BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Department: Mechanical Engineering\n\nDate: December 16\, 2021\ n\nTime: 2:00pm-4:00pm\n\nPlace: Remote - Teams\n\nDissertation Title: Sust ainable High Filler Content Composite for Use in High-Volume Applications: Mechanical Performance\, Thermal Stability\, and Flammability of Value-adde d Coal Plastic Composite \n\nDissertation Advisor: Dr. Jason Trembly DTEND:20211216T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T114039Z DTSTART:20211216T190000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yahya Al-Majali Final Dissertation Defense\,2008:EventInstance_38529307892197 URL: nse END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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