BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240709T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240709T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127666022 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240716T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240716T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127667047 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240723T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240723T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127669096 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240730T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240730T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127670121 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240806T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240806T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127671146 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join WellWorks this summer for a six-week outdoor Yoga class se ries on College Green! Classes take place on Tuesdays from 12-1PM. Membersh ip not required. Simply show up at the West Portico and sign a waiver with a WellWorks staffer. Attendance at the entire series not necessary\; atten d one or all. Free and open to all. Bring your own Yoga mat or towel. Class will be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather. DTEND:20240813T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240706T011911Z DTSTART:20240813T160000Z LOCATION:College Green\, West Portico (Athens) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Under the Elms\,2008:EventInstance_46562127673195 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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