BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Soc ial Event DESCRIPTION:Considering a new career but feeling overwhelmed and confused a bout how to take action? Move through the basics of a four-step career plan ning process that includes reflecting on what you’re good at\, defining you r career criteria\, testing paths for fit and seeing how to stand out among candidates. Facilitated by a career change expert from Mission Collaborati ve\, this Career Toolkit session provides you with effective ideas\, steps and resources to get your career change process started and design a career that you actually love.\n\nThis event features Ashley Artrip\, co-founder of Mission Collaborative\, a career guidance service. Ashley is on a missio n to help others design successful careers that are engaging and fulfilling . Before Mission Collaborative\, she worked at Gallup and other organizatio ns\, where she focused on researching employee engagement and what contribu tes to a successful career. While at Gallup\, she became a certified Gallup StrengthsFinder coach\, enabling her to help others identify their strengt hs and harness them to design careers they love.\n\nYour Career Toolkit\nTh e Your Career Toolkit series aims to help Bobcats build their professional development resources in order to enhance their workplace skills. Here are some of the dates and topics for upcoming events in the series:\n\nAugust 1 0: Nailing the Interview\nSeptember 14: Perfecting Your Job Application Doc uments\n\nContact\nAfter you register\, you will receive a confirmation ema il that will include details about how to join this virtual event. If you h ave any questions about this event\, contact Dori Branch at branchd@ohio.ed u. DTEND:20220713T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T035812Z DTSTART:20220713T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Your Career Toolkit: Design Your Career\,2008:EventInstance_40057335834267 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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