James Dyer Professor of Geography Ohio University dyer@ohio.edu
Virtual Field Trips: Videos for the "Landscape Observation
Project" in Physical Geography
1100] Videos shot byDylan
#1 - Introduction Observing and interpreting the natural
landscape. What makes a good study site? App demonstration for
identifying plants and animals.
#2 - Aspect
and Radiation Comparing north-facing and south-facing
slopes in an Ohio old growth forest.
#3 -
Topography and Soil Moisture Comparing the mesic conditions of a valley to
the xeric conditions of a ridge.
#4 - Edge
Environments Microclimate and vegetation response at a
forest edge compared to the adjacent powerline corridor. Light,
temperature, and humidity; growth form, shade tolerance, and
species composition.
#5 - Changes
Over Time Succession, Adaptations, and Non-native
#6 - Changes
Over Time II Canopy, Understory, and Treefall Gaps.
#7 -
Soils Identifies soil horizons, and
demonstrates "texture by feel." Compares soil texture and
color at two nearby sites with different parent material.
#8 -
Fluvial Features Discusses knickpoints, V-shaped
channels, downcutting, meandering, bank undercutting and
point bars.
- Geological Features Looks at an exposed sandstone
cliff, and its underlying shale layer that is being