BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:How do you make your cover letter or resume stand out from the rest\, in a good way? What resume trends have changed since the last time y ou updated your resume\, or during the pandemic? Learn how to perfect your job application documents and highlight your relevant skills so you stand o ut to employers. We welcome all Bobcats to attend this session\, whether yo u're at the entry or senior level\, thinking of changing careers or going f or the promotion\, or whether you updated your resume last week or last dec ade — come add to your Career Toolkit!\n\nHolly Seckinger\, BBA '02\, MED ' 19\, serves as the Associate Director of Employer and Industry Engagement i n OHIO's Center for Advising\, Career and Experiential Learning. Holly work s with the finance\, accounting\, consulting\, general business and retail management industries. Previously\, she worked as the Assistant Director of Development for Leadership Annual Giving as well as the Associate Director of Alumni Engagement in the College of Business. Holly is currently a Ph.D . candidate at Ohio University\, and her research interests include positiv e psychology\, leadership development and motivating the murky middle. She is a fourth-generation Bobcat with deep ties to southeastern Ohio.\n\n\nHol ly Seckinger\n\nYour Career Toolkit\nThe Your Career Toolkit series aims to help Bobcats build their professional development resources in order to en hance their workplace skills. Our next event in the series\, AAUW Start Sma rt Salary Negotiation Workshop\, is scheduled for October 12.\n\nContact\nA fter you register\, you will receive a confirmation email that will include details about how to join this virtual event. If you have any questions ab out this event\, contact Dori Branch at DTEND:20220914T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T213246Z DTSTART:20220914T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Your Career Toolkit: Perfecting Your Job Application Documents\,2008:EventInstance_40075684923491 URL: _application_documents END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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