Nuclear Lunch -- Spring 2007

This is an archive of the Spring 2007 topics; the schedule for the current quarter is located here .


Date Discussion Leader Topic / Paper(s)
28 Mar Moses Oginni Mapping quark confinement by exotic particles , Alex Dzierba and Nathan Isgur, CERN Courier 40, 23 (September 2000).
4 Apr Anton Wiranata Parton Distribution Background , extracted from the White Paper: "The Science Driving the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF" (February 2001), and Generalized Parton Distributions , Xiangdong Ji, Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science 2004, 54: 413-450. The required reading is sections 3.1 and 3.2.
11 Apr Serdar Kizilgul An Introduction to the Generalized Parton Distributions , Michel Garcon, arXiv:hep-ph/0210068v2, also published: The European Journal of Physics A 18, 389-394 (2003).
18 Apr Zach Heinen Research perspectives at Jefferson Lab: 12 GeV and Beyond , Kees de Jager, European Journal of Physics A 19, s01, 243-247 (2004). The above paper is the required reading; it is also suggested that you look at this information on the 12-GeV updgrade at Jlab.
25 Apr Jerry Yang The Search for a Permanent Electric Dipole Moment , Norval Fortson, Patrick Sandars, and Stephen Barr, Physics Today 56(6), 33 (2003).
2 May Sergey Postnikov Plans for a Neutron EDM Experiment at SNS , Takeyasu M. Ito, submitted to the proceedings of the Second Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Nashville, TN, October 22-24, 2006.
9 May Remi Adekola Neutrino Astrophysics: A New Tool for Exploring the Universe , Eli Waxman, Science 315(5808) pp. 63-65 (5 January 2007) and Neutrino Astrophysics Experiments Beneath the Sea and Ice , Francis Halzen, Science 315(5808), pp. 66-68 (5 January 2007).
16 May Paul Peterson High-energy neutrino astronomy: the cosmic ray connection , Francis Halzen and Dan Hooper, Reports on Progress in Physics 65(7), 1025 (2002). The ``required reading'' is Section 2, pp. 1038-1049.
23 May Ting Lin Status report (2006) of the ANTARES project , Maurizio Spurio, for the ANTARES Collaboration, arXiv:hep-ph/0611032v1.
30 May Daniel Sayre Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policymakers , Contributions of Working Group I to the 4th Assesment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Background Information

Faculty coordinators for Spring 2007 were Brune, Elster, Hicks, King, Phillips, Prakash, and Roche.
Last updated 31 August 2007 by Carl Brune.
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