BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Women’s cancer screenings in Hocking County \n\nThrough its Wom en’s Health Clinic\, the Ohio University Heritage Community Clinic has long provided mobile women’s cancer screening clinics throughout southeastern O hio as part of its mission to improve women’s health in the region. \n\ nOU’s Women’s Health Clinic will offer breast and cervical cancer screening s on the medical mobile unit parked at the Shriver’s Pharmacy\, 21 Hocking Mall\, Logan\, Ohio on: \n\n Tuesday\, October 25\, 2022\, 2022\, 9:00 am t o 3:00 pm \n\nAppointments are required and women should call 740-593-2432 or 1-800-844-2654 to determine eligibility and to schedule an appointment. \n\nServices offered include breast health education\, PAP tests\, breast a nd pelvic exams\, and navigation through the continuum of care. Orders and appointments for mammograms will also be provided for eligible women. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) will be available for no-cost bre ast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic testing to qualified wome n who meet eligibility criteria. DTEND:20221025T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T042344Z DTSTART:20221025T130000Z GEO:39.544492;-82.429443 LOCATION:Shriver's Pharmacy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Women's Health Clinic- Logan\,2008:EventInstance_41039411621838 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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