General Physics 251 - Winter 2003

Laboratory Schedule

Week of: Experiment Number
Jan 6 No Labs -
Jan 13 Measurement 2
Jan 20 No Labs -
Jan 27 Kinematics 3
Feb 3 Vector Treatment of Concurrent Forces 4
Feb 10 Newton's Second Law (Technical Report) 9
Feb 17 Conservation of Linear Momentum 7
Feb 24 Ballistic Pendulum 10
Mar 3 Measurement of Moments of Inertia 12
Mar 10 Equilibrium for Nonconcurrent Forces 5

The Technical Report is due the week of Feb. 24th in your laboratory.

The following contains general rules for the laboratory work:

  1. The experiments are form the Physics Laboratory book `General Physics Experiments' by the 250 Series Committee. This book should be purchased at the bookstore.
  2. The lab reports are to be written up in small green or black Vernon Royal Composition books with Quadrule ruling. Those books may be purchased at the bookstore. See Page 11 in the lab manual for further details on lab reports.
  3. The Technical Report is worth 30% of the total lab grade, and is described in `General Physics Experiments', and is required to be handed in two (2) weeks after the laboratory in which the data were taken. It includes an abstract, theory, data, results (tables or graphs), conclusion, and bibliography (this order is to be maintained. See Page 11 of the lab manual.)
  4. In writing the Technical Report, particular attention should be given to: English language (spelling, precision of statements, proper word usage, etc.), handling of equations, tables, graphs (see your textbook for examples), organization, and neatness. Make sure that your description of the theory is complete and relevant, and discuss the physical phenomena in context of the equations used. In the conclusions, indicate what you learned about the observed physical phenomena, the experimental values obtained, the source of errors, and give suggestions for improving the equipment or techniques used to reduce the errors. Your conclusions are important and require considerable thought.
  5. Missed labs and/or lab reports shall count as zero (0). If more than two (2) labs and/or lab reports are missed with or without a University sanctioned excuse (and not made up for in the case of a University excuse), the student shall fail the entire course . Read the Department of Physics and Astronomy Laboratory Makeup Policy posted on the door of the laboratory. You are responsible for this information.
  6. For each school day (Monday - Friday) a report is late without excuse, one (1) point will be subtracted from the report grade. A 70 % grade in the lab is required to pass the lab, unless otherwise stated in the lecture syllabus.
  7. In the case of academic dishonesty (copying, plagiarism, etc., including material from previous quarters), the grade on the lab report may result in a zero . If this happens in with a Technical Report, the student may fail the lab and hence the entire course, since the total lab grade may then fall below 70%. As a reminder the Technical Report is worth 30% of the total lab grade.
  8. Bring calculator and ruler/protractor to lab.
  9. Read the lab before you come.

Charlotte Elster
Fri Jan 3 18:55:07 EST 2003
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