Color I


Index of refraction n
n = c / v
  • c: speed of light in vacuum
  • v: speed of light in material
We learned that
  • Light goes slower in material compared to vacuum or air.
  • The change of the speed depends on the wavelength.
Snell's Law

 Bluehas a higher value of n than red.


Bluelight is slower in glass than redlight.

The larger value of n for blue light means, that blue light is bent more.


means, that the

index of refraction n depends on the frequency.


n red < n blue



700 nm
600 nm 400 nm
Remember: 1 nm = 10 -9 m



Diamond has a large index of refraction, n about 2.4, so the critical angle for internal reflection is about 24.5 deg, much smaller than that for glass. This accounts for the brilliance of diamonds. A diamond is cut so that almost any ray of light that hits it from the front strikes one of hte rear surfaces at an angle greater than 24.5 deg, is internally reflected to anther surface, and eventually is reflected back out the front. Viewed from the front, the diamond is bright - brilliant. However, if you look from the back through a cut diamond at a light source, the diamond will appear black, almost no light passes through the back.

Index of Refraction

Wavelength (nm) Color Diamond Glass Water
Red 2.410 1.571 1.331
Yellow 2.418 1.575 1.333
Deep Blue 2.450 1.594 1.340

Diamond is highly dispersive , the index of refraction varies considerably with frequency (see table). The blue is bent much more than he red, so white light is spread out into a broad spectrum (much more than is the case for glass). This accounts for the fire of diamonds, the colors.
You see in the following figure the photograph of a single light beam falling on diamond. Watch the different colors of the spectrum at the sides of the diamond.


No matter how you look at a cut diamond, the chances are that you will get rays reflected from some source of light in the room, and it will be spread out into its spectral colors. As you move your eye slightly or rock the diamond, the view changes and you see some other rays that reach your eye by some other path. This causes the flash of diamonds. The motion causes the diamond to sparkle as the light reaches you from different sources.

It is important to note that the bending of light and total internal reflection in diamond is due to the ratio of the index of refraction of diamond to that of air : the greater the ratio, the greater the refraction at a boundary.


Because of the dispersion of water, droplets of water can break up the sun's light into a spectrum, much as a prism does. This accounts for the rainbow . Its formation involves not only dispersion of light on entering and emerging from the drop, but internal reflection as well. The result is that the drop reflects the sun's light, but the different colors emerge at different angles since, for example, blue light is bent more than red light. If you are to see both, red and blue light, these lights must come from different rain drops; those reflecting red light to your eye are at the higher angle, because red emerges more downward than blue. Thus, the rainbow has red at the top (outside) and blue at the bottom (inside), with the other colors in between.

Light beam from sun is dispersed twice and reflected once by a raindrop, letting you see a rainbow. (The dispersion is exaggerated in the figure below.)


An entire arc of water drops will look red to your eye: all those drops lying on a cone from your eye of about 42 deg around the direction of the sun's rays. Similarly, drops along arcs at smaller angles reflect other colors to your eye. The entire rainbow thus appears as an arc ranging between 40 deg and 42 deg. Since this angle is measured from your eye, it is your own private rainbow. The light from these particular water drops reaches your eye, and misses everyone else's. Others must see the light coming from different drops, those at the appropriate angles from their eyes. As you move your eye, the rainbow moves with you to maintain the same angular relationship, it follows you as you move.


If you look at this photograph of a rainbow you see the primary rainbow and a secondary rainbow.

More on Rainbows

Secondary Rainbow

The secondary rainbow is caused by two reflections and two refractions in each raindrop. The extra reflection reverses the order of the colors.

secondary rainbow

Chromatic Abberation

Glass is a dispersive medium, bending blue light more than red light. If white light falls parallel on a glass lense it is being dispersed. That means that the bleu and red light have different focal points, one for blue light, F b , and one for red light, F r . The other colors are focused between. If we place a screen at F b , we find a sharply focused blue dot surrounded by a halo of the other colors. The largest halo is red. Moving the screen to F r produces a sharply focused red dot surrounded by a halo of the other colors, with blue spread out the most. This colored blurring is called chromatic aberration .

Such a lens in your camera would produce colored outlines on your photographs. Even if you used black and white film, the incident white light would be spread out into a blurred image. To correct for this aberration, one uses an achromatic doublet : two lenses, cemented together, and made of different kinds of glass to have different dispersions.

Remark :
Mirrors do not exhibit chromatic aberration because the law of reflection is the same for light of any color.

Chromatic Abberation - Digital Photography School

Ch. Elster
Aug 26 14:27:03 EDT 2019
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