BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Women’s cancer screenings in Fairfield County \n\nThrough its W omen’s Health Clinic\, the Ohio University Heritage Community Clinic has lo ng provided mobile women’s cancer screening clinics throughout southeastern Ohio as part of its mission to improve women’s health in the region. \n\n \n\nIn collaboration with Fairfield Medical Center\, OU’s Women’s Health Clinic will offer same-day mammography at the Fairfield Medical Center Riv er Valley Campus at 2384 North Memorial Drive in Lancaster on: \n\n \n\n Tu esday\, November 16\, 2021 9:30 am to 3 pm \n\n \n\nServices are available to all women\, uninsured\, underinsured or insured. Appointments are requir ed and women should call 740-593-2432 or 1-800-844-2654 for an appointment. \n\n \n\nServices offered include breast health education\, PAP tests\, br east and pelvic exams\, and navigation through the continuum of care. Same- day mammography is available provided by Fairfield Medical Center onsite. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) will be available for no-cost breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic testing to qualified women who meet eligibility criteria. DTEND:20211116T200000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T023833Z DTSTART:20211116T143000Z GEO:39.739865;-82.63306 LOCATION:Fairfield Medical Center SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women's Health Clinic- Lancaster\,2008:EventInstance_38076924657764 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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