Campus: Ohio University, Athens Campus
Department: Mathematics
Academic Year: 2012 - 2013
Term: Spring Semester
Course: Math 3110
Title: College Geometry
Section: 101 (Class Number 3451)
Instructor: Mark Barsamian
Contact Information: My contact information is posted on my web page .
Office Hours: My office hours are posted on my web page .

Class Meets: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:55pm - 1:50pm in Morton 222

Course Description: We will begin with an introduction to axiom systems and axiomatic geometry. Then we will consider plane Euclidean geometry from an axiomatic viewpoint.

Prerequisites: (3050 Discrete Math or CS 3000), (3200 Applied Linear Algebra or 3210 Linear Algebra)

Textbook Information
What is it?
The textbook is two volumes, spiral bound in yellow covers.
  • Volume 1 is pages 1 - 270 and contains Chapters 1 - 12.
  • Volume 2 is pages 271 - 306 and contains Chapters 13 and 14 (the appendices).
The reason for binding the textbook in two volumes is that Volume 2 is used as a reference on quizzes and exams.
click on the book to see a larger image
click to enlarge
Is it required?
The printed book is required for students in MATH 3110 Section 101.
Where do you get it?
Beginning on Monday, February 18, 2013, the book will be available at Minuteman Press, 17 W. Washington Street, Athens (next to Donkey Coffee), (740) 593-7393.
The two-volume set costs $26.47, including tax.
What do you ask for?
Tell them that you need the MATH 3110 packet.
Online version:
There is an online version of the text at the following link: ( Geometry.Textbook ) But students in MATH 3110 Section 101 will still need to purchase the printed book when it comes out.
There are typos and mistakes in the book, just as there are in any book. I would be very grateful if you point them out to me, so that I can fix them for next year's printing of the book. Please notify me of typos and mistakes by sending me an e-mail with "Geometry Book Mistake" as the subject line. I will reply to your e-mail and will tell you if you are the first student to find a particular typo or mistake. If you are the first, then you will earn a point. At the end of the quarter, the student with the most points will win $15. Second place wins $10.

Special Needs: If you have physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities that require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible so that your needs may be appropriately met.

Grading: During the semester, you will accumulate points:

Quizzes (best 8 of 12 quizzes, 20 points each): 160 points possible
In-Class Exams (best 3 of 4 exams, 180 points each): 540 points possible
Cumulative Final Exam: 300 points possible
Total: 1000 points possible

At the end of the semester, your Total will be converted to your Course Grade:

Total Score
900 - 1000
90% - 100%
You mastered all concepts, with no significant gaps
850 - 899
85% - 89.9%
800 - 849
80% - 84.9%
You mastered all essential concepts and many advanced concepts, but have some significant gaps.
750 - 799
75% -79.9%
700 - 749
70% - 74.9%
650 - 699
65% - 69.9%
You mastered most essential concepts and some advanced concepts, but have many significant gaps.
600 - 649
60% - 64.9%
550 - 599
55% - 59.9%
400 - 439
40% - 54.9%
You mastered some essential concepts.
0 - 399
0% - 39.9%
You did not master essential concepts.

Course Structure: One learns math primarily by trying to solve problems. This course is designed to provide structure for you as you learn to solve problems, and to test how well you have learned to solve them. This structure is provided in the following ways.

  • Exercises: The goal of the course is for you to be able to solve all of the exercises in the textbook. These exercises are not to be turned in and are not graded, but you should do as many of them as possible and keep your solutions in a notebook for study.
  • Textbook Readings: Reading the textbook is the key to learning new concepts, seeing examples that use them, and seeing solutions to problems that are similar to some of the exercises. To succeed in the course, you will need to read the textbook.
  • Lectures: In lecture, I will sometimes highlight textbook material that is particularly important, sometimes present material in a manner different from the presentation in the book, and sometimes solve sample problems. We have 37 lectures, totaling 2035 minutes. It is not possible to cover the entire content of the course in 2035 minutes, and the lectures are not meant to do that. Lectures are meant to be a supplement to your reading the textbook and solving problems.
  • Quizzes: The quizzes will made up of problems similar to the textbook exercises, lecture examples, and class drills. This is meant to be an incentive for you to read the book and work on the textbook exercises, to attend class, and to study your class notes and the class drills. Your 2 lowest quiz scores will be dropped, but I will not give make-up quizzes for any reason. That is, it does not matter whether you miss a quiz because you are sick, or taking part in an Ohio University activity, or tending to a personal or family emergency, or simply skipping class. There will be no make-up quizzes.
  • Exams: The quizzes will made up of problems similar to the textbook exercises, lecture examples, and class drills.

Schedule and Attendance: The tentative schedule is shown below. The schedule is only tentative. Class topics and quiz dates may change as the semester proceeds. Attendance is required. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to copy a classmate�s notes and study them. I will not use office hours to teach topics discussed in class to students who were absent

Outside Activities: A university offers many opportunities in addition to courses, and I encourage you to take advantage of these. But be careful about taking on activities that conflict with class meetings or interfere with your studying. And beware of terms like "Approved Ohio University Activities". Those terms simply refer to activities that are run by Ohio University departments or organizations. The fact that an activity is run by an Ohio University department or organization does not mean that it is somehow a substitute for class time or class work. This course is designed so that if you read the textbook, do the online homework, attend lectures, and take the exams, you will have a very good chance of getting a good grade. Any outside activity that interferes with your attendance or your studying for this class will affect your performance on homework and exams and will thus affect your course grade. If you are taking part in an "Approved Ohio University Activity" that will cause you to miss class, it is important that you discuss this absence with me in advance to determine whether or not you will be eligible to make-up an exam that may be scheduled on that day. I will never offer a make-up exam for an activity-related absence that was not discussed with me in advance.

Final Exam: This course has a cumulative final exam.

Tentative Schedule: The schedule may need to be changed as the semester progresses, either because of weather delays or because of changes in the pace of the lectures.

Class topics (TENTATIVE)
Mon Jan 14
Start Chapter 1: Axiom Systems
Wed Jan 16
Fri Jan 18
(Quiz 1)
Mon Jan 21
Holiday: No Class
Wed Jan 23
Start Chapter 2: Axiomatic Geometries
Fri Jan 25
(Quiz 2)
Mon Jan 28
Wed Jan 30
Armed Fugitive
Fri Feb 1
In-Class Exam 1 on Chapters 1 and 2
Mon Feb 4
Start Chapter 3: Neutral Geometry I: Axioms of Incidence and Distance
Wed Feb 6
Fri Feb 6
(Quiz 3)
Mon Feb 11
Start Chapter 4: Neutral Geometry II: The Separation Axiom
Wed Feb 13
Fri Feb 15
(Quiz 4)
Mon Feb 18
Start Chapter 5: Neutral Geometry III: Angle Measurement
Wed Feb 20
Fri Feb 22
In-Class Exam 2 on Chapters 3, 4, 5
Mon Feb 25
Start Chapter 6: Neutral Geometry IV: The Axiom of Triangle Congruence
Wed Feb 27
Fri Mar 1
(Quiz 5)
Mon Mar 4
Spring Break
Wed Mar 6
Spring Break
Fri Mar 8
Spring Break
Mon Mar 11
Wed Mar 13
Fri Mar 15
(Quiz 6)
Mon Mar 18
Start Chapter 7: Neutral Geometry V: Circles
Wed Mar 20
(Quiz 7)
Fri Mar 22
(Quiz 8)
Mon Mar 25
Wed Mar 27
In-Class Exam 3 on Chapters 6 and 7
Fri Mar 29
Start Chapter 8 Euclidean Geometry I: Triangles
Mon Apr 1
Wed Apr 3
(Quiz 9)
Fri Apr 5
Mon Apr 8
Start Chapter 9 Euclidean Geometry II: Similarity (Quiz 10)
Wed Apr 10
(Quiz 11)
Fri Apr 12
Mon Apr 15
In-Class Exam 4 on Chapters 8, 9
Wed Apr 17
Start Chapter 10 Euclidean Geometry III: Area
Fri Apr 19
Mon Apr 22
Start Chapter 11 Euclidean Geometry IV: Circles
Wed Apr 24
(Quiz 12)
Fri Apr 26
Fri May 3
Cumulative Final Exam 3:10pm - 5:10pm in Morton 222

(page maintained by Mark Barsamian , last updated July 2013)
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