Each academic year, medical students are required to upload specific documents through their Student Portals. This article focuses on the student documents required for second year students.
Accessing the Student Portal and Logging In
The Student Portal can be accessed using the following link: https://ouhcom.my.site.com/students/
. You will use your OHIO email and password to log in.
Upon logging in, you'll land on a homepage similar to the one pictured below. From here select "Student Documents".
Student Document Records
Each academic year, a new student document record will be created for you. As a second year student, you should see last year's Student Document Record and this year's.
Select the record ID for the current academic year to proceed to the page where all instructions and uploads occur for this academic year.
Uploading Student Documents
At the top of this page, all of the instructions for what documents you need to upload and how you need to name the documents is provided. They are also listed below. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully. Additionally, there will be links to documents for you to download and be completed. (The documents you are uploading are for your upcoming OMS year, not your current OMS year.)
Required Documents for OMS2:
Required Vaccinations:
• COVID-19 Vaccination (filename: LastName_FirstName_COVID_Year-of-Upload)
• Influenza (filename: LastName_FirstName_Flu_Year-of-Upload)
Please do not upload last year's influenza documentation; you will upload a newer version this coming Fall.
• TB Screening (filename: LastName_FirstName_TB_Screen_Year-of-Upload)
TB BLOOD TESTS are the ONLY acceptable form of TB screening at HCOM. TB SKIN TESTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
All vaccination / screening documentation must be uploaded to the Student Portal for approval. No documentation submitted via email will be approved.
Immunization documents are required to display:
- Student name
- Date of immunization/screening
- Result of screening
- Location of immunization/screening or physician name
There will be links to the following documents that will assist you with completing your immunization/screening requirements:
- AAMC Form 2023 - To be completed by your health care professional
- Mandatory Medical Student Immunization and TB Screening Policy 2023 (PDF)
- Medical Student Immunization Checklist (PDF)
Required Certifications:
(Please upload the most up-to-date certification that you complete this upcoming summer.)
• HIPAA (filename: LastName_FirstName_HIPAA_Year-of-Upload)
• OSHA (filename: LastName_FirstName_OSHA_Year-of-Upload)
• H & T (filename: LastName_FirstName_H&T_Year-of-Upload)
Note: This is only required for off-cycle students or students needing to update their accommodation requests.
• BLS (filename: LastName_FirstName_BLS_Year-of-Upload)
Attestation Required:
• Shadowing
CITI Training
You will need to create a new record for each Document Type (COVID, Influenza, AAMC, etc.)
After filling out the fields to submit a document, click "Add another Student Document" for each subsequent document of a different type. If you have multiple files to upload for a single type of student document, click "Add Another Student Document" for each of these files.
To upload your first document select "Upload Student Document".
- Select the Document Type from the Picklist
- Depending on what is selected, other required fields will display
- Complete all of the fields
- Then upload the document in the Upload field by selecting "Choose File" > Navigate to where the document is saved > Make sure it's named in the proper format> Select It > Open
- You'll see that the file has been added and you can remove it if necessary.
- Repeat the process until all of your student documents are uploaded by selecting "Add another student document".
Shadowing Attestation
An enrolled Heritage College student in good standing may pursue a Shadowing experience if the student has completed the following two requirements:
1. Read and sign the Heritage College Shadowing Attestation.
2. Record the intent of the Shadowing experience into the Qualtrics Shadowing Documentation Form linked in your portal prior to the first day of Shadowing experience.
In your portal, read the below statement and check the box if you wish to purse shadowing. Once you check the box, a field will appear for you to type your name and act as an electronic signature.
If you are an Athens campus student, you'll also have to complete the AC-CESAP Attestation.Please download the document, review, and select the AC-CESAP Attestation checkbox and enter your electronic signature, similar to the process above.
CITI Training
Before starting any research or scholarly activity at Ohio University, all students must complete the appropriate regulatory training and register their project(s) with the Office of Research and Grants (ORG).
All Heritage College students participating in research or scholarly activities must complete the Vector HIPAA course and four CITI Program
training courses and upload the CITI completion reports/certificates to their Student Documents in the HCOM Student Portal prior to beginning their project.
Required CITI courses include:
- Human Subjects (required for IRB); typically must be updated every three years. Please note that students conducting research projects involving animal subjects will also be required to complete Animal (required for IACUC) training.
- Responsible Conduct for Research training; may need to be updated every two years. Note: Some courses do not have an expiration date.
- Conflict of Interest training; must be updated every four years
- Good Clinical Practice course; may need to be updated every two to four years. Note: Some courses do not have an expiration date
The Vector Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Full Course) is the same course medical students are required to take as part of their medical/clinical education requirements and students will receive notification to update every year. (Note: Effective 7/01/2023, the Vector course replaces the CITI course Faculty, Administrators, and Students - IPS/HIPAA.)
Additional information and guides can be found at the ORG Medical Student Resources Training Requirements and Research Compliance webpage
Once you complete your trainings, select the checkbox listed next to it in your portal. Once the box is checked, you'll need to enter start and end dates, and upload supporting documentation.
repeat this process for all of the required CITI trainings.
Submitting your Student Document Record
When you are finished uploading all of your student documents for OMS 2, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click "Submit".
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