BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Zanesville NURSING SPOTLIGHT\nFRIDAY\, October 6\, 2023\n\ nDo you have a calling to be a nurse? We want you to achieve your dream and we are ready to partner with you at Ohio University Zanesville to help you earn an associate or bachelor's degree in nursing preparing you to take th e NCLEX-RN to become a Registered Nurse. \n\nYou will:\n\nLearn about our p rograms:\n\nAAS-N\, BSN\, and LPN to RN Advanced Placement\n\nMeet our nurs ing faculty\n\nTour our new lab space and simulators\n\nDon’t just take our word for it — hear from current students and learn about their day-to-day experiences.\nRegister now to take the next step to your forever! \n\nEvent is free to attend. Registration required. \n\nRegister now to take your fi rst step to your forever! \n\nREGISTER:https://admissions-ohio-edu.cdn.slat DTEND:20231006T150000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T060639Z DTSTART:20231006T130000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Elson Hall\, Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Zanesville: Nursing Spotlight\,2008:EventInstance_44440951488292 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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