BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:TEGNA will visit campus as part of WOUB Job Connection Program\ , which was so successful last year that it helped nearly the entire WOUB s enior class get jobs before graduation! \n\n \n\nThis year’s fall visits st art the week of November 14. These interviews are for freshman\, sophomore s and juniors for summer internships and December graduates for full-time p ositions. \n\n \n\nThe deadline to sign up is Wednesday\, November 2\, thro ught the Google Form link on this site. \n\n \n\nPlease select ALL TIMES yo u would be available\, so everyone can be scheduled for a time slot. After the deadline passes\, you will receive an email from Cheri Russo (russoc@oh io) to confirm your interview times. You will then send Cheri your resumé a nd a link to your resumé reel if you have one. She will submit those to the recruiters coming to campus. If you are interested in interviews with NBC4 (11/17)\, Gray Media (11/18)\, and Scripps Media (11/21)\, please sign up on the forms listed on those calendar events! DTEND:20221114T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T024559Z DTSTART:20221114T140000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, 504\, 508 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:WOUB Job Connection Program : TEGNA\,2008:EventInstance_41349511290842 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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