Alumni and Friends

Celebration of Volunteerism commends alumni chapters, societies

Erin Essak Kopp, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the OHIO Alumni Association, and Ryan Boyd, assistant director of external relations for the Alumni Association, pose for a photo with Ohio University’s 2019 Konneker Volunteer of the Year, Matt Houser, BSC ’08, president of the Middle Tennessee Alumni Chapter.

Erin Essak Kopp, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the OHIO Alumni Association, and Ryan Boyd, assistant director of external relations for the Alumni Association, pose for a photo with Ohio University’s 2019 Konneker Volunteer of the Year, Matt Houser, BSC ’08, president of the Middle Tennessee Alumni Chapter. Photo by Max Catalano, BSVC ’20

The OHIO Alumni Association recently honored Ohio University graduates who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to connect and engage their fellow Bobcats and in service to their alma mater and the communities they now call home.

The Alumni Association’s 2019 Alumni Leadership Conference ended May 18 with the annual Celebration of Volunteerism Awards, recognizing OHIO’s many alumni chapter and society volunteers—from those who have served for 30 years or more to whose service has just begun. The evening was also an opportunity to thank the members of the OHIO Alumni Association Board of Directors who are completing their terms: Steve Ellis, BS ’82; Alissa Galford, BSC ’05; Dr. Tim Law, DO ’94; and Connie Lawson-Davis, BSED ’67.

“It’s wonderful to see so many OHIO alumni, friends and dedicated volunteers here tonight as we recognize your ongoing commitment to service and to making Ohio University and the entire Bobcat Family the welcoming, enriching and lifelong community that it is,” said Kyle Triplett, BA ’12, MBA ’17, chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Awards Committee.


One of the top honors of the evening went to an alumnus who was instrumental in establishing an OHIO alumni chapter, now leads it and continues to develop innovative ways of fostering Bobcat connections.

Ohio University President M. Duane Nellis congratulates Matt Houser, BSC ’08, who was presented the Konneker Volunteer of the Year Award at this year’s Celebration of Volunteerism.

Ohio University President M. Duane Nellis congratulates Matt Houser, BSC ’08, who was presented the Konneker Volunteer of the Year Award at this year’s Celebration of Volunteerism. Photo by Max Catalano, BSVC ’20

Matt Houser, BSC ’08, president of the Middle Tennessee Alumni Chapter , was presented the Konneker Volunteer of the Year Award, becoming the fourth recipient of an award honoring Wilfred R. Konneker, BS ’43, MS ’47, HON ’80, whose 50-plus years of service to OHIO can be found throughout the institution. The award celebrates an OHIO graduate who has demonstrated extraordinary efforts to promote the University and to connect alumni to their alma mater.

Houser was commended for his role in championing the chapter’s diverse and continuous programming, including Hands On Nashville Day , a day of service benefitting local schools. He was also noted for working alongside his Tennessee Bobcats in creating innovative marketing strategies that include the award-winning Middle Tennessee Bobcat Blog and “Alum of the Week” initiative.

“To be honored as the volunteer of the year puts the last five years into perspective for me,” Houser said. “I’m a Bobcat true and true. I’m going to work as hard as I can for as long as I’m involved.”


Seven OHIO alumni chapters and societies received special recognition at the Celebration of Volunteerism for their dedication to connecting Bobcats to each other and to Ohio University.

In 2018, the OHIO Alumni Association partnered with alumni chapter and society volunteers to host 207 events, drawing 9,860 attendees in 31 cities, said Erin Essak Kopp, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the Alumni Association.

“It’s my distinct honor to recognize a few chapters and societies that have done extraordinary work during the 2018 calendar year to bring great programming and events to Bobcats around the globe,” Essak Kopp said.

Tonya Mitchell, BBA’91, and Lori Peterson, BSJ’87, accept the Alden Community Service Award on behalf of the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate. They are pictured with Erin Essak Kopp, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the OHIO Alumni Association, and Kyle Triplett, BA ’12, MBA ’17, chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Awards Committee.

Tonya Mitchell, BBA’91, and Lori Peterson, BSJ’87, accept the Alden Community Service Award on behalf of the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate. They are pictured with Erin Essak Kopp, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the OHIO Alumni Association, and Kyle Triplett, BA ’12, MBA ’17, chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Awards Committee. Photo by Max Catalano, BSVC ’20

An OHIO alumni chapter and society were each presented the Alden Community Service Award, bestowed upon alumni groups that foster opportunities for OHIO graduates to engage in meaningful service to their communities.

The Denver Chapter was honored for its letter-writing party in partnership with The World Needs More Love Letters , a worldwide movement to lift others up through handwritten letters of encouragement. The Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate was applauded for its MDA Walk, an annual community service project that supports the Muscular Dystrophy Association in its efforts to fund research on neuromuscular diseases and resources to those who battle those illnesses.

OHIO’s Chicago Alumni Chapter received the Glidden Innovation Award, celebrating a chapter or society that sponsors the most creative and/or best-received program, for its Ugly Sweater Party. Part fun, part fundraising, the event invited Chicago-area Bobcats to wear their ugliest sweater for a holiday party—with proceeds benefitting Athens’ Passion Works Studio.

Reflecting a core value of OHIO’s alumni networks, the Lindley Student Networking Award celebrates efforts that connect alumni to current students. This year’s recipient was the Post Alumni Society for its annual Post Alumni Reunion, providing aspiring Bobcat journalists of the past and present a chance to engage with one another and revel in their shared and individual experiences.

The Greater Cleveland Chapter and the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate were each presented OHIO’s Templeton Networking Award, commending chapters and societies who have connected alumni in meaningful, new ways. The Greater Cleveland Chapter was honored for its local alumni panel event, and the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate was honored for its annual meeting.

Lori Peterson, BSJ ’87, co-president of the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Columbus affiliate who accepted the award on behalf of the group, said the annual meeting hosted members from all of EBN’s affiliates nationwide.

“Dr. Nellis came. Lots of students came,” Peterson said. “It was really important for us to hear what everyone has to say about ways to move OU forward. It meant so much because it was a lot to get all of those elements together in one place for one day.”

Jenna Holeman, BSJ ’17, from the Oregon Chapter is presented the 2019 Cutler Outstanding Chapter Award during the Celebration of Volunteerism.

Jenna Holeman, BSJ ’17, from the Oregon Chapter is presented the 2019 Cutler Outstanding Chapter Award during the Celebration of Volunteerism. Photo by Max Catalano, BSVC ’20

Ryan Boyd, BSJ ’14, MSS ’16, assistant director of external relations for the OHIO Alumni Association, concluded the alumni group awards at the Celebration of Volunteerism, announcing this year’s recipients of the Cutler Outstanding Chapter and Society Awards.

“This award was created to distinguish alumni networks that demonstrate initiative, exhibit quality and contribute to the overall participation of alumni renewing affiliations with their alma mater,” Boyd said.

The 2019 Cutler Outstanding Chapter and Society Awards went to the Oregon Chapter and the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Cincinnati/Dayton affiliate for their outstanding efforts in connecting Bobcats in their respective locations.

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