BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Unlocking Tomorrow's Workforce - Industry and Education in Coll aboration:\n\nDuring this event\, local entities will come together to help business and K-12 educators achieve common ground while preparing a skille d workforce that is responsive to technological change and global competiti on.\n\nAN RSVP is required for this event. Please RSVP no later than Friday \, April 14th.\n\n DTEND:20230421T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T054255Z DTSTART:20230421T113000Z LOCATION:Campus Center\, 430-432 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Unlocking Tomorrow's Workforce - Industry and Education in Collabor ation\,2008:EventInstance_42899466645921 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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