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My training is in the history of ideas in 18th-century France.  My early work was on the philosophy of language and mind in the 18th century, later expanded to include the entire early modern era (16th through 18th centuries).  More recently, I have redirected my focus to philosophical materialism in the Enli ghtenment , along with editing and translation projects, and book reviews.


Coski, C. From Barbarism to Universality: Language and Identity in Early Modern France . Columbia: University of South Carolina Press . 2011.

Book Translation

French-to-English Translation: Burton, Pier re-Andr é Ælred of Rievaulx (1110-1167): An existential and spiritual biography . Trans. Christopher Coski. Collegeville , MN:  Cistercian Publications . 2020 . ( 3rd place Catholic Media Association Award for English Translation Edition, 2021 ).

Digital Book Edition

Henri Dubois de Launay. Rema r ques sur la langue fran çaise à l'usage de la jeunesse de Lorraine (1775). Ed. Christopher Coski. I n Corpus des remarques et des traités sur la langue française (XVIIIe siècle)] , Garnier (Digital). 2022.


Coski, C. "The Instrument Philosophe : Identity, Free Will and Morality in the Rêve de d'Alembert ." French Review . 88.3: 151-162. 2015.

Coski, C. "Emotion and Poetry in Condillac's Theory of Language and Mind."  French Review . 80.1: 157-170. 2006.

Coski, C. "Diderot's Lettre sur les sourds et muets and Philosophical Frivolity."  Essays in French Literature .  43: 29-45. 2006.

Coski, C. "Maupertuis on the Origin of Language: the Scientific Mind and Human Progress."  Dalhousie French Studies .  73: 45-53. 2005.

Coski, C.  "Condillac's Modernization of Rationalist Language Theory:  Evidence, Propositions, and a Newtonian Linguistics." 1650-1850:  Ideas, Aesthetics and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era .  2004.

Coski, C.  "Condillac's Metaphysical Paradox:  The Nature of the Soul versus the Natural Origin of Language and Reason." Dalhousie French Studies . 67: 3-15. 2004.

Coski, C. "Condillac:  Language, Thought, and Morality in the Man and Animal Debate."  French Forum .  28.1: 57-75. 2003.

Coski, C.  "Rousseau:  Le langage et la problématique de la perfectibilité."  Working Papers in Romance Literatures and Philology .  2: 1-12. 1997.

Book Reviews

Coski, C. "Doyle, William. Napoleon at Peace: How to End a Revolution ." French Review . 97.2: 154-155. 2023. In press.

Coski, C. "Mason, Laura. The Last Revolutionaries: The Conspiracy Trial of Gracchus Babeuf and the Equals ." French Review .
96.4: 202-203. 2023.

Coski, C. "Bauer, Deborah. Marianne is Watching: Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and the Origins of the French Surveillance State ."
French Review . 96.3: 277-278. 2023

Coski, C. "Bond, Elizabeth Andrews. The Writing Public: Participatory Knowledge Production in Enlightenment and Revolutionary France ." French Review . 96.1: 7-8. 2022.

Coski, C. "Alpaugh, Micah. The French Revolution: A History in Documents ." French Review . 95.3: 226. 2022.

Coski, C. "Gelbart, Nina. Minerva's French Sisters: Women of Scien ce in Enlightenment France ." French Review . 95.2: 245. 2021.

Coski, C. "Coller, Ian. Muslims and Citizens: Islam, Politics, and the French Revolution ." French Review . 94.3: 254. 2021.

Coski, C. "Zaretsky, Robert. Catherine and Diderot : The Empress, the Philosopher and the Fate of the Enlightenment . " French Review . 94.2: 258. 2020.

Coski, C. "Burrows, Simon.
The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe II: Enlightenment Bestsellers ."
French Review . 93.3: 261-262. 2019.

Coski, C. "Curran, Mark. The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe I: Selling Enlightenment ." French Review . 93.2: 201-202. 2019.

Coski , C. "Hornstein, Katie. Picturing War in France, 1792-1856 ." French Review .
92.4: 224-225. 2019

Coski, C. "Reboul, Juliette. French Emigration to Great Britain in Response to the French Revolution ." French Review . 92. 3: 243-244. 2019.

Coski, C. "Bois, Jean-Pierre. L'abbé de Saint-Pierre: Entre classicisme et Lumières ." French Review . 92.2: 224-225 , 2018.

Coski, C. "Agmon, Danna. A Colonial Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal in French India ." French Review . 92.2: 241-242, 2018.

Coski, C. "Bonzi, Federico. L'honneur dans l'œuvre de Montesquieu ." French Review . 91.4: 94, 2018.

Coski, C. "Van Staen, Christophe (ed.). Rousseau et les Lumières: Mélanges à la mémoire de Raymond Trousson (1936-2013) ." French Review . 91.3: 218-219. 2018.

Coski, C. "Warner, John. Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations ." French Review . 90.3: 286-287. 2017.

Coski, C. "Spang, Rebecca. Stuff and Money in the Time of the French Revolution. " French Review . 89.4: 253. 2016.

Coski, C. "Simone-Carrère, Anne. Chanter la Grande Guerre: Les 'Poilus' et les femmes (1914-1919). " French Review . 89.2: 298. 2015.

Coski, C. "Krause, Jonathan. Early Trench Tactics in the French Army: The Second Battle of Artois, May-June 1915. " French Review . 87.3: 288-289. 2014.

Coski, C. "Michael Neiberg, The Blood of Free Men: The Liberation of Paris, 1944 ." French Review . 86.6: 1279. 2013.     

Coski, C. "Julie Candler Hayes,  Translation, Subjectivity, and Culture in France and England: 1600-1800 ." Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 34.1-2: 172-174. 2010.


Assistant Editor (manuscript reviewer), 18th-Century Literature, French Review .

Copy Editor, Translated Article: Schwiebert, Ryan. "On group rings: a translation of "Sur les anneaux de groupes" by Guy Renault." Cornell University Library Archive , April 2018.

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