Online Master's in Project Management Courses

Keep Your Future on Track with a Project Management Degree

30 total credits required

When you choose the online Master of Science in Project Management (MSPM) degree at Ohio University, you explore topics that will prepare you to lead your team to success while staying on time, on budget, and considerate of all necessary project requirements.

The online MSPM is a 30-credit hour program, delivered in ten 7-week courses. You will complete four core project management courses, then select five elective courses to specialize in subject areas like Business Analytics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Business Venturing, Management and Leadership or Strategic Sales. You can earn a certificate in your specialty focus while completing your online MSPM degree.

Complete your degree with the Project Management Capstone, applying the tools, techniques and knowledge gained during the program on your project.

Required Courses

Complete the following courses for a minimum of 15 credit hours:

Required Courses

PM 6100 Project Management I

Students learn the skills, tools, and strategies required to meet the needs of managing complex projects. The topics in the course include initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects as well as project integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, human resource management, communications management, and risk management.

PM 6200 Project Management II

Focuses on the human aspects of project management. In this class, you’ll learn how to motivate team members as they work towards executing the project. This class also focuses on building the emotional intelligence skills of our students. Additionally, half of this class is dedicated to agile project management, with discussions on how you can implement agile project methods even in traditional project management environments.

PM 6500 Change and Risk Management

Many projects fail due to the project manager not appropriately understanding the roles of change management and risk management. From a change management perspective, students will investigate the role of organizational culture as it applies to their company. The risk management component of this class will teach students about how to proactively manage risks in their projects to help increase the odds of delivering excellent project driven results, on time and under budget.

PM 6600 Lean Six Sigma

Methods Lean and Six Sigma were developed as two separate methodologies to remove waste and improve quality in an enterprise. The overlap in the principles, tools, and skill sets utilized by both methods has led to a synergy in how they are applied in conjunction with each other in an organization. This course introduces students to fundamental principles of leans and six sigma methodologies and provides them with key problem-solving tools utilized in both methods.

PM 6800 Project Management Capstone/Thesis

PM 6800 Project Management Capstone/Thesis

Culminating Experience – Project Portfolio Option

Students identify a real-world project in their workplace or similar setting approved by the instructor, such as a government or community organization. They will manage and document the project through the project lifecycle, and provide a closing report which will be published as a case study. Students are expected to initiate, plan, execute and close their project. These activities require integrating and applying the knowledge, skills and industry standard practices obtained in the Masters of Science in Project Management program, and emphasize learning by doing.

Culminating Experience – Thesis Option

Students also have a thesis option, which requires no fewer than 3 credit hours of PM 6950 - Project Management Thesis in place of PM 6800, and the successful defense of an approved thesis topic.

  • PM 6950 - Project Management Thesis


Students must select five electives to complete the degree.

Specific three-course sequences, identified in the tabs below, may allow students to earn a certificate in addition to the MSPM degree while completing their elective requirements.

Finance Elective Courses

Complete all courses here to earn a Certificate in Finance.

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

MBA 6335 Managerial Finance

Managerial Finance is an integrated application of accounting and economic principles to the financial functions of business. The course covers financial analysis, basic investing concepts, risk and return, time value of money, capital structure, and capital budgeting.

MBA 6345 Financial Markets and Institutions

This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the concepts, problems, and applications of financial decision making as it relates to financial markets and institutions. Concepts related to banking, equity markets, fixed income markets, derivative markets, and foreign exchange markets are emphasized.

MBA 6355 Investments

Covers the principles used by investors to identify and evaluate various investment alternatives in forming investment portfolios. The topics include sources of investment information, relationship between investment risks and returns, portfolio theory, portfolio performance evaluation, analysis and valuation of securities (the main focus is on common stocks), and investor and market behavior.

MBA 6365 Advanced Corporate Finance

The course provides students with a deeper understanding of corporate finance. Specifically, we explore and discuss the following topics: capital structure, dividend policy, both long-term and short-term financing, risk management at the firm level, and some special topics. The course provides students with the skills necessary for a career in financial management. This course combines real-world examples from the Wall Street Journal and recent academic articles with the financial management strategies outlined in the text. In short, students will be able to address key company specific questions about the firm’s strategy and ability to fund its operations, while at the same time managing and incorporating risk management to maximize shareholder wealth.

Healthcare Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

HLTH 6010 Introduction to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System

Overview and analysis of the U.S. health services system, including a detailed examination of how the system is organized, internal and external forces on the system, how services are delivered, and the mechanisms by which health care services are financed.

HLTH 6020 Information Systems for Health Services

Overview and analysis of the technology, planning, and leadership issues associated with health care information systems, including the challenges of implementing information systems for health care organizations and delivery systems.

HLTH 6030 Leadership of Health Organizations

Structure, organization, and function of health care delivery organizations and systems with emphasis on leadership concepts and issues such as control, change management, communication, and decision making.

Management Elective Courses

To earn a Certificate in Human Resource Management, you will need to complete the following three courses:

  • MGT 5030 Employee Relations, Ethics & Legal Aspects of HRM
  • MGT 5031 Talent Acquisition and Strategic Management
  • MGT 5032 Performance Management & Total Rewards

To earn a Certificate in Business Venturing, you will need to complete the following three courses:

  • MGT 5070 Managing Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 5071 Ideation, Concept Development and Business Models
  • MGT 5072 New Venture Creation

To earn a Certificate in Management & Leadership, you will need to complete the following three courses:

  • MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams
  • MGT 5002 Researching the Business Environment
  • MGT 5003 Managerial Decisions & Challenges

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

MGT 5002 Researching the Business Environment

Managers need to be able to scan and understand the external environment in order to engage in the important planning and decision making tasks they face. In this course, students learn tools and techniques used by managers for understanding & analyzing the business environment, resources for environmental scanning and competitive analysis; how to identify and evaluate trends for the purposes of problem diagnosis & opportunity recognition; approaches to strategic prioritization; and sources of competitive advantage.

MGT 5003 Managerial Decisions & Challenges

This course examines the principles of judgment and choice in the face of uncertainty. Students are introduced to normative (i.e., how best to decide) and behavioral decision making (i.e., how do we decide). The latter approach recognizes that people use various tricks (i.e., heuristics) that simplify cognitive processing. While these serve well in some instances, they may also become traps that lead to poor results in others. Extensive study of bias helps students to recognize these tendencies and become better decision makers following a third approach known as prescriptive decision making (i.e., how should we decide).

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships

The course addresses topics related to building and developing effective relationships at the customer interface. The goal is to help students develop and practice skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, negotiations, creating value and product solutions, presentation, asking questions, active listening, determining customer needs, and identifying & qualifying prospects. Role-plays and interactive exercises are employed in order to help students apply the knowledge to real-world situations. Cases are also employed on certain topics such as ethics and negotiation.

Sales & Marketing Elective Courses

To earn a Certificate in Strategic Sales, you will need to complete the following courses:

  • MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships
  • MBA 6400 Sales Leadership
  • MBA 6500 Sales Analytics

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

MBA 6500 Sales Analytics

The course focuses on building hard/quantitative skills sales professionals need in order to make decisions both inside their firm and at the customer interface. Specifically, the course builds skills in the areas of strategic account identification/selection, calculating customer-centric metrics such as customer lifetime value (CLV), customer risk analysis, customer acquisition and retention metrics, sales forecasting and opportunity management, performance analysis, sales resource allocation, and analyzing and evaluating sales territories. Students use datasets and software to make decisions about important problems sales professionals face in their work. Cases based on real-world situations are also employed so that students practice the application of theoretical knowledge.

MBA 6400 Sales Leadership

The course gives students a complete picture of the scientific principles and issues revolving around the management of a field sales force regionally and internationally. Accordingly, the course deals with discussing the sales function and its relationship with a firm’s marketing program, crafting a sales strategy, and setting sales objectives. It also focuses on performing important decisions such as recruiting, hiring, training, compensating salespeople, and implementing a sales program. Cases based on real-world situations and a sales management simulation are employed so that students practice applying tools and frameworks in their own decision-making processes.

MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships

The course addresses topics related to building and developing effective relationships at the customer interface. The goal is to help students develop and practice skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, negotiations, creating value and product solutions, presentation, asking questions, active listening, determining customer needs, and identifying & qualifying prospects. Role-plays and interactive exercises are employed in order to help students apply the knowledge to real-world situations. Cases are also employed on certain topics such as ethics and negotiation.

Communications Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships

The course addresses topics related to building and developing effective relationships at the customer interface. The goal is to help students develop and practice skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, negotiations, creating value and product solutions, presentation, asking questions, active listening, determining customer needs, and identifying & qualifying prospects. Role-plays and interactive exercises are employed in order to help students apply the knowledge to real-world situations. Cases are also employed on certain topics such as ethics and negotiation.

MGT 5030 Employee Relations, Ethics & Legal Aspects of HRM

This course studies advanced accounting topics in the following areas: Auditing, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, Advanced Financial Accounting and Governmental/Not-for-Profit Accounting.

MGT 5032 Performance Management & Total Rewards

In today’s globally competitive environment, organizations are more focused than ever on delivering measurable results - at an enterprise, business unit, team, and individual level. Performance, compensation and benefit systems are critical to attracting, motivating, and rewarding highly talented employees. Developing a comprehensive, effective performance management and reward system is a critical Human Resource imperative.

Engineering Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

MGT 5002 Researching the Business Environment

Managers need to be able to scan and understand the external environment in order to engage in the important planning and decision making tasks they face. In this course, students learn tools and techniques used by managers for understanding & analyzing the business environment, resources for environmental scanning and competitive analysis; how to identify and evaluate trends for the purposes of problem diagnosis & opportunity recognition; approaches to strategic prioritization; and sources of competitive advantage.

MGT 5003 Managerial Decisions & Challenges

This course examines the principles of judgment and choice in the face of uncertainty. Students are introduced to normative (i.e., how best to decide) and behavioral decision making (i.e., how do we decide). The latter approach recognizes that people use various tricks (i.e., heuristics) that simplify cognitive processing. While these serve well in some instances, they may also become traps that lead to poor results in others. Extensive study of bias helps students to recognize these tendencies and become better decision makers following a third approach known as prescriptive decision making (i.e., how should we decide).

MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships

The course addresses topics related to building and developing effective relationships at the customer interface. The goal is to help students develop and practice skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, negotiations, creating value and product solutions, presentation, asking questions, active listening, determining customer needs, and identifying & qualifying prospects. Role-plays and interactive exercises are employed in order to help students apply the knowledge to real-world situations. Cases are also employed on certain topics such as ethics and negotiation.

Information Technology Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

MBA 6325 Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive analytics includes a variety of topics related to decision-making within the context of business problems and applications. The primary goal of this course is to develop a model of a business scenario within a software environment. Students employ mathematical techniques that support or automate a course of action that should be taken by decision-makers. In this hands-on course, students are introduced to concepts related to constructing, testing, and applying prescriptive models and techniques that are common in business settings. From this perspective, students utilize software tools in order to apply a variety of decision-making techniques, including optimization and simulation.

MBA 6320 Descriptive Analytics

Business analytics can be subcategorized into three primary fields of study. These fields include descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Descriptive analytics serves as a foundation to all other forms of analytics. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with the skills to effectively summarize, visualize, and manage data within software environments that are commonly used in various business contexts. In this course, topics include, but are not limited to, measures of central location, measures of dispersion, discrete and continuous probability distributions, hypothesis tests, as well as data visualization. In addition, students are introduced to predictive and prescriptive analytics topics for business applications.

MBA 6395 Business Intelligence

This course provides a broad overview of business intelligence and data management including database fundamentals, business intelligence approaches, data management/data governance strategies, data mining and other business/data analytics techniques. Our primary emphasis will be on the managerial perspective, focusing on how you can design, implement and leverage business intelligence systems and strategies in a management role.

MBA 6525 Ethics in Leadership

Provides students with an introduction to key concepts related to business ethics, placing a special emphasis on issues that arise in the global environment. Important decision-making frameworks are introduced, and the strengths and weaknesses of these frameworks are discussed. Cases based on real-world situations are employed so that students can practice applying ethical frameworks in their own decision-making processes.

Veterans Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

ETM 5100 Executive Data Visualization

The goal of this course is to provide the Project Management student the fundamental techniques to get data from numerous sources, transform data into effective data models, and decide which are the best visuals to communicate the data model with clarity and simplicity. Students are expected to have prior familiarity with Excel.

MBA 6300 Building & Developing Customer Relationships

The course addresses topics related to building and developing effective relationships at the customer interface. The goal is to help students develop and practice skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, negotiations, creating value and product solutions, presentation, asking questions, active listening, determining customer needs, and identifying & qualifying prospects. Role-plays and interactive exercises are employed in order to help students apply the knowledge to real-world situations. Cases are also employed on certain topics such as ethics and negotiation.

MGT 5002 Researching the Business Environment

Managers need to be able to scan and understand the external environment in order to engage in the important planning and decision making tasks they face. In this course, students learn tools and techniques used by managers for understanding & analyzing the business environment, resources for environmental scanning and competitive analysis; how to identify and evaluate trends for the purposes of problem diagnosis & opportunity recognition; approaches to strategic prioritization; and sources of competitive advantage.

MGT 5003 Managerial Decisions & Challenges

This course examines the principles of judgment and choice in the face of uncertainty. Students are introduced to normative (i.e., how best to decide) and behavioral decision making (i.e., how do we decide). The latter approach recognizes that people use various tricks (i.e., heuristics) that simplify cognitive processing. While these serve well in some instances, they may also become traps that lead to poor results in others. Extensive study of bias helps students to recognize these tendencies and become better decision makers following a third approach known as prescriptive decision making (i.e., how should we decide).

Entrepreneurship Elective Courses

MGT 5001 Managing Individuals and Teams

This course presents a strategic and analytical approach to complex behavioral problems involving interactions among individuals, teams, and organizational factors. The course explores topics such as leadership, team dynamics, motivation, decision-making, power/persuasion, and conflict as they apply to the management of individuals and teams in organizations. The class utilizes case studies, experiential exercises, personal reflection, and an organizational consulting project to practice and refine students’ management skills as well as to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager.

MGT 5070 Managing Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship

This course focuses on how large organizations manage innovation, technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. Key activities and processes are explored in the class, including innovation management, research and development, technology commercialization, corporate entrepreneurship, incubation, corporate venturing and corporate venture capital. The class also engages students in practical projects associated with innovation and entrepreneurship within companies.

MGT 5071 Ideation, Concept Development and Business Models

In this class students learn how to use common tools and techniques to generate, validate and assess new venture ideas. The class is principally practical focusing on ideation efforts and engages students in a process of screening, validating and building new business concepts. Students in this class learn how to use the business model canvas and other lean launch techniques to validate their business models. Critical skills, such as pitching and selling concepts, are acquired.

MGT 5072 New Venture Creation

Students focus on detailed planning and validation of new ventures. This class uses a business planning format to engage student teams in industrial analysis, market research, sales and marketing planning, operations and financial planning for a new venture concept. Students learn key aspects of venture planning and acquire skills in business planning, market research and investment due diligence presentations and processes.

MGT 5003 Managerial Decisions & Challenges

This course examines the principles of judgment and choice in the face of uncertainty. Students are introduced to normative (i.e., how best to decide) and behavioral decision making (i.e., how do we decide). The latter approach recognizes that people use various tricks (i.e., heuristics) that simplify cognitive processing. While these serve well in some instances, they may also become traps that lead to poor results in others. Extensive study of bias helps students to recognize these tendencies and become better decision makers following a third approach known as prescriptive decision making (i.e., how should we decide).understanding of natural history, classification, and prevention levels of disease; measurement of morbidity and mortality; causal inference; appropriate sources of health care data; and epidemiological principles.

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