of the mezzo-soprano soloist in Verdi’s Requiem\, Beethoven’s Ninth Sympho ny\, and performing the soprano soloist in John Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine with eighth blackbird. As an active recitalist\, she has travelled across the United States with the Piatigorsky Foundation\, performing nearly one-h undred recitals over the last ten years. DTEND:20231118T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241125T033536Z DTSTART:20231118T010000Z GEO:39.327867;-82.097509 LOCATION:Glidden Hall\, Recital SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visiting Artist: Katherine Calcamuggio Donner\, mezzo-soprano\,2008:EventInstance_44631172231822 URL: onner_mezzo-soprano END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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