Group Workshops & TrainingsOIT, in tandem with OID and the CTLA, host many group workshops and training sessions covering a wide variety of Canvas topics. Visit the CTLA's event registration webpage and search "Canvas" to browse all sessions.
Departmental WorkshopsColleges or departments can request a workshop for their colleagues, hosted by the Office of Instructional Design.
OIT ConsultationsSchedule a 1:1 instructor consultation with an OIT Canvas expert to address your specific technology questions and needs.
OIT Help DocumentationSearch OIT'S help articles to get just-in-time answers to your questions specific to Canvas at OHIO.
Canvas Self-Guided TrainingAccess self-guided instructor-focused help resources, including recorded trainings, that you can complete at any time.
Canvas Help DocumentationGet additional guidance direct from Canvas on common user questions and explore advanced functions and features.