BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201009T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201009T000000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105608309 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201015T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201015T000000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105610358 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201022T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201022T000000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105611383 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201029T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201029T000000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105612408 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201112T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201112T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105613433 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201119T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201119T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105614458 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201126T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201126T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105615483 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join Jess (RYT-200)\, Graduate Assistant at OU’s Collegi ate Recovery Community and Counseling and Psychological Services\, for a re laxing evening class incorporating gentle movement\, yoga and meditation. J ess will lead participants through an hour-long restorative movement and me ditation practice preparing the body for relaxation and sleep. Jess will in tegrate her yoga and somatic experiencing trainings to craft an 8 series cl ass to activate our “rest and digest” nervous system response\, settling us into our bodies and supporting our transition into sleep. \n\nClass is fr ee and open to anyone (affiliated or not affiliated with OU). DTEND:20201203T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T033703Z DTSTART:20201203T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wind Down Wednesdays\,2008:EventInstance_34679105616508 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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