Course Web Page for Ohio University MATH 1350
2024 Summer Session Course Taught by Kingsley Osae

Instructor for the Summer 2024 Course on the Athens Campus: Kingsley Osae. (Click here to send an email to Kingsley Osae /)

Incoming MATH 1350 Coordinator: Corey Boby

Outgoing MATH 1350 Coordinator: Mark Barsamian

Course Description: A survey of basic concepts of Calculus for students who want an introduction to Calculus, but who do not need the depth of MATH 2301

Skills that students will learn in MATH 1350: Link to Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites: MATH 1321 or (C or better in 1200) or Math Placement Level 2 or higher and WARNING: No credit for this course and MATH 2301 (MATH 1350 always deducted)

Video Illustrating How to Set Up MyLab

If you are struggling with Technical Problems related to MyLab, please reach out to the Pearson 24/7 Tech Support Team by clicking on this link:

(It is worth noting that the vast majority of times that a student reports being unable to access Mylab, it turns out that the student is on an Apple computer and is using the Safari web browser . The Safari browser is notoriously uncooperative with MyLab. If you are using an Apple computer, it is strongly recommended that you install the Google Chrome web browser , and use that browser when you access Blackboard and MyLab . )

Course Information

Hybrid Course Format:

Hybrid Course Format for Ohio University MATH 1350
2024 Summer Session Course Taught by Kingsley Osae

This class will be delivered in a hybrid format, consisting of two components.

Course Component #1 (Asynchronous Component): Instructional Videos and Online Homework

The videos were developed specifically for this course by Mark Barsamian , the MATH 1350 Course Coordinator . They present all of the mathematical content in full detail. In particular, the videos are designed to present the concepts and skills needed to do twenty homework assignments that are worked online and graded by the MyLab System . Each video has accompanying printed notes that can be viewed online or downloaded. The collection of 79 videos can be accessed four ways:

As an alternative (or supplement) to learning the material for the course by watching the instructional videos, students can also learn the material for the course by reading the Textbook . There is an eText version of the textbook in the MyLab System .

Course Component #2 (Synchronous Component): Monday, Wednesday, Friday Meetings

The time for the meetings is 9:40am - 10:35am Eastern (USA) Time zone.

The meetings are led by the instructor, Kingsley Osae. These meetings will be held online , using the Microsoft Teams program .

Attendance at the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Online Meetings is required , and students must have their cameras on for the full duration of the meetings. If a student is unable to attend the 9:40am - 10:35am Eastern (USA) online meetings, due to time constraints posed by jobs, or other classes, or by geographical location, then they should not take this course. This course has a Synchronous component. If a student cannot do the synchronous component, then the student should not take the course. If a student does not have a webcam, or is not willing to have their webcam on for the full duration of the class meetings, then the student should not take the course.

The Monday, Wednesday, Friday Meetings will be Discussions . The purpose of these meetings is not delivery of mathematical content to the students. (Remember that the mathematical content is delivered through Course Component #1 : Watching Instructional Videos and/or reading the Textbook .) Rather, these meetings are a chance for the instructor to highlight certain topics, or perhaps present a few additional examples , or perhaps pose questions that students will answer.

Almost every week there will be either a Quiz or an Exam during one of the Monday, Wednesday, Friday online meetings.

  • Quiz Days: On Quiz days, there will be some discussion as described above, followed by a Quiz during the meeting.
  • Exam Days: On Exam days, the entire 55 minute duration of the class meeting will be used for the exam.
  • Cameras On: As mentioned above, students are required to have their webcams on for the entire duration of all class meetings. This includes the times during the meetings when quizzes or exams are happening. Students whose cameras are not on will have their Quiz/Exam scores set to zero.


Grading for Ohio University MATH 1350
2024 Summer Session Course Taught by Kingsley Osae

During the course, you will accumulate a Points Total of up to 1000 possible points .

  • MyLab Homework: 20 Assignments @ 2 points each = 40 points possible
  • Quizzes: 9 quizzes @ 40 points each = 360 points possible
  • Exams: 3 Exams @ 200 points each for a total of 600 points possible

At the end of the course, your Points Total will be divided by \(1000\) to get a percentage, and then converted into your Course Letter Grade using the 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% Grading Scale described below.

The 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% Grading Scale is used on all graded items in this course, and is used in computing your Course Letter Grade .

  • A grade of A, A- means that you mastered all concepts, with no significant gaps.
    • If \(93\% \leq score \), then letter grade is A .
    • If \(90\% \leq score \lt 93\%\), then letter grade is A- .
  • A grade of B+, B, B- means that you mastered all essential concepts and many advanced concepts, but have some significant gap.
    • If \(87\% \leq score \lt 90\%\), then letter grade is B+ .
    • If \(83\% \leq score \lt 87\% \), then letter grade is B .
    • If \(80\% \leq score \lt 83\%\), then letter grade is B- .
  • A grade of C+, C, C- means that you mastered most essential concepts and some advanced concepts, but have many significant gaps.
    • If \(77\% \leq score \lt 80\%\), then letter grade is C+ .
    • If \(73\% \leq score \lt 77\%\), then letter grade is C .
    • If \(70\% \leq score \lt 73\%\), then letter grade is C- .
  • A grade of D+, D, D- means that you mastered some essential concepts.
    • If \(67\% \leq score \lt 70\%\), then letter grade is D+ .
    • If \(63\% \leq score \lt 67\% \), then letter grade is D .
    • If \(60\% \leq score \lt 63\%\), then letter grade is D- .
  • A grade of F means that you did not master essential concepts.
    • If \(0\% \leq score \lt 60\%\), then letter grade is F .

No Quizzes or Exams are Dropped.

There is no grade curving.

There is no extra credit.

Attendance is recorded but is not part of your course grade

Grade Calculation Worksheet: Use this worksheet to calculate your Current Letter Grade throughout the course. Note that the second page of the worksheet is a sample of the worksheet, showing what it could look like for a hypothetical student who gets a B in the course.

Link to Grade Calculation Worksheet

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is required for all class meetings, and your attendance (or absence) will be recorded, but attendance is not used in the calculation of your course grade.

Missing Class: If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to learn the stuff that you missed. This can be done through a combination of three things:

  • Copy a classmate's notes.
  • Study the Meeting Outline found in the Course farther down this web page.
  • Watch the Instructional Videos that accompany the Homework Assignments
Your Instructor will not use office hours to teach topics discussed in class meetings to students who were absent.

Missing a Quiz or Exam Because of Illness: If you are too sick to take a quiz or exam, then you must do these three things:

  1. Send your Instructor an e-mail before the quiz/exam, telling them that you are going to miss it because of illness. Arrange for a date and time for a Make-Up quiz/exam. (Generally, the Make-up for a Friday quiz/exam needs to take place on the following Monday or Tuesday. Therefore, it is important to communicate with your instructor right away.)
  2. Go to the Hudson Student Health Center (or some other Medical Professional) to get examined.
  3. Later, you will need to bring your Instructor documentation from the Hudson Student Health Center (or a Medical Professional) showing that you were treated there.
Without those three things, you will not be given a make-up.

(Observe that self-diagnosis of an illness is not a valid documentation of an illness. In other words, you can�t just tell your instructor that you did not come to a Quiz or Exam because you were not feeling well, and expect to get a Make-Up Quiz or Exam. If you are too sick to come to a Quiz or Exam, then you should be sick enough to go to a medical professional to get diagnosed and treated.)

Missing Presentations, Quizzes, or Exams Because of University Activity: If you have a University Activity that conflicts with one of our quizzes or exams, you must contact your Instructor before the quiz or exam to discuss arrangements for a make-up. They will need to see documentation of your activity. If you miss a quiz or an exam because of a University Activity without notifying your Instructor in advance, you will not be given a make-up.

Missing Quizzes, or Exams Because of Religious Observation: The Ohio University Faculty Handbook states the following:

Students may be absent for up to three days each academic semester to take time off for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system or participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization. Faculty shall not impose an academic penalty because of a student being absent nor shall faculty question the sincerity of a student�s religious or spiritual belief systems. Students are expected to notify faculty in writing of specific dates requested for alternative accommodations no later than fourteen days after the first day of instruction.

For MATH 1350, this means that if you will be missing any Summer 2024 Quizzes or Exams for religious reasons, and if you want to have a Make-Up Quiz/Exam, you will need to notify your Instructor no later than Monday, May 27, 2024 . You and your Instructor should work out the dates/times of your Make-Up Quiz/Exam. (In general, if you are going to miss a Friday Quiz/Exam, your Instructor will schedule you for a Make-Up on the following Monday or Tuesday.)

Missing Quizzes, or Exams Because of Illness, Injury, or Death in Immediate Family: Immediate family is defined as: spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and a legal guardian or other person who stands in place of a parent (in loco parentis), plus domestic partners and the domestic partner's immediate family. If you experience this sort of situation, please contact the Ohio University Dean of Students . The Dean of Students may ask for documentation of the Illness, Injury, or Death in Immediate Family, including documentation of the person�s relationship to you. The Dean of Students will notify all of your instructors (including MATH 1350) that you will need a break to deal with the situation.

Missing Quizzes, or Exams Because of Personal Travel: This course meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and attendance is required. Your Personal Travel (to home for the weekend, or out of town for vacations, etc) should be scheduled to not conflict with those Monday/Wednesday/Friday meetings. If you miss a Quiz, or Exam because of Personal Travel (not an Offical University Activity), you will not be given a make-up.

Electronic Communication Policy (For both Students and Instructors):

Policy for Electronic communication between MATH 1350 Students and Instructors

  • Electronic communication between MATH 1350 Students and Instructors should be done using one of these two methods:
    • The Official Ohio University e-mail system . That is, communications should use email addresses ending in . In other words, send your emails from your OU e-mail account, and address them to a recipient�s OU e-mail address. (Students: If you use the Blackboard system to send an email to your Instructor, this is automatically taken care of.)
    • The Teams program. (Teams can be used for chat , voice calling , video calling , and video meetings . It is remarkably powerful.
  • Do not use a personal email address (such as a gmail address) when sending an email, and do not send emails to a personal email address (such as gmail).
  • Students and Instructors should not communicate via text messages.
  • Students and Instructors: It is your reponsibility to check your OU e-mail every day. (Students: If you are communicating with your Instructor about a time-sensitive issue, such as trying to schedule a Make-Up Quiz or Exam after an illness, your e-mail replies need to be swift. It is not acceptable to let days pass before replying to an important e-mail message, with your excuse being that you had not checked your OU email. If you do this, you will lose the opportunity to have a Make-Up Quiz or Exam.)
  • It is a good practice to use a descriptive Subject line such as Regarding MATH 1350 Section XXX on your email messages. That way, the recipient will know to give the email message high priority.
  • It is also a good practice to use a greeting such as
    Hi Elon,
    on your email messages, and to identify yourself in your message. And use a closing such as
    Jeff Bezos

Policy on Cheating:

If cheat on a quiz or exam, you will receive a zero on that quiz or exam and your Instructor will submit a report to the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility (CSSR).

If you cheat on another quiz or exam, you will receive a grade of F in the course and your Instructor will again submit a report to the CSSR.

Required and Optional Computer Tools:

Required Computer Tools:

  • Blackboard is an online learning management system (LMS) used at Ohio University. Access to Blackboard is free for students, faculty, and staff. Each class that a student takes has an associated Blackboard site. What exactly happens on that Blackboard site depends on how the instructor for the course has set it up. Students in Summer 2024 MATH 1350 taught by Kingsley Osae will use Blackboard for Accessing MyLab and for seeing details of the calculation of their course grades at the end of the Summer Session course. The Blackboard system for Ohio University can be reached by clicking on this link: ( Blackboard for Ohio University )
  • Microsoft Teams is an online collaboration tool that provides group chat, channeled conversations, instant messaging, live document collaboration, audio or video calls, and meetings. Teams is used extensively at Ohio University, and is made available free to students, faculty, and staff. Summer MATH 1350 taught by Kingsley Osae will hold its Monday, Wednesday, Friday class meetings in Teams , and Mr. Osae may also use Teams for his office hours or for other meetings with his students. Click on the link at right for more information. ( link to information about Microsoft Teams )
  • MyLab is an online system system developed by Pearson , the publisher of the textbook. Students will use the MyLab for accessing an eText version of the textbook, and for doing Homework Assignments , and taking Quizzes and Exams . Students will access the MyLab system, including the eText , through the Blackboard site for this MATH 1350 course. Initial access to the system involves a few steps. A video showing the steps is posted farther up on this web page. Those who prefer written instructions can find them by clicking on this link: ( Accessing MyLab ) Access to MyLab is not free . Students pay for it through the Inclusive Access Program . For more information about that program, click on this link: ( Information about the Inclusive Access Program )

Other Useful but Optional Computer Tools:

  • Camscanner is a very useful free cellphone app that uses a cellphone camera to take a picture of a document, and then crops and sharpens the image and turns it into a PDF file. This is for students who need to be present written work during an online meeting (either a class meeting or a meeting with an instructor or tutor). The student can use CamScanner to take a picture of written work and save it as a PDF. During a meeting, the student can open that PDF file and share it in Microsoft Teams or in Zoom. (It is also useful if a student needs to submit written work to an instructor electronically. It is helpful to the instructor, because when the instructor receives the written work, it arrives as a single PDF file. It is easy for the instructor to add comments to that PDF.) For that reason, all students in MATH 1350 should install the app. ( Link to Camscanner Web Page )

MyLab, the Textbook, and the Inclusive Access Program :

Textbook Information: Link to Textbook Information

Paying for access to the eText and MyLab is handled by the Inclusive Access Program . When students register for MATH 1350, they automatically get access to the MyLab system (which includes the online eText copy of the textbook) and their student accounts are billed for this access. For more information about the Inclusive Access Program , click on this link: ( Information about the Inclusive Access Program )

List of Homework Assignments with Links to Instructional Videos:


Immediate Tasks for the Student

Go to the Blackboard page for the course and follow the instructions to get MyLab configured. To succeed in the course, you will need to do the homework. To succeed in the course, you will have to do homork assignments. To succeed on those assignments, you will need time to watch the accompanying videos and learn the content. Therefore, it is very important that you get MyLab configured right away.

Study Routine for the Student

In the MyLab System , there is a list of Homework Assignments . Students should keep an eye on the Course Calendar to see what homework assignments are pertinent to each week�s work, do the assignments, and submit them. Note that the actual deadline for all of the homework assignments is August 15, 2024, at 11:59pm. But to succeed in the course, the student�s goal should be to do the homework throughout the semester, as the homework topics come up in class.

Remember that the mathematical skills needed for the Homework Assignments, Quizzes, and Exams are taught in the Instructional Videos that accompany the Homework Assignments . (And the skills are taught in the textbook.)

Resources for the Student

Special Needs: If you have specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities and require accommodations, please let your Instructor know as soon as possible so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You should also register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services to obtain written documentation and to learn about the resources they have available.

For Extra Help:

  • Go to your Instructor's Office Hours
  • Take advantage of an excellent array resources provided by the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) . Their resources include Tutoring , Supplemental Instruction (SI) , Academic Coaching , Homework Hubs , and others. Link to Academic Achievement Center .

Calculators and Free Online Math Resources:

Calculators, or some kind of computer computation, are sometimes needed to complete your Homework . You may also find them useful in your Class Presentations . However, calculators are not needed , and will not be allowed , on Quizzes or Exams .

In the Instructional Videos and in your Class Meetings, Mark Barsamian or your Instructor will sometimes use a computer for graphing and calculating. Some of the computer tools that they use are free online resources that are easily accessible at the following link:

Link to Free Online Math Resources

You are encouraged to use these same Free Online Math Resources when you are working on your Homework or when you are giving a Class Presentation .

Information for Instructors

MATH 1350 Instructor Resources :

Information about how MATH 1350 was designed:

(page maintained by Mark Barsamian , last updated May 11, 2024)

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