Course Web Page

Course: MATH 2971T

Title: Introduction to Differential Geometry

Section: 100 (Class Number 14883) (Tutorial for students in the Honors Tutorial College, HTC)

Campus: Ohio University, Athens Campus

Department: Mathematics

Academic Year: 2019 - 2020

Term: Fall Semester

Instructor: Mark Barsamian

Contact Information: My contact information is posted on my web page .

Office Hours for 2018 - 2019 Fall Semester: 8:45am - 9:30am Mon - Fri in Morton 538

Course Description: Curves in \( \mathbb{R}^{2} \) and \( \mathbb{R}^{3} \); Surfaces in \( \mathbb{R}^{3} \); Curvature; Geodesics; the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

Textbook Information:

Textbook Information for 2019 - 2020 Fall Semester MATH 2971T (Barsamian)

Title: Elementary Differential Geometry, 2 nd Edition

Authors Andrew Pressley

Publisher: Springer, 2012

ISBN: 978-1-84882-890-2


Calendar for 2019 - 2020 Fall Semester MATH 1350 Section 100 (Class Number 7969), taught by Mark Barsamian

Week 1: Mon Aug 26 - Fri Aug 30

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 1: Curves in \( \mathbb{R}^{2} \) and \( \mathbb{R}^{3} \)
    • 1.1: What is a curve? Cartesian -vs- Parametrized presentation of curves. Tangent vector to a curve.
    • 1.2: Arc Length, speed
    • 1.3: Reparametrizations, Regular Curves
    • 1.4: Closed Curves, T -Periodic Curves
  • Homework: H01 Due Tue Sep 3
    • 1.1 # 3,4,7,8,9
    • 1.2 # 1,2,3,4
    • 1.3 # 1,2,3
    • 1.4 # 1,2,3,4,5

Week 2: Mon Sep 2 - Fri Sep 6

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 2: How much does a curve curve?
    • 2.1: Curvature
    • 2.2: Plane Curves, Signed Curvature, Osculating Circle
    • 2.3: Space Curves, Principal Normal Vector, Binormal Vector, Torsion, Frenet-Serret Equations
    • 2.1: Curvature
  • Homework: H02 Due Wed Sep 11
    • 2.1 # 1,2
    • 2.2 # 1,2,6,7
    • 2.3 # 1,2,3,4,5 (typo in #4: should be \( \frac{d}{dt} \))

Week 3: Mon Sep 9 - Fri Sep 13

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 3: Global Properties of [Plane] Curves
    • 3.1: Simple Closed Curves
    • 3.2: The Isoperimetric Inequality
    • 3.3: The Four Vertex Theorem
  • Homework: H03 Due Mon Sep 16
    • 3.1 # 1
    • 3.2 # 2
    • 3.3 # 2,3

Week 4: Mon Sep 16 - Fri Sep 20

  • Exam 1: Take-home exam covering Chapters 1 - 3, Assigned Tue Sep 17 at noon; Due Thu Sep 19 at noon
  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 4: Surfaces in \( \mathbb{R}^{3} \)
    • 4.1: What is a Surface? Surface Patch, Atlas, Transition Map
    • 4.2: Smooth Surfaces
    • 4.3: Smooth Maps Between Surfaces, Smooth Functions from a Surface to \( \mathbb{R} \)
  • Homework: H04 Due Mon Sep 23
    • 4.1 # 2,3,4
    • 4.2 # 2,3,5,6
    • 4.3 # 1,2

Week 5: Mon Sep 23 - Fri Sep 27

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 4: Surfaces in \( \mathbb{R}^{3} \)
    • 4.4: Tangent Vector to a Surface, Tangent Plane, Derivative of a Map Between Surfaces
  • Homework: H05 Due Fri Sep 27
    • Revisit 4.2 #6. Write an outline for the author's solution. (Just write an outline.)
    • 4.4 # 1,2,3 (Be sure to include outline-type headings in your solutions.)
      • In 4.4#2, note that the book is often casual about reparametrizations. We need to be more precise. A reparametrization of \( \sigma \) is a map \( \tilde{\sigma} \) that can be expressed as \( \tilde{\sigma} = \sigma \circ \phi \) where \( \phi : \tilde{U} \rightarrow U \)

Week 6: Mon Sep 30 - Fri Oct 4

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 5: Examples of Surfaces
    • 4.5: Normals and Orientability, Oriented Surface
    • 5.1 Level Surfaces
  • Homework: H06 Due Mon Oct 7
    • 4.5 # 1,2
    • 5.1 # 2,3

Week 7: Mon Oct 7 - Fri Oct 11

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 6: The First Fundamental Form
    • 6.1 Lengths of Curves on Surfaces
  • Homework: H07 Due Fri Oct 11
    • 6.1 # 1,2,3,4

Week 8: Mon Oct 14 - Fri Oct 18

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 6: The First Fundamental Form
    • 6.2 Isometries of Surfaces
    • 6.3 Conformal Mappings of Surfaces
  • Homework: H08 Due Fri Oct 18
    • 6.2 # 1,2,3
    • 6.3 # 1,2,4,5,6,7

Week 9: Mon Oct 21 - Fri Oct 25

  • Reading: Review Chapters 4,5,6
  • Homework: None
  • Exam 2: Take-home exam covering Chapters 4,5,6, Assigned Thu Oct 24 at 3pm; Due Mon Oct 28 at noon

Week 10: Mon Oct 28 - Fri Nov 1

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 7: Curvature of Surfaces
    • 7.1 The Second Fundamental Form
    • 7.2 The Gauss and Weingarten Maps
    • 7.3 Normal and Geodesic Curvatures
    • 7.4 Parallel Transport and the Covariant Derivative
  • Homework: H09 Due Mon Nov 4
    • 7.1 #1,2,3,4
    • 7.2 #1,2,3
    • 7.3 #1,2,3,4
    • 7.4 #1

Week 11: Mon Nov 4 - Fri Nov 8

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 8: Gaussian, mean, and principal curvatures
    • 8.1 Gaussian and mean curvatures
  • Homework: H10 Due Fri Nov 8
    • 8.1 #1,2,4,5,7

Week 12: Mon Nov 1 - Fri Nov 15

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 8: Gaussian, mean, and principal curvatures
    • 8.2 Principal curvatures of a surface
    • 8.3 Surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature
    • 8.4 Flat Surfaces
    • 8.5 Surfaces of constant mean curvature
  • Homework: H11 Due Fri Nov 15
    • 8.2 #1,2,3,4
    • 8.4 #1
    • 8.5 #1,2

Week 13: Mon Nov 18 - Fri Nov 22

  • Reading: Pressley Chapter 9: Geodesics
    • 9.1 Definition and basic properties
    • 9.2 Geodesic equations
    • 9.3 Geodesics on surfaces of revolution
    • 9.4 Geodesics as shortest paths
  • Homework: H12 Due Mon Nov 25
    • 9.1 #1,2,5
    • 9.2 #1,2,3,4,6
    • 9.3 #1,2
    • 9.4 #1,2

Week 14: Mon Nov 25 - Fri Nov 29 (Wed, Thu, Fri is Thanksgiving Break.)

  • Reading: Pressley Section 9.5 Geodesic Coordinates and Section 10.2 Gauss's Theorem
  • Exam 3: Take-home exam covering Chapters 7,8,9, Assigned Tue Nov 26 at 3pm; Due Thu, Dec 5 at 9am.

Week 15: Mon Dec 2 - Fri Dec 6

  • Reading: Chapter 13 (The Gauss-Bonnet theorem)
  • Final Exam: Take-home exam covering Chapter 13, Assigned Thu Dec 5 at 3pm; Due Thu Dec 12 at 9am.


Grading for Section MATH 2971T Section 100 (Class Number 14883), taught by Mark Barsamian

During the semester, you will accumulate a Points Total of up to 1000 possible points .

  • Homework: Twelve @ 20 points each = 240 points possible
  • Exams:
    • 2 exams @ 200 points each = 400 points possible
    • 1 exam @ 160 points each = 160 points possible
  • Final Exam: 200 points possible

At the end of the semester, your Points Total will be converted into your Course Letter Grade .

  • 900 - 1000 points = 90% - 100% = A-, A = You mastered all concepts, with no significant gaps.
  • 800 - 899 points = 80% - 89.9% = B-, B, B+ = You mastered all essential concepts and many advanced concepts, but have some significant gaps.
  • 700 - 799 points = 70% - 79.9% = C-, C, C+ = You mastered most essential concepts and some advanced concepts, but have many significant gaps.
  • 600 - 699 points = 60% - 69.9% = D-, D, D+ = You mastered some essential concepts.
  • 0 - 599 points = 0% - 59.9% = F = You did not master essential concepts..

There is no curve.

Throughout the semester, your current scores and current course grade will be available in an online gradebook on the Blackboard system.


Homework for MATH 2971T Section 100, taught by Mark Barsamian

  • Homework H01 Due Tue Sep 3
    • 1.1 # 3,4,7,8,9 (note typo in book solutions for #9)
    • 1.2 # 1,2,3,4
    • 1.3 # 1,2,3
    • 1.4 # 1,2,3,4,5
  • Homework H02 Due Wed Sep 11
    • 2.1 # 1,2
    • 2.2 # 1,2,4,6
    • 2.3 # 1,2,3,4,5 (typo in #4: should be \( \frac{d}{dt} \))
  • Homework H03 Due Mon Sep 16
    • 3.1 # 1
    • 3.2 # 2
    • 3.3 # 2,3
  • Homework H04 Due Mon Sep 23
    • 4.1 # 2,3,4
    • 4.2 # 2,3,5,6
    • 4.3 # 1,2
  • Homework H05 Due Fri Sep 27
    • Revisit 4.2 #6. Write an outline for the author's solution. (Just write an outline.)
    • 4.4 # 1,2,3 (Be sure to include outline-type headings in your solutions.)
      • In 4.4#2, note that the book is often casual about reparametrizations. We need to be more precise. A reparametrization of \( \sigma \) is a map \( \tilde{\sigma} \) that can be expressed as \( \tilde{\sigma} = \sigma \circ \phi \) where \( \phi : \tilde{U} \rightarrow U \)
  • Homework H06 Due Mon Oct 7
    • 4.5 # 1,2
    • 5.1 # 2,3
  • Homework H07 Due Fri Oct 11
    • 6.1 # 1,2,3,4
  • Homework H08 Due Fri Oct 18
    • 6.2 # 1,2,3
    • 6.3 # 1,2,4,5,6,7
  • Homework H09 Due Mon Nov 4
    • 7.1 #1,2,3,4
    • 7.2 #1,2,3
    • 7.3 #1,2,3,4
    • 7.4 #1
  • Homework H10 Due Fri Nov 8
    • 8.1 #1,2,4,5,7
  • Homework H11 Due Fri Nov 15
    • 8.2 #1,2,3,4
    • 8.4 #1
    • 8.5 #1,2
  • Homework H12 Due Mon Nov 25
    • 9.1 #1,2,5
    • 9.2 #1,2,3,4,6
    • 9.3 #1,2
    • 9.4 #1,2
  • Homework H13 Due Fri Dec 6
    • Homework Details TBA

page maintained by Mark Barsamian , last updated Nov 21, 2019

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