BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:We are very happy to introduce our colleagues to the OHIO commu nity! Please join us in welcoming these scholars with food and drink in a f estive social atmosphere:\n\n \n\nDr. Martin Oulu is an interdisciplinary s cholar\, consultant and policy analyst who teaches courses at the environme nt-development nexus at University of Nairobi\, including ecological and re source economics\, environmental and social impact analysis\, and agroecolo gy. He currently holds the Glidden Visiting Professorship in the Department of Geography and Center for International Studies for spring 2025.\n Dr. A rjun Subrahmanyam is a Senior Lecturer in History at Murdoch University who se research focuses on democratic politics in Southeast Asia\, with a focus on Thailand. He currently holds the Frances M. and Stephen H. Fuller Visit ing Professorship in Southeast Asian Studies in the Center for Internationa l Studies for the 2025 calendar year\, with support from the Department of History.\n Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman is a human rights defender and researcher whose work focuses on international human rights\, access to justice\, and accountability mechanisms. His writings and advocacy activities explore ef fective international instruments and institutions to pursue accountability for crimes against humanity in his native country\, Bangladesh\, other Asi an countries including Myanmar and Jammu and Kashmir. He currently serves a s a Research Scholar in the Center for International Studies.\n Dr. Saloua Mrabet-Abid is Assistant Professor of TESOL & Applied Linguistics at the Un iversity of Carthage\, Tunisia and Visiting Research Scholar in the Linguis tics Department\, Ohio University. DTEND:20250219T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T122643Z DTSTART:20250218T223000Z GEO:40.491127;-88.99411 LOCATION:Jackie O's Brew Pub SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Welcome Reception for CIS Visiting International Scholars\,2008:EventInstance_48860179540275 URL: rnational-scholars END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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