BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Special guest Marjorie Bagley will perform unaccompanied solo w orks for violin. This event will take place in Galbreath Chapel and is free and open to the public. \n\n \n\nViolinist Marjorie Bagley made her Lincol n Center concerto debut in 1997 with the Little Orchestra Society after beg inning her performing career at the age of nine in her home state of North Carolina with the Asheville\, Winston-Salem\, and North Carolina Symphonies . Having graduated from the Manhattan School of Music in the first class of Pinchas Zukerman\, she is active as a recitalist\, chamber musician\, and teacher. Marjorie has also performed as soloist with the Utah Symphony\, Id aho Falls Symphony\, Ann Arbor Symphony\, the University of Michigan Sympho ny\, and the Washington Square Music Series. As first violinist and foundin g member of the Arcata String Quartet\, Marjorie performed in the Weill Rec ital Hall at Carnegie\, London’s Wigmore Hall\, and across Western Europe a nd the United States. She is also an active proponent for new music and has premiered works by Paul Chihara\, David Noon\, Nils Vigeland\, and Judith Shatin. Through her travels to music festivals\, Marjorie has had the oppor tunity to play with some of the great artists of our time including Pinchas Zukerman\, Itzhak Perlman\, Joseph Kalichstein\, members of the Guarneri\, Emerson\, American\, Tokyo\, and Borromeo String Quartets. Ms. Bagley can be heard on recordings for the VOX\, New World and Summit labels\, and a re cording of music for violin and percussion on the Equilibrium label featuri ng a concerto by Lou Harrison. Marjorie is the Co-Director of the Juniper C hamber Music Festival in Logan\, Utah\, which is becoming one of the most e lite chamber music festivals in the nation. Ms. Bagley has been on the facu lty of Ohio University\, Utah State University\, and the International Musi c Academy in Pilsen\, Ms. Bagley has also taught at the Brevard Music Cente r\, the Perlman Music Program\, the Kinhaven Music School\, and the Manhatt an School of Music Preparatory Program. DTEND:20231207T000000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T031550Z DTSTART:20231206T230000Z GEO:39.326316;-82.099419 LOCATION:Galbreath Chapel SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:VISITING ARTIST: Marjorie Bagley\, violin\,2008:EventInstance_44667416627290 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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