BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\n\nJuly 25-27 | 9 am - 1 pm\n\nT his is a 3-day interactive career exploration camp for incoming 7th\, 8th a nd 9th grade students interested in health professions. Within the OHIO Zan esville nursing labs and simulation center\, students will work through int eractive hands-on activities to learn and practice various nursing skills. \n\nParticipants will also spend one day at Genesis Healthcare System where they will meet professionals from various hospital departments and witness the science and skills utilized by each of these healthcare disciplines.\n \nCool\, take-home prizes\, will be given to each participant who attends a ll 3 days of the camp. Light lunch will be provided.\n\nFor information\, p lease contact the OHIO Zanesville Nursing Office at 740.588.1515 or zanesvi\n\nRegister today: m/SV_1Hu7l3iS9sKRqke DTSTAMP:20241122T233323Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230725 LOCATION:Ohio University Zanesville SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\,2008:EventInstance_43217849039102 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\n\nJuly 25-27 | 9 am - 1 pm\n\nT his is a 3-day interactive career exploration camp for incoming 7th\, 8th a nd 9th grade students interested in health professions. Within the OHIO Zan esville nursing labs and simulation center\, students will work through int eractive hands-on activities to learn and practice various nursing skills. \n\nParticipants will also spend one day at Genesis Healthcare System where they will meet professionals from various hospital departments and witness the science and skills utilized by each of these healthcare disciplines.\n \nCool\, take-home prizes\, will be given to each participant who attends a ll 3 days of the camp. Light lunch will be provided.\n\nFor information\, p lease contact the OHIO Zanesville Nursing Office at 740.588.1515 or zanesvi\n\nRegister today: m/SV_1Hu7l3iS9sKRqke DTSTAMP:20241122T233323Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230726 LOCATION:Ohio University Zanesville SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\,2008:EventInstance_43217849041151 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\n\nJuly 25-27 | 9 am - 1 pm\n\nT his is a 3-day interactive career exploration camp for incoming 7th\, 8th a nd 9th grade students interested in health professions. Within the OHIO Zan esville nursing labs and simulation center\, students will work through int eractive hands-on activities to learn and practice various nursing skills. \n\nParticipants will also spend one day at Genesis Healthcare System where they will meet professionals from various hospital departments and witness the science and skills utilized by each of these healthcare disciplines.\n \nCool\, take-home prizes\, will be given to each participant who attends a ll 3 days of the camp. Light lunch will be provided.\n\nFor information\, p lease contact the OHIO Zanesville Nursing Office at 740.588.1515 or zanesvi\n\nRegister today: m/SV_1Hu7l3iS9sKRqke DTSTAMP:20241122T233323Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230727 LOCATION:Ohio University Zanesville SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Nursing HEAT Camp for Students\,2008:EventInstance_43217849043200 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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