OMS III and OMS IV APA Meeting Request or Semester Check-In - How to Submit


Clinical medical students (OMS III's and IV's) can submit semester check-Ins and meeting requests to their Academic Program Administrators through their HCOM Student Portals.

Accessing the Student Portal and Logging In

The Student Portal can be accessed using the following link: . You will use your OHIO email and password to log in. 

Upon logging in, you'll land on a homepage similar to the one pictured below. From here select "APA Meeting Request or Semester Check-In".

Submitting a Meeting or Semester Check-In Request

Once the page loads, you'll be able to see all of the meeting requests you've submitted for years 3 and 4. To submit a new request, please click the "Create New Record" button. 

On the following page, select the type of meeting you'd like to schedule (APA Semester Check-In or Student Requested Meeting). Depending on the advising type you select, different fields will appear. Please note the fields with the red bars are required. 

Once everything is complete, click the "Submit" button. Once the request is submitted, your APA will receive a notification and follow up with you regarding next steps. 

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Mon 1/22/24 2:19 PM
Mon 1/22/24 5:06 PM
