Users try to book an appointment and receive the error message, "Please try again, something went wrong."
Mac, PC, web browser
This is a known error that OIT has reported to Microsoft, who is actively working on a fix. This error occurs when a user has had your Bookings page open for more than ten minutes without booking anything.
The appointment usually still goes through, but the user receives the error and will sometimes book an additional appointment. In the meantime, we recommend that whoever is receiving the Bookings emails pay attention to when users book the same service more than once and communicate with the user to resolve the confusion.
Review your Microsoft Bookings page and Outlook calendar to ensure that the appointment has been scheduled
Have the customer check their email for a confirmation email and calendar invitation
If a booking cannot be confirmed, have the customer attempt to schedule another appointment.
Outcome:The customer should be able to view a confirmed appointment or schedule another appointment successfully.
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