BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024210Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210404 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36358771639804 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024210Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210405 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034412914 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024210Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210406 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034413939 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210407 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034414964 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210408 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034417013 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210409 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034418038 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210410 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034419063 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210411 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034420088 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The 2020 Women of Achievment Event will be virtual this year. \n\nThe tradition will continue dispite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. \n\ n \n\nOhio University Zanesville and Zane State College will recognize wome n who contribute to the quality of life in Muskingum County. \n\n \n\nThe 2 020 Women of Achievement recipients (listed below) and sponsors will be rec ognized through a video tribute that will be posted on Facebook the week of April 4. The videos will air on the Ohio University Zanesville\, Muskingum County Women of Achievement\, and Zane State Facebook pages. Make sure yo u like or follow these pages so you are alerted when the videos are posted. In addition\, all the videos will be available in a playlist on Zane State ’s YouTube channel later in April. \n\n \n\nPresenting sponsors will be fea tured on the recipient billboards that will be posted around Muskingum Coun ty in early April.\n\n \n\nRuth Ann Allen—Muskingum Family Y Lifetime Servi ce Award\n\nMonica Batteiger—Josephine Phillips Health Care\n\nTami Fitzger ald—Winifred K. Vogt Education\n\nLacey Higgins Geyer—Ethel Granger Schultz Young Adult\n\nJamie Trout—Mary Townsend Professions\n\nSarah Wickerham—Ma ry Vashti Jones Funk Business Award\n\nTara Wilson—Aldine Roach Flegal Spec ial Recognition\n\n \n\nThese are unprecedented times that have dramaticall y changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling\, we bel ieve we will get through this together and emerge stronger.\n\n \n\nWe woul d like to extend our sincere thank you to these sponsors:\n\n \n\nPresentin g Sponsors\nOhio University Zanesville\n\nBarnes Advertising\nCentury Natio nal Bank\nLinn Engineering\nNorthpointe Surgical Suites\nTrikes by Rodney L LC\nZane State College\n\nBenefactor Sponsors\nThe Community Bank\nGenesis HealthCare System\nMuskingum County Community Foundation\nMuskingum County Family Y\nMuskingum County Women’s Republican Club\nNorth Valley Bank\n\nPa tron Sponsors\nJody Ballas\nCoconis Furniture & Mattress 1st\nDrug Free Mus kingum\nThe Energy Cooperative\nLepi and Associates\nCindy Linn\n\nIndividu al Sponsors\nMary Ann Bucci\nDiane Jones\nSarah McInturf Linn\nJanice Tucke r McCloud\nStacey Russell\nMary Swope\n\nFriends of Women of Achievement\nN ancy Beitzel\nChampion Services LLC\nVickie MacLaine\nChristine Shaw\nVirgi nia Smith\n\n \n\nNominations forms for 2022 Women of Achievement will be a vailable in late December 2021 and will be due in January 2022. Please save the date of April 6\, 2022\, for next year’s event.\n\n \n\nContact\n\nOhi o University Zanesville and Zane State College are pleased to continue part nering with the Muskingum Family Y on this wonderful event. If you have que stions regarding Women of Achievement\, please contact co-chair Brenda Elsw ick ( or 740.588.1206) or Dr. Hannah Nissen (740.588. 1525)\n\n \n\nThank you for continuing a tradition of recognition of women contributing to the quality of life in Muskingum County. DTSTAMP:20240921T024211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210412 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women of Achievement Virtual Event\,2008:EventInstance_36403034422137 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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