Mechanical Waves

Harmonic Motion

What makes things oscillate?

Work = Force * distance

Consider extended spring: Stored energy release spring --> oscillation

Motion oscillates between

stored energy and energy of motion

==> transfer of energy

constant K depends on spring material

Time for 1 cycle : T[period]

Frequency :

Unit is Hertz : [Hz] = [1/s]

named after Heinrich Hertz (1857 - 1894); University of Bonn (Germany)

See the animation Circles and Sine Waves .


Why do things oscillate?
There is a restoring force F = -kx
Energy is stored.

Recall: Energy = Work = F d

Oscillation results from energy transfer .

stored energy --> Energy of motionEnergy of motion --> stored energy

Period T : time for one full cycle
frequency f: f = 1/T

Example : An oscillator takes 0.1 s for 1 cycle.

--> f = 1 / 0.1 s = 10 Hz

Ch. Elster
Aug 26 14:27:03 EDT 2019
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