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Alexander Govorov

Distinguished Professor

Ohio University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Clippinger Research Labs
Athens OH 45701
phone: (740)-593-9430

fax : (740) - 593-0433



Our papers in popular scientific press



Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series :

SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

Series Editors:

Volkan Demir , Alexander Govorov


ROKduino : Buildable Robotics & Coding for Children!

Rokenbok Education


"Photonic Devices"

The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)

Organizer: Sven Burger

February 14-15 2019

Faraday - Hot electrons

Hot-electron science and microscopic processes in plasmonics and catalysis: Faraday Discussion

Co-Chairs: Stefan Maier and Anatoly Zayats

18 - 20 February 2019

London, United Kingdom

APS March Meeting 2019

March 4-8 2019

Boston, MA

Abstract Submission Deadline: October 26, 2018

The 21 st Photonics North conference

Session "Nonlinear Optics, Nanophotonics and Plasmonics”.

May 21-23, 2019.

the Québec City Convention Centre, Québec, Canada

235th Electrochemical Society (ECS)

Symposium on “I03 -Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Heterocatalysis 4”

May 26-31 2019.

Dallas, TX

Abstracts are due NO LATER than Friday, December 14, 2018

14th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting on "Novel Optical Materials and Applications" –

NOMA 2019

Grand Hotel San Michele Cetraro - Italy,

June 2-9, 2019

June 9- June 16:

University of Calabria, Italy

Roberto Caputo’s group

PIERS 2019

Rome, Italy

17-20 June


META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

July 23 -26 2019

Instituto Superior Técnico , Lisbon, Portugal

The ACS Fall 2019 San Diego

the Fall 2019 American Chemical Society Meeting .

August 25-29 2019

San Diego, CA

the XXVIII International Materials Research Congress

August 18-23, 2019,







January 16, Tuesday: Spring semester opening date

March 12 – 16: Spring Break

April 28, Saturday: Last day of classes for spring semester

April 30 – May 4: Spring semester examination period

Trip to China

1000-talent trip

January 21

The 42nd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites

Symposium S17: Advanced Ceramic Materials and Processing for Photonics and Energy

Jan 21-26, 2018

Daytona Beach, FL, USA

APS March Meeting 2018

March 5-9

Los Angeles, CA

The 233 rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS)

Topical symposium: " Nanoscale Luminescent Materials-5 "

Organizers: Peter Mascher , David J. Lockwood, Federico Rosei

Energy Symposium:

“I05 -Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Heterocatalysis 3”

Organizer: Nick Wu

Seattle, WA, USA

May 13 th to 17 th , 2018

PCNSPA - Photonic Colloidal Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications


Profs. Anatoly Fedorov and Alexander Baranov

ITMO University (Saint Petersburg National Research

University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

4-7 June

“St. Petersburg - the cradle of quantum dots!”

3rd International Meeting “New Frontiers in Plasmonics and Nano-Photonics


Cetraro , Italy

10–16 June, 2018.

META 2018, the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Symposium I: 

Hybrid and Metastructured Materials for

Photonics, Sensors and Energy


Xing Yi Ling (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Jérôme Plain (Technological University of Troyes, France)
Alexander Govorov (Ohio University, USA)

SP21: Plasmon-induced hot carrier: fundamentals and applications


Qin Chen (Jinan University, China)  &  Xiaofeng Li (Soochow University, China)

Round-trip Marseille Cruise aboard Costa Diadema

June 24, 2018 – July 1, 2018

Energy Materials Photonics

Canada, Montreal

July 8-11

Chair: Dongling Ma, INRS, Montreal

International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for
Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE 2018)

Symposium T1S3: "Emerging Materials and Technologies for Solar Cells
and Solar Fuel Technologies"

Symposium T4S12 : "Advanced Ceramic Materials for Photonics, Energy and Health"

July 22-26, 2018

Suntec , Singapore

The χ-mag 2018 on chiral material science


July 25th to 28th, 2018

SPIE Optics+Photonics

"Quantum Nanophotonics "

New Concepts in Solar and Thermal Radiation Conversion and Reliability

San Diego, CA

19 - 23 August 2018

The 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition,

" Heating with Colloidal Nanoparticles: Physical Mechanisms and Applications in Life Science "


August 19-23, 2018

Near-Field Optics (NFO-15)

UTT, Troyes, France

26-30 August, 2018

Dresden Nanocrystal Workshop

Single nanostructures, nanomaterials, aerogels and their interactions: Combining Quantum Physics and Chemistry " (CQPC2018)

Scientific Coordinators:

Alexander Eychmüller , Alexander Govorov,

Andreas Knorr

August 27-31

Dresden, MPI for Complex Systems

NIM Conference "The Future of Nanoscience"

September 4 - 6, 2018

Evangelische Akademie Tutzing ,

Munich area, Germany

Organizer: Achim Wixforth

ECS Cancun-Solar Fuels

Joint international meeting between Electrochemical Society (ECS) and SMEQ

( AiMES 2018)

The Symposium on “ Photocatalysts , Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 9”

Organizer for Solar Fuels:

Nick Wu

September 30 – October 4, 2018

Cancun, Mexico

Munich Visit (LMU)

CAS L M U Fellowship

12 October -12 November 2018


Jan. 9 - Spring Semester Opening
March 6 - 10 - Spring Break
April 22 - Last Day of Classes
April 24-28 - Examination Period
April 29 - Spring Semester Closing

Spring break

March 6 – 10

APS March Meeting

New Orleans

March 13-17, 2017

EMN Open Access Week 2017

Chengdu, China

May 8-12, 2017


Symposium 24: Photovoltaic and Related Materials and Technologies

Symposium 10: Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Their Heterostructures for Energy and Sensing Devices

Kona (Hawaii)

May 21-26, 2017

Photonics North 2017


"Nonlinear Optics, Nanophotonics and Plasmonics”.

Ottawa, Canada

June 6-8, 2017


Symposium N: Advanced Ceramics and Nanohybrids for
Energy, Environment and Health

18 – 23 June 2017


International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics 2017 (EMP17)

24 ‐ 26 June 2017

Southern University of Science and Technology,

Shenzhen, China

Gordon Research Conference (GRC)

"​ Plasmonically  Powered Processes"

June 25-30, 2017

the Chinese University in Hong Kong

IEEE Summer School:

Nanomaterials, Nanotools and Nanodevices

University of Montreal/

Polytechnique campus

June 26-30, 2017


8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Special Symposium:

Hybrid optically Active Nanomaterials


Xing Yi Ling (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Jérôme Plain (Technological University of Troyes, France)
Alexander Govorov (Ohio University, USA)

Special Session SP13:

"Hybrid Plasmonics with Quantum

Confined Materials and Devices"


Palash Bharadwaj (Rice University, USA)

Hayk Harutyunyan (Emory University, USA)

Songdo Convensia , Incheon - Seoul,

South Korea
July 25  –  28, 2017

Munich visit after Korea

The Fall 2017 ACS meeting


"Colloidal Metal and Semiconductor Nanostructures: Theory, Synthesis, and Application"

Washington DC

August 20-24

Semester Opening Date/1st day of classes
Mon., Aug. 28

2017 (5th) annual International
Workshop on Nanotechnology, Renewable Energy & Sustainability (NRES)

IRCRE center, Xi’an, China
Monday, September 25, 2017
Organizer: Lionel Vayssieres




2017 MRS Fall Meeting
Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 2017


NM6—Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Metal-Hybrid Structures

NM7—Nanostructure-Based Optical Bioprobes – Advances, Trends and Challenges in Optical and Multimodular Bioimaging and Sensing

Thanksgiving Break:11/22 - 11/26

Last day of classes: Sat., 12/09/17Examination Period: 12/11 - 12/16

Semester Closing Date: Sat., 12/16/17



Physics of Quantum Electronics -2016


Functional Nanomaterials

January 3-8, 2016

Snowbird, Utah

Spring break

February 28 –March 5

APS March Meeting 2016
March 14-18, 2016
Baltimore, MD

2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

March 28-April 1, 2016

Phoenix, Arizona

Symposium NT1: Functional nanostructures and metamaterials for solar energy and novel optical phenomena


Alexander Govorov

Gary Wiederrecht

Renaud Bachelot

Din Ping Tsai


Tuesday, April 19 th , Rice U.

3 rd International Symposium on Integration of Molecular Components in Functional Macroscopic Systems

Organizer:VW Foundation

May 2 nd - 4 th , 2016

Tagungszentrum Schloss Herrenhausen ,

Hanover, Germany

Emerging Technologies 2016

Session C3 – Optoelectronics and Photonics

May 25-27, 2016

Montreal, Canada

My talk: May 25

The International Scientific Seminar by the Royal Society:

“Chirality and nonlinear optics”

Organizer: Ventsislav K. Valev

Chicheley Hall , UK

28-29 June 2016 .

Indo-US meeting in the Chicago Area

July 5-8, 2016

International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics (EMP16)

10-13 July 2016

Troyes, France

Visit to Munich U.


the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials,
Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Symposium 1:

Hybrid Plasmonics and Functional Nanomaterials

Symposium Co-Chairs:
Jérôme Plain, Xing Yi Ling, Alexander Govorov

SP15: Non-linear and ultra-fast spectroscopy of nano- and meta-materials

Organizers: Pierre-Michel Adam (University of Technology of Troyes, France), Pierre-François Brevet (University of Lyon, France), Giulio Cerullo ( Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

25 - 28 July 2016

Torremolinos (Malaga), Spain

2016 Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals

July 31-August 5, 2016 ,

the Mount Snow resort, West Dover, VT


Delia J. Milliron
Vice Chairs:
Daniel R. Gamelin & Zeger Hens

XXV International Materials Research Congress


B.3 Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving and Storage (MATECSS)
A.4 Hybrid and Bio-Inspired Plasmonic Materials

August 14-19, 2016
Tutorials: August 14, 2016

Cancun, Mexico

The 252nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition

Symposium: “Plasmonic Colloidal Nanostructures: from Creation to Applications

Organizers: Yadong Yin, Dong Qin, and Yu Han

Symposium: “Composite Colloids for SERS Biodetection


Wolfgang Parak , Hedi Mattoussi , Luis Liz- Marzán


August 21-25, 2016

SPIE Meeting,

NanoScience+Engineering and Optics+Photonics


Metamaterials, Metadevices , and Metasystems 2016

Nanobiosystems :

Processing, Characterization, and Applications IX

August 28 - September 1, 2016

San Diego

“Quantum Plasmons”

Quantum Theory of Nanoparticle Plasmons : Methodological Aspects (SFB 951)


August 30 - September 2

Arrival: Tuesday, August 30

Departure: Friday, September 2

2016 ECS meeting

Solar Nanoparticles Symposium

Organizer:Nick Wu

October 2-7, 2016.


China visit:

Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Chair Professorship

Chengdu, November 13-18

2016 MRS Fall Meeting


November 27-December 2



Physics of Quantum Electronics -2015


Optically active nanostructures: Experiment,modeling, and energy applications

Jan 4-8, 2014

Snowbird, Utah

2015 Gordon Research Conference on Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology

February 22-27, 2015

Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA.

APS March Meeting 2015

March 2 - 6   •   San Antonio, Texas

NanoFlorida 2015 - The 8th Annual
Nanoscience Technology Symposium

Organizer: Hedi Mattoussi

May 12-15

Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL

Workshop on Chirality at the Nanoscale

Liquid Crystal Institute
Kent State University
June 4-5, 2015

98 th Canadian Chemistry Conference

“Chemistry in a Sustainable World” and“Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage”


Dongling Ma and Fiorenzo Vetrone

Ottawa, Canada

June 13-17, 2015


The 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Symposium 1 . "Functional Metastructures and Nanomaterials: Properties, Fabrication and Modeling"


V. Demir (NTU, Singapore),
A. Govorov (Ohio University, USA)

Session SP17. "Chiral and Nonlinear Metamaterials: Properties, Fabrication, and Applications"


Ventsislav K. Valev ,

Nicolae C. Panoiu

City College of New York, New York City, NY, USA

August 4 - 7, 2015

SPIE meeting

Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXIII

Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties XIII

San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, California, United States
9 - 13 August 2015

XXIV International Materials Research Congress

Materials for Energy

In the framework of our UNESCO Chair MATECSS

Cancun, Mexico

16-20 August


Nanos c ale a ssemblies of semiconductor nanocrystals, metal nanoparticles and single molecules: Theory, experiment and application (NANOSA)

MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems,

Dresden, Germany

August 24-28, 2015

Scientific Coordinators:

Alexander Eychmüller ,

Alexander Govorov, Volhard May
Organization: Katrin Lantsch

2015 E-MRS Fall meeting

Symposium: “Hierarchical assembly of nano-scale building blocks"

Warsaw (Poland)

September 15-18


Chengdu, China

September 22-25, 2015

Chiral materials

UK-Russia-Japan network

Glasgow, UK

11-13 Oct

Workshop of

the The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF):

“Joint Indo-US Centre for Quantum Plasmonics of Hybrid Nano-Assemblies”

Indian Institute of Science,

Bangalore, India

Early November

2015 MRS Fall Meeting


"Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion"

Boston, Massachusetts

November 29 - December 4, 2015

4th Nano Today Conference (Nano Today 2015)


December 6-10

"DNA Nanotechnology meets Plasmonics"

Organizers: Laura Na Liu and Tim Liedl

“601. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus -Seminar"

The Physikzentrum Bad Honnef , Germany

7- 11 December 2015

EMN Open Access Week

Energy Materials Nanotechnology December 3-6, 2015

Chengdu, China


Physics of Quantum Electronics -2014

Jan 5-9, 2014

Snowbird, Utah

2 nd International Symposium on “Integration of Molecular Components in Functional Macroscopic Systems”

January 13 th – 15 th , 2014


SPIE Photonics West

Quantum Dots and Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling XI

1–6 February 2014 • The Moscone Center •

San Francisco

APS March Meeting 2014

March 3 - 7, 2014

Denver, Colorado

6 th Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy

Section " Nanophotonics , Optoelectronics, and Plasmonics "

March 10-14, 2014

Arizona State University

The 2014 Optical Science and Technology Center Symposium

May 2, 2014

University of Iowa

ENM East Meeting

Energy Materials Nanotechnology

May 12 15, 2014
Beijing, China

8th International Conference on Quantum Dots 2014

May 11 16, 2014
Pisa Conference Center, Pisa, Italy


The 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Session: "Hybrid metamaterials and their applications for energy, lighting, catalysis and sensing"


V. Demir ( Bilkent University, Turkey),
S. Gaponenko (National Academy of Sciences, Belarus),

A. Govorov (Ohio University, USA)

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

May 20, 2014 – May 23, 2014

2014 Noble Metal Nanoparticles Gordon Research Conference

June 15-20, 2014
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA

The collaborative conference on

Materials Research

June 23-27, 2014

Seoul, South Korea

EMN Open Access Week

Energy Materials Nanotechnology

September 22-25, 2014

Chengdu, China

2014 Electrochemical Society Meeting

Symposium A8- Solar Fuels and Photocatalysts IV

October 5-10, 2014

CANCUN, Mexico, Moon Palace Resort

OSA Incubator on the Fundamental Limits of Optical Energy Conversion

12-14 November 2014
OSA Headquarters • 2010 Massachusetts Ave. NW • Washington, DC, USA

2 nd IEEE International Conference
on Emerging Electronics

Focus area: Plasmonic and photonics

J N Tata Auditorium
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
December 3-6, 2014


Physics of Quantum Electronics - 2013

Snowbird, Utah, January 6-10

Spring Meeting of the Section on Condensed Matter Physics of

the German Physical Society

Special Symposium on “Quantum Plasmonics”(March 13, 2013)

Regensburg, Germany,

10. - 15. März 2013

APS March Meeting 2013

March 18-22, 2013
Baltimore, MD

2013 MRS Spring Meeting

April 1 - April 5, 2013

Moscone West, San Francisco

Symposium: Resonant Optics in Metallic and Dielectric Structures–Fundamentals and Applications

Workshop on

"Photonics of Functional Nanomaterials"

May 6-9, 2013

City University of Hong Kong

Centre for Functional Photonics

96th Canadian Chemistry Conference


Organic and Nanostructured Materials

May 26-30, 2013

City of Quebec

The  INRS Nanotechnology Workshop

Institut National de la  Recherche Scientifique (INRS)

Montreal, Canada

May 31, 2013

The 42nd Jaszowiec International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors

Wisla , Poland

June 22-27, 2013

Tutorials: June 22-23


ICMAT2013 - the 7 th Biennial International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies

Symposium E
Solid-state devices for light emission and detection

30 June to 5 July, 2013


2013 CMOS Emerging Technologies Conference

Hilton Whistler Resort and Spa
Whistler, BC Canada
July 17-19, 2013



Bellevue Washington USA
(Seattle Metro Area)

8 - 12 September 2013

September 19:

CMSS talk of Prof. Howard Jackson

ARO workshop on

“Surface Plasmons, Metamaterials, and Catalysis”

21-23 October.
Rice University

Colloquium talk at Ohio U:

Hilmi Volkan Demir

(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and

Bilkent University, Turkey)

"Nanocrystal Optoelectronics for Quality Lighting"

November 1

France-US Nano-optics Workshop

November 4-8, 2013

Troyes, France

2013 MRS Fall Meeting

December 1-6, 2013

Boston, Massachusetts


   Bilateral Indian-US workshop on" Nanophotonics 
and Nanoplasmonics 
  The Indian Institute of Science 
  Bangalore, India 
  January 9-12, 2012 

2012 APS March Meeting

Boston Convention Center
Boston, Massachusetts

February 27  -  March 2, 2012

META'12, the 3rd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Special Session:

Photothermal effects in plasmonics and metamaterials

April 19 - 22, 2012


7 th international Conference on Quantum Dots (QD 2012)

Santa Fe Convention Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico , USA

May 13-18 th ,

The Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology (VCNST)

Chengdu, China

June 3-6, 2012

The 4 th International Conference "Smart Materials, Structures and Systems"

Symposium: "Mining Smartness from Nature".

Session H-2 - Biomimetic Materials of Symposium H

Montecatini Terme, Tuscany , Italy

June 10-14, 2012 .

International Workshop on ordered and Non-Ordered Superstructures of Nanosized Objects: Preparation, Properties, Applications, and Modeling

Scientific Coordinators:

Alexander Eychmüller , Alexander Govorov, Dmitri Talapin

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems,

Dresden, Germany
09 - 13 July 2012

XXI International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2012

Cancun, Mexico

August 13 - 17, 2012

Workshop of CeNS :

Nanosciences : Soft, Solid, Alive and Kicking”

September 17 to 21, 2012 ,

Venice International University (VIU), Venice, Italy.

Visit to Argonne labs


6th International Conference on the Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2012)

Symposium H:
Multiscale Modeling of Optically Responsive Materials

October 15-19, 2012 , Singapore

2012 EMN Open Access Week

Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology

October 22-26, 2012

Chengdu, China

Visit to U. Dallas

October 31, Wednesday, 2013

2012 MRS Fall Meeting


November 25-30, 2012

Symposium E:

Photovoltaic Technologies–Materials, Devices, and Systems

Symposium CC :

Optically Active Nanostructures

“Post-MRS Symposium”:

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology


Montreal, Canada, Nov. 30, 2012


APS March Meeting 2011

March 21 - 25, 2011
Dallas, Texas

The 2011 Conference on Interactions among Nanostructures

April 21-25, 2011

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

T he XVII Argentine Conference on Physical
Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry

(3-6 May, 2011)

Plasmonics Session (2 May, 2011)

  Cordoba (Argentina) 

1st International Symposium


Integration of Molecular Components

in Functional Macroscopic Systems

18 - 20 May 2011

Dresden- Radebeul (Germany)

Radisson Blue Park Hotel


13 th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy

(Formerly known as the International Conference on Circular Dichroism)

Oxford, United Kingdom
24 - 28 July 2011

Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy. Symposium and Summer School

Moscow - Zelenograd , Russia,

September 12-16, 2011

IEEE Photonics 2011

Arlington, Virginia | 9 - 13 October 2011

    The Ohio Section APS meeting 
  Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 
  October 14 - 15, 2011 

2011 Virtual Conference on Nanoscience and Technology

Chengdu, China

October 26-29, 2011.

   The CIfAR 
  Napa Valley, California 
  Nov. 14-18, 2011 

2011 MRS Fall Meeting


November 28-December 2, 2011

1 st Workshop on “Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto -Electronics”

  Berlin, Germany 
  December 14-16, 2011 


Single Impurity Control

March 29 - April 1 2010

Leiden, the Netherlands

APS March Meeting



NaNaX 4 – Nanoscience with Nanocrystals

International Conference, April 11-15, 2010,

Munich - Tutzing (Germany)

Quantum Dots 2010

26–30 April 2010
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK

2010 Gordon Research Conference
Plasmonics: The Science and Engineering of Nanoscale Optics

Chair: Naomi J. Halas
Vice Chair: Nader Engheta

June 13-18, 2010,
Colby College, Waterville, ME, USA 

The 2010 Conference on Interactions among Nanostructures

June 21-25, 2010

The island of Santorini, Greece

Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology

August 30 - September 2,

2010 Sydney, Australia

11th Edition of the "Trends in NanoTechnology " International Conference (TNT2010)

September 6-10, 2010

Braga (Portugal)

2010 MRS Fall Meeting

H: Controlling Material Properties and Charge-Carrier Interactions with Quantum-Dot Coupling

November 29-December 3, 2010



Light-Harvesting Processes

LHP 2009

March 10 - 14, 2009
Banz Monastery

APS March Meeting

Invited session: “Electron, exciton and phonon interactions in nanoparticles”

March 16-20, 2009 Pittsburgh, PA

14th International Conference

on II-VI Compounds

August 24-28, 2009

St. Petersburg, Russia

2009 Conference on

Interactions Among Nanostructures

September 6 – 11, 2009

Ritz Carlton - St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Atom-by-Atom Conference

Perspectives in nanoscience and nanotechnology – NANO2009

September 28-30, Monday

Donostia International Physics Center, 
the Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center,



2009 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium O: Excitons and Plasmon Resonances in Nanostructures-II

Organizers: Alexander O. Govorov , Andrey L. Rogach , Zhiming M. Wang , Juen -Kai Wang,

Vladimir M. Shalaev

November 30 – December 4, 2009


2009 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium XX: Biological Imaging and Sensing Using Nanoparticle Assemblies

Organizers: Antigoni Alexandrou Jinwoo Cheon ,     
Hedi Mattoussi , Vince Rotello

November 30 – December 4, 2009



2008 The Villa Conference on

“Interaction Among Nanostructures”

February 3-7, 2008
Orlando , Florida, USA

The Workshop
“Interactions in Hybrid Nanosystems”

Nanosystems Initiative Munich

1-4 May, 2008

Abbey ' Frauenwoerth ', Germany

The 5 th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots (QD2008)

May 11-16, 2008

Gyeongju , Korea

CIMTEC 2008.
Symposium E:
"Mining Smartness from Nature"

June 8-13, 2008 Sicily, Italy

Workshop: Computational approaches to semiconductor, carbon and magnetic nanostructures

Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM)

June 16-19, 2008

Lyon , France

The International Conference on Theoretical Physics


July 7- 11, 2008
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,

Dubna , Russia

Workshop: Optical Properties of Coupled Semiconductors and Metallic Nanoparticles

July 21 - 25, 2008

MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems
Dresden, Germany

Scientific Coordinators:

A. Eychmüller , A.O. Govorov, U. Woggon

Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology

July 24 - 29, 2008

Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA

2008 SPIE Optics+Photonics Meeting

7030: Nanophotonic Materials V

August 10-14, 2008

San Diego, California, USA 

Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures

October 10-11 , 2008

Toruń , Poland


2007 TMS Symposium:

Symposium: Towards Functional Nanomaterials – Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications


Z. M. Wang ( U. Arkansas), Alexander Govorov (Ohio U.), and Andrey Rogach ( U. München )

 February, 2007

Orlando , Florida

13th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics (BWSP13)

April, 2007

Sao Paulo , Brazil

Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems:
Controlling Spins and Photons at the Nanoscale

May 30- June 2, 2007

Ottawa , Canada

14 th Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Conference

May 15-20, 2007

University of Arkansas

Nanophotonics Summer School

June 2007

SICILY , Italy

2007 Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology, VC-NST

October 21-25, 2007
Fayetteville , Arkansas 72701, USA

2007 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium GG: Excitons and Plasmon Resonances in Nanostructures

Organizers: Alexander O. Govorov , Zhiming M. Wang , Andrey L. Rogach , Harry Ruda

November 26 - 30, 2007


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