Hardcopy Resources
On-Line Resources
Tier III 415A Home Page
Many of these resources were initially identified by students in Tier III 415A classes. I have only minimally re-formatted their citations. For enhanced on-screen readability, I have not used italics for the titles of books or journals. I do notclaim to have confirmed the accuracy of the bibliographic references, especially for the hardcopy resources.
These resources are notsorted into categories. Many of them provide access to information relevant to several quite different topics. Most of them provide information that should be of interest to any student in the course, so having to read through the whole list while searching for background information for your term paper is a blessing, not a burden.
In all cases, it is your responsibility to critically assess the value of the resource. Being listed on this page raises the probability that the resource exists, that it may well be physically available to Ohio University students, and that it has some relevance to the course; it does notconstitute my endorsement (nor anyone else's) of the accuracy or objectivity of the information presented by the listed resource.
Richard D. Piccard
- Abernathy, Virginia D., 2000, Population Politics. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
- Abrol, Y.P., Bazzaz, B.A., Ingram, K.T., and Sombroek, W.G., Global Climate Change and Agricultural Production. New York. John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
- Acres, USA, (June, 1985). Kansas City, MO,v15n6
- Adriano, D.C. Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment. Springer-Verlag: New York, 1986.
- AFX News, 2004, U.S. Predicts More Energy Use, Despite Higher Prices. Nov. 11; online February 26, 2005, Lexis-Nexis.
- Alder, Jerry, "Alaska After Exxon", Newsweek, 114: 50-62, September 18, 1989.
- Alison, D. et al., 2001, "Fundamentals of Oceanography" 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, New York.
- Alter, Harvey, and Dunn, J. J., Solid Waste Conversion to Energy. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1980.
- American Meat Institute, 2004a, "Declines in Bacteria". American Meat Institute.
- American Meat Institute, 2004c, "Foodborne Illness". AMI.
- American Meat Institute, 2004b, "Fact Sheet: Irradiation". AMI, October.
- Anderson, J. Hilbert. "The Vapor-Turbine Cycle for Geothermal Power Generation." In Geothermal Energy: Resources, Production, Stimulation, edited by Paul Kruger and Carel Otte, pp.129-144 and 163-176. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973.
- Anderson, Mary B. Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace--Or War. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1999.
- Andualem, Abebe. "Ethiopia Offering Seized Land for Truce." The Associated Press, 2 June 2000.
- Aristotle, 2001, "Politica." Trans. Benjamin Jowett. The Basic Works of Aristotle. Richard McKeon, ed. New York: Modern Library (Random House).
- Arizpe, Lourdes, Stone, M. Priscilla, and Major, David C., 1994, Population and Environment: Rethinking the Debate. Boulder; Westview Press, Inc.
- Armstead, H. Christopher H. "Geothermal economics." In Geothermal Energy, edited by H. Christopher H. Armstead, pp.161-174. Paris: Unesco, 1973.
- Armstead, H. Christopher H. "What is geothermal energy?" In Geothermal Energy, edited by H. Christopher H. Armstead, pp.15-17. Paris: Unesco, 1973.
- Armstead, H. C. H, and Tester, J. W., 1987, Heat Mining. New York: E. & F. N. Spon.
Armstead, H. Christopher H. Geothermal Energy: It's past, present and future contributions to the energy needs of man. 2nd ed. New York: E. & F.N. Spon, 1983.
- Arnheim, Rudolf, 1971, Entropy and Art.
- Asher, Ed, "Houston one of five cities picked for smog study", The Houston Chronicle, Mar. 30, 2000, A-32.
- Ashford, Lori S., and Griffiths, Robert J., 2003, Developing World 03/04. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.
- Asmus, Peter. (2001). Reaping the Wind. Canada. Island Press
- Assessment of Research Needs For Wind Turbine Rotor Materials Technology. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., 1991.
- Associated Press, Harrisburg, PA. "A-Plant's Contaminated Water Discharged Into Susquehanna." The Washington Post. March 30, 1979, p. A2.
- Atkisson, A.A. and Faith, W.L. Air Pollution. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, London, Sydney, Toronto, 1972.
- Aucour A-M, Tao F-X, Moreia-Turcq P, Seyler P, Sheppard S, Benedetti M. The amazon river behaviour of metals (Fe, Al, Mn) and dissolved organic matter in the initial mixing at the rio negro/solimoes confluence. Chemical Geology. Jun2003; 197: (1-4): 271, 15.
- Austin, Richard Cartwright, Hope for the land, John Knox Press Atlanta, 1988
- Bandarage, Asoka, 1997, Women Population and Global Crisis. London, UK. Zed Books Ltd. 1997.
- Barbier, E., 2002, Geothermal energy technology and current status: an overview: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 6, p. 3-65.
- Barnett, Jonathan, The Fractured Metropolis. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 1995.
- Baughman, Gary L., and Christopher H. Cox. "Oil Sands, resource, recovery, and industry." Mineral and Energy Resources (1980).
- Beattie, Donald A., History and Overview of Solar Heat Technologies. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press, 1997.
- Beier, A., Dressing, S., Shayler, L. (1994). A new approach to runoff - state coastal non-point pollution control programs. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 49(2), 73-74.
- Bengtsson, T. and Saito, O. (2000). Population and Economy: From Hunger to Modern Economic Growth. Oxford University Press.
- Benjamin, Milton R. "A-Plant Bubble Shrinks; Risk Greatly Eased." The Washington Post. April 3, 1979. pA1,A4.
- Benjamin, Milton R. "Gas Explosion Risk Is Eliminated, NRC Aide Says at Plant." The Washington Post. April 4, 1979. pages A1, A16.
- Bennet, D.J., and Thomson, J.R., The Elements of Nuclear Power. (3rd ed.). Hong Kong: Longman Group, 1989.
- Berinstein, Paula, 2001, Alternative Energy: Facts, Statistics, and Issues. Westport, CT: Oryx Press.
- Berlin, Robert, and Stanton, Catherine C., 1989, Radioactive Waste Management. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Berman, Edward R., 1975, Geothermal energy. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Data Corporation.
- Bezdek, R., & Wendling, R. (2005). Fuel efficiency and economy. American Scientist, 93, 132-140.
- Bible, Genesis 8:21-22, NEB, alt.
- Bidini, Gianni, Desideri, Umberto, "Study of possible Optimization Criteria for Geothermal Power Plants." Energy Convers, vol.38, 1997, pages 1681-1691.
- Bierman, Sheldon L., Lamont, William J., Nelson, Paul A., and Stover, David F., Geothermal Energy in the Western United States, Innovation versus Monopoly, Preager Press, 1978
- Birg, Herwig. World Population Projections for the 21st Century. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1995
- Black, C.A. (1989). Reducing American exposure to nitrate, nitrite, and nitroso compounds (p. 8). Ames, Iowa: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology.
- Blackwell, B. (1996, March 3). New regulatory focus will drive mill spending on air quality. Pulp & Paper, 70, pp. 175-179.
- Blair, C., Quiram, J., Jacobs, N. (Eds.). (1998). Garbage. Information Plus. Wylie, TX., p. 9, 15,19, 20, 24, 25.
- Blair, G. Swezey and Yih-hui Wan. The True Cost of Renewables: An Analytical Responce to the Coal Industry's Attack on Renewable Energy. October 1995.
- Blank, Rebecca M., "Do Justice: Linking Christian Faith and Economic Life," Cleveland, Ohio, United Church Press, 1992.
- Blankenship, Steve, 2004, "Burn, Baby, Burn," Power Engineering, June 2004, pg 64-68.
- Blatt, H. and Tracy, R. et al., 1996, "Petrology: Igneous Sedimentary, and Metamorphic," Second Ed, W. H. Freedman and Company, New York.
- Bleviss, Deborah Lynn. The New Oil Crisis and Fuel Economy Technologies. Westport, CT: Quorom Books.
- Blofeld, John, Taoism, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1978
- Bodley, John. Anthropology and Human Problems. Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Menlo Park, California, 1976.
- Boehmer, G., "Europeans Beginning to Rethink Their Embrace of Nuclear Energy." Miami Herald, January 3, 1999, p. 10A.
- Bonar, James, 1924, Malthus and His Work. 2nd ed. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. Reprinted Rank Cass and Co. Ltd. New York, 1966.
- Borowitz, Sidney, 1999, Farewell Fossil Fuels: Reviewing America's Energy Policy. New York, Plenum Press.
- Boulding, K. E., 1955, "The Malthusian Model as a General System." Social and Economic Studies. Vol. 4, No. 3. September: 195-205.
- Bouquet, Frank. Nuclear Energy Simplified. Graham: Systems Co, 1992
- Bouquet, Frank L. Solar Energy Simplified. 3rd ed. Graham, WA: Systems Company, 1989.
- Bouvier, Leon F., and Jane T. Bertrand, 1999, World Population: Challenges for the 21st Century. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press.
- Bowen, Richard G. "Environmental Impact of Geothermal Development." In Geothermal Energy: Resources, Production, Stimulation, edited by Paul Kruger and Carel Otte, pp.197-216. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973.
- Bowen, Robert. Geothermal Resources. Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd., New York. Second edition, 1989.
- Bowers, Deborah, and Tom Daniels. Holding Our Ground: Protecting Americas Farms and Farmland. Washington DC: Island Press, 1997.
- Brady Publishing, Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide. Indianapolis: Macmillan Computer Publishing, 1997.
- Bratton, Susan Power, 1992, Six Billion and More: Human Population Regulation and Christian Ethics. Louisville, KY: John Knox Press.
- Bressi, Todd W. "Planning the American Dream." The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community. Ed. Peter Katz. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994. xxv-xlii.
- Briscoe, David. World Awaits Birth of Sixth Billionth Living Earthling. The Erie Times. May 27, 1999. P. A1, A8.
- Brodine, Virginia, Air Pollution, New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1973.
- Bromberg, Joan Lisa, 1982, Fusion: Science, Politics, and the Invention of a New Energy Source. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Brophy, Paul, "Environmental Advantages to the Utilization of Geothermal Energy." Renewable Energy. vol-10. 367-377.
- Brower, Michael, 1990, Cool Energy: The Renewable Solution to Global Warming. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.
- Brower, Michael, 1992, Cool Energy: Renewable Solutions to Environmental Problems. Massachusetts, p. 71-86.
- Brown, Lester R., and Hal Kane, 1994, Full House: Reassessing the Earth's Population Carrying Capacity. New York: W. W. Norton and Company.
- Brown, Paul, Charlotte Denny, and Tim Radford. The Shackles of Poverty. N.p.: Guardian Unlimited, 2004.
- Brown, Stuart F., 2002, "How do you feel about nuclear power now?" Fortune March, p 130.
- Brown, Tom. The Tracker, Berkley Books, 1979,
- Brown, Tom. Tom Brown's Field Guide to Living with the Earth, BerkleyBooks, 1984.
- Brown Tom, Grandfather, Berkley Books, 1993.
- Brown Tom, Awakening Spirits, Berkley Books, 1994.
- Brown Tom, The Science and Art of Tracking, Berkley Books, 1999.
- Brown, Warren. "A Sea of Problems Flows Beneath the Evacuation Plan in Pennsylvania." The Washington Post. April 1,1 1979. pA6.
- Browne, John. "Positive Action by Industry Needed on Global Climate Change." The Oil and Gas Journal. June 9, 1997. Penn Well Publishing Company, Copyright 1997.
- Bryson, George, 2004, Generating dreams; Utility envisions turbines gathering energy from Cook Inlet's airstreams. Anchorage Daily News. November 7, pp. A1.
- Budd, Chester F., Jr. "Steam Production at The Geysers Geothermal Field." In Geothermal Energy: Resources, Production, Stimulation, edited by Paul Kruger and Carel Otte, pp.129-144. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973.
- Builder, Carl H., and Menke, Gabriele U, 1997, Winding the Universal Clock: Speculations on the Transitions between Chaos and Order.
- Bullard, Sir Edward. "Basic theories." In Geothermal Energy, edited by H. Christopher H. Armstead, pp.19-29. Paris: Unesco, 1973.
- Burman, Edward R., Geothermal Energy. The Energy Technology Review No. 4. Noyes Data Corporation. Copyright 1975.
- Burnham, David. "Congress Briefed." The New York Times. March 31, 1979. p1
- Burning Plasma Assessment Committee, 2004, "Burning Plasma: Bringing a Star to Earth." The National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
- Bussotti, Filippo, Cenni, Enrico, Cozzi, Alberto, and Ferretti, Marco, "The Impact to Geothermal Power Plants on Forest Vegetation. A case study." Department of Plant Biology, University of Ferenze, Italy. 1996.
- Butler, Edgar W. and Pick, James B. Geothermal Energy Development: Problems and Prospects in the Imperial Valley in California. Plenum Press. Copyright 1982.
- Butti, Ken, and Perlin, John, (1980). A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology. Palo Alto, Cheshire Books; New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
- Caldicott, Helen.1994. Nuclear Madness. New York, NY.
- Caliendo, Mary. Nutrition and the World Food Crisis, MacMillan Publishing, Inc., 1979.
- Callahan, Daniel J."The American Population Debate" Garden City New York, Doubleday, 1971.
- Campbell, Flann, "Population, Evolution, and Birth Control." Birth Control and the Christian Churches. Pgs. 211-232.
- Campbell, N.A. 1996. Biology, Fourth Edition. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, p1165.
- Cannon, James S., 1995, Harnessing Hydrogen: The Key toSustainable Transportation. INFORM Inc.
- Cannon, James S., 1997, "Clean Hydrogen Transportation: A Market Opportunity For Renewable Energy." Repp Issue Brief, April.
- Canter, Larry W., Acid Rain and Dry Deposition, Chelsea, Mich.: Lewis Publishers, 1986.
- Carlin, Alan P., and Hoehn, William E., The Grand Canyon controversy -- 1967; further economic comparisons of nuclear alternatives. Santa Monica, Calif., Rand Corp. 1967.
- Carolina Population Center. "Approaches to the Human Fertility Problem" Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina, 1971.
- Cassedy, Edward S., 2000, Prospects for Sustainable Energy: A Critical Assessment. Cambridge University Press. United Kingdom.
- Castany, G., Groba, E., Romijn, E. (1986). Impact of agricultural activities on ground water (Vol. 5). Hannover, West Germany: International Association of Hydrogeologists.
- Castellano, Marlene Brant, "Aboriginal Peoples" The Canadian.
- Cavallo, Alfred J., 2002, Predicting the Peak in World Oil Production. National Resources Research Vol. 11, Issue 3, Sept. 2002. pg. 191-193.
- Cengel, Yunus, and Kanoglu, Mehemet. "Economic evaluation of geothermal power generation, heating, and cooling." Energy vol-24, 1999, 501-509.
- Central Intelligence Agency (1998). The World Factbook 1998. Washington DC: Central Intelligence Agency.
- Chan, Cecilia L.W., Yip, Paul S.F. et al., 2002, "Gender Selection in China: It's Meanings and Implications" Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Col. 19, No. 9. September.
- Chandler, Tertius and Fox, Gerald. "3000 Years of Urban Growth NewYork Academic Press, 1974.
- Chandrasekharam, D., and J. Bundschuh, eds. Geothermal Energy Resources for Developing Countries. Tokyo: AA. Balkema Publishers, 2002.
- Chapin, Daryl. Energy from the Sun. c. 1962. Bell telephone Laboratories, Inc. pps 3-10.
- Charpentier, R. (2002). Locating the summit of the oil peak. Science, 295, 1470.
- Cheetham, Eric. Fundamentals of Mainstream Buddhism. Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc., 1994
- Chemical Week, 2004, "Hydrogen from Ethanol Promises Renewable Fuel Cell Power Source." February.
- Christopherson, Robert W., Elemental Geosystems, A Foundation in Physical Geography, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N J 07548, 1995, p. 303-311.
- Chuanshan, Dai, "Thermal Analysis of Indirect Geothermal District Heating Systems." Geothermics, vol-26, 351-364.
- Civilian Radiactive Waste Management, Office of, 1996, Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. United States Department of Energy. May, 1996.
- Clark, Grahame, 1969, World Prehistory: A New Outline. 2nd ed. London: Cambridge University Press.
- Clay, Jason W., Indigenous Peoples and TropicalForests. Cambridge, MA: Cultural Survival Inc., 1988.
- Code of Federal Regulations, July 1998 (Vol 40 parts 260-265). Washington, DC: Office of the Register National Archives and Records Administration.
- Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2003, "Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods". Codex Standards 106-1983, REV. 1-2003.
- Cohen, Joel E., "Population Growth and Earth's Human Carrying Capacity", Science, 21 July 1995, Pages 341-345.
- Cohen, Bernard L., 1974 Nuclear Science and Society. Anchor Books, Garden City, New York.
- Cohn, Lisa. "WIND POWER: Will it prevail?" Electrical World; New York; January, 1998.
- Colander, David C, 2004, Macroeconomics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Consumer Reports, Global Warming: Turning Up the Heat. 1996, September, pages 38-44.
- Consumer Reports, Fueling the Future. 69.10 (2004):15.
- Cooper, C. David, Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1994.
- Cothern, C. R., and Smith, J. E., Jr. (Eds.), Properties (pp.1-29). New York: Plenum Press, 1987.
- Cox, K.E. and K.D. Williamson, Jr, 1977. Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications. Vol. I. CRC Press, Cleveland.
- Cox, K.E. and K.D. Williamson, Jr, 1977. Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications. Vol. II. CRC Press, Cleveland.
- Crawford-Brown, D. J. and Michel, J. (1987). C. R. Cothern and J. E. Smith, Jr. (Eds.), Measurement (pp.59-80). New York: Plenum Press.
- Creager, William & Justin, Joel. (1950). "Hydroelectric Handbook." Efficiency of apparatus. London: Chapman & Hall.
- Crews, Chris, 2005, "Bush Wants to Withdraw From Protecting Our Public Lands." The Athens News 28 Feb. p.4.
- Croll, Elisabeth, Delia Davin, and Penny Kane. China's One-Child Family Policy. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1985.
- Cross, F. T. (1987). C. R. Cothern and J. E. Smith, Jr. (Eds.), Health Effects (pp.215-248). New York: Plenum Press.
- Cullen, Jim, Sardinsky, Robert, Schaeffer, John, and Wimer, Randy, Real Goods Alternative Energy Source Book. U.S.A.; Real Goods Trading Corporation, 1991.
- Culp, Jr., A. W., Principles of Energy Conservation, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1991, pp. 31.
- Dailey, Gretchen and Paul R. Ehrlich. "Population, Sustainability, and Earth's Carrying Capacity." Bioscience. November 1992. Vol. 42, Issue 10.
- Dale, Jeff. "There's Hope in Hybrids." State Legislatures 27.3 (2001): 20.
- Daniels, Farrington. Direct Use of the Sun's Energy. New Haven: Yale
- de O. Santos, Leinad Ayer, and de Andrade, Lúcia M. M., editors, Hydroelectric dams on Brazil's Xingu River and indigenous peoples. Translator, Robin Wright, Cambridge, MA. Cultural Survival; São Paulo, Pro-Indian Commission of São Paulo, 1990.
- deCharms, Christopher, 1998, Two views of Mind: Abhidharma and Brain Science.
- Dejene, Alemneh. Environment, Famine, and Politics in Ethiopia: A View from the Village. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1990.
- Demko, George J. �Population, Politics, and Geography: A Global Perspective.� Reordering the World. Westview Press. 1994.
- Deudney, Daniel, and Flavin, Christopher, 1983, Renewable Energy: The power to choose. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
- Devine, Robert S., 2004, Bush Versus the Environment. New York: Anchor Books.
- Dewitt, John, 2003, "Clean Air and the Politics of Coal,". Issues in Science and Technologies. Winter 2003/2004, Vol. 20, Issue 2.
- Dickson, Mary H., and Mario Fanelli, eds. Geothermal energy: utilization and technology. Paris: UNESCO, 2003.
- Dipippo, Ronald, Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electricity. The United States Department of Energy. Random House Publishers. Copyright 1980.
- Drottz-Sjoberg, B. M. and Persson, L. , "Public Reaction to Radiation: Fear, Anxiety or Phobia?", Health Physics, 64: 223-231, 1993.
- Duffield, Wendell A., and John H. Sass. Geothermal Energy-Clean Power From the Earth's Heat. Circular 1249. Menlo Park, CA: USGS, 2003.
- Dunlap, Riley, et. al., Public reactions to Nuclear Waste. Duke University Press. Durham, North Carolina. (1993). pp328
- Dunlop, Storm, 2001, A Dictionary of Weather. (pg. 175) Oxford University Press.
- Dyson, Tim, Cassen, Robert, and Visaria, Leela, 2004, Twenty-First Century India. Oxford University Press.
- Easterbrook, Gregg. "They stopped the sky from falling." The Washington Monthly, May, 1995: 34.
- Eberstadt, Nicholas, 2001, "The Population Implosion." Foreign Policy Magazine. March/April.
- Echeverria, John D., Barrow, Pope, Roos-Collins, Richard, Rivers at risk: the concerned citizen's guide to hydropower. American Rivers Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1989.
- Eckert, R., Randall, D., Augustine, G. 1988. Animal Physiology, Mechanisms and adaptations. W.H Freeman and Company, NY.
- Economist, Consider the alternatives. (2005) Economist, 375.
- Editorial. "Letters to the Editor." The Washington Post. April 4, 1979. pA22.
- Editorial. "A Nuclear Accident." The Washington Post. March 30, 1979.
- Edwards, John D., 2001, 21st Century Energy: Declare of Fossil Fuel Increase of Renewable Non Polluting Energy Sources. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Memoir Vol. 74, pgs. 21-34.
- Eghball, B. and Power, J.F. (1994). Beef cattle feedlot manure management. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 49(2), 113-121.
- Ehrlich, Anne H., and Ehrlich, Paul R., 1996, Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens Our Future. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
- Ehrlich, Paul R., and Anne H. Ehrlich, 1970, Population | Resources | Environment: Issues in Human Ecology. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company.
- Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich. "What It Will Take." Mother Jones. September/October 1995. Vol. 20, Issue 5.
- Einstein, Albert, 1954, "Why Socialism?" Ideas and Opinions. New York: Wings Books.
- El-Hinnawi, Essam, and Biswas, Asit K., Renewable Sources of Energy and the Environment, Tycooly International Publishing Ltd., Dublin, Ireland, 1981, p.25-52.
- El-Wakil, M. M., Powerplant Technology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1984, pp. 64-67.
- Ember, Carol R. and Melvin. Anthropology. Second ed.New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1997.
- Energy Engineering Board. Refining Synthetic Liquids from Coal and Shale. Washington, D.C.: National AcademyP, 1980.
- Energy Information Association, Annual Energy Review 1994. The United States Department of Energy Office of Markets and End Use. Copyright 1994.
- Ensor, George, 1818, An Inquiry Concerning the Population of Nations, Containing a Refutation of Mr. Malthus's Essay on Population. Reprinted by August M. Kelley, New York, 1967.
- Environmental Manager "Cutting energy costs with Climate Wise." (1997, January). Environmental Manager, v 8 n 6, pp. 12-14.
- Environmental Protection Agency. Preliminary Cost Estimates of Pollution Control Technologies for Geothermal Developments. Copyright 1980.
- Epstein, Joshua M., & Gupta, Ray. (1990). Controlling the Greenhouse Effect. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution.
- Erickson, Jon. (1990). Greenhouse Earth Tomorrow's Disaster Today. PA.: Tab Books.
- Evans, L. T., 1998, Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth. Cambridge University Press.
- Facca, Giancarlo. "The structure and behaviour of geothermal fields." In Geothermal Energy, edited by H. Christopher H. Armstead, pp.61-68. Paris: Unesco, 1973.
- Faiz, Asif. Automotive Air Pollution: Issues and Options for Developing Countries, PRE Dissemination Center, Washington D.C., 1990.
- Falkengren-Grerup, U., 1989. Soil acidification and its impact on ground vegetation. Ambio, 18(3):179-84.
- Farrauto, R., 2003, "New Material Needs for Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing: Generating Hydrogen for the PEM Fuel Cell." Annual Reviews.
- Federal Energy Technology Center, "Fuel Cells for the 21st Century." 1999.
- Fisher, Ian, "Ethiopian Army Slices into Eritrea as Vast Throngs Flee." The New York Times, 19 May 2000: A3.
- Fisher, Ian, "Home is Still a Memory for Multitude in Eritrea." The New York Times, 2 June 2000: A10.
- Fisher, R., "The Future of Energy." Futurist, 1997, Sept./Oct. pages. 43-46.
- Flaim, Silvo J., Hill, Andrew M., and Lippe, Dan, 1981. Biomass Feedstocks for Petrochemical Markets: An overview and Case Study; SERI Colorado.
- Flavin, Christopher, "Windpower: Small, but growing fast." World Watch; Washington; Sept/Oct, 1996.
- Flavin, Christopher, and Nicholas Lenssen. Beyond the Petroleum Age: Designing a Solar Economy. World Watch Institute. December, 1990.
- Fohery, J. (2005, April). Hydrogen gas. Forbes, 175, 78-83.
- Foltz, D.H. (1995, Fall). The economics of municipal recycling: A preliminary analysis. Public Administration Quarterly, v19n3, 299-320.
- Fridleifsson, Ingvar B., "Present Status and Potential Role of Geothermal Energy in the World." Renewable Energy, v.8, p.34-39.
- Fridleifsson, I. B., 2001, Geothermal energy for the benefit of the people. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 5, p. 299-312.
- Friis-Christensen, E., and Larson, K., 1991, "Length of solar cycle: an indicator of solar activity closely associated to climate," Science, vol 254 pp. 698-700.
- Fuertes, James. Water and Public Health. John Wiley & Sons. New York. pp. 44. 1897.
- Furedi, Frank, 1997, Population and Development: A Critical Introduction. St. Martin's Press: New York City.
- Gagnon, Luc, and van de Vate, Joop F., "Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower." Energy Policy Vol. 25, No. 1. 1997: p. 7-13.
- Gauthier-Lafaye, Francois. "2 billion year old natural analogs for nuclear waste disposal: the natural nuclear reactors in Gabon (Africa)." Comptes Rendus Physique 3.7/8 (2002): 839.
- Geffre, Claude, 1979, Mariasusai Dhavamony. Buddhism and Christianity. New York: N.Y.
- Gilbert, A. J., and Braat, L. C. Modelling for Population and Sustainable Development. London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1991.
- Gilbert, Richard J. Regulatory Choices: A Perspective on Developments in Energy Policy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1991.
- Gill, Richard T., Glazer, Nathan, and Thernstrom, Stephan A., 1992, Our Changing Population. Prentice Hall.
- Goldsmith, Lee, 1982, Population Estimates.
- Gonzalez, Erika, "Telecommuting Credit Gets Another Go-Round", Denver, Rocky Mountain News, Jan. 19, 2000, 4B.
- Goodman, Louis J., and Love, Ralph N., Geothermal Energy Products, Planning and Management, Pergamon Press, 1980
- Goodwin, Michael. "Metropolitan Area Monitors Radiation." The New York Times. March 31, 1979. p9.
- Goren, Daniel E., 2005, "Buzzards Bay coalition to back Cape wind farm" Standard-Times. New Bedford, MA. 25 Febuary, A1.
- Graham, J., 1995, "Implications of the late Palaeozoic oxygen pulse for physiology and evolution" Nature, Vol 375 pp. 117-120.
- Graham-Smith, Sir Francis, 1994, Population-The Complex Reality. Royal Society, North American Press: Golden, Colorado.
- Grant, Lindsey, 2000, Too Many People: the Case for Reversing Growth. Seven Locks Press, Santa Ana.
- Graveland, J., van der Wal, R., van Balen, J.H., and van Noordwijk, A.J. 1994. Poor reproduction in forest passerines from decline of snail abundance on acidified soils. Nature, 368(March31):446-448.
- Greenberg, Karl. "Green is GOOD." Brandweek 46.1 (2005): 16.
- Gregory, D. P., Fuel Cells. Mills and Boon Limited, 1972.
- Gudiksen, P. H., "Chernobyl Source Term, Atmospheric Dispersion, and Dose Estimation", Health Physics, 57: 697-706, 1989.
- Gupte, Pranay. The Crowded Earth. New York: W.W. Norton and Company. 1984
- Gustavson, Thomas, M. M. McGraw, and Mills Tandy. United States Department of the Interior. Ecological Implications of Geopressured Geothermal Energy Development. March 1978.
- Halacy, D. S. The Coming Age of Solar Energy. c. 1973. Harper and Row Publishers. pps. 109-129, 222-239.
- Hammond. The New Comparative World Atlas. Maplewood New Jersey: Hammond Inc.
- Hammonds, Mark. "Getting Power from the Sun; Solar Energy." March 16, 1998. Copyright 1998.
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- Oil Technic, Energy Solutions for the New Millennium
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- Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
- Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, The "Principles on Which the United States was founded" Myth
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- Paleontological Research Institution (PRI), 2003, Oil and Everyday Life
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- Penner, S. S., and Alpert, S. B., The Decline of California
. Environmental Literacy Council.
- PIRG, Public Interest Research Groups, home page
- Planned Parenthood, 2005, About Planned Parenthood
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- Plastics Resource, Waste To Energy
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. Encylical of December 31, 1930.
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. (The organization formerly known as "Zero Population Growth" or "ZPG.")
- Population Reference Bureau, home page
- Portland State University, Urban Watersheds
- Public Broadcasting System, Why do Americans Fear Nuclear Power?
- Public Broadcasting System, Transcript from the film, "Meltdown at Three Mile Island"
- Public Citizen, Proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Dump Should Not Be Built
- Quaker Earthcare Witness, Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion
. 21 May 2005.
- Rainforest Action Network, home page
- Religion-online.org, 2004, home page
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- Renewable Energy Access, 2005, home page
- Renewable Northwest Project, Solar Energy Technology
. Portland, Oregon, 1999.
- Renner, Joel, Geothermal Energy
. Idaho National Laboratory. 2 May. 2005. Accessed on: 3 May. 2005.
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- Robins, Brian, "Shale-oil dream ends in company collapse."
The Age 3 Dec. 2003.
- Rochester University, 2000, Solar Energy
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- Rocky Mountain Institute, Types of Fuel Cells.
- Rogers, Jay, A Christian Nation?
- Rubin, Ken, 2005, Sources of Water Pollution
. 21 Feb. 2005.
- Sandia National Laboratory, EnergyWeb Home Page
- Sandia National Laboratory, Sandia and Native Americans solar electicity generation
- Schmutz, P. H, Polomski, Bob, and Hoyle, E. H., Chemicals and Foods
. The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service (9/99). 18 May 2005
- Schumacher, E. F., Buddhist Economics
- Schwartz, Peter, and Reiss, Spencer, Nuclear Now!
. Wired Magazine. 11 May 2005.
- Scientific American, home page
; from which you can explore the current issue and recent years' past issues. [Fails with some browsers. If you have problems, for example with overlapping text, try another browser. They want money for some of their full articles; our library has the print edition for free.]
- Scruggs, Stirling, Coercive Population Control in China: New Evidence of Forced Abortion and Sterilizations
. US 107 Cong., 1 sess.; testimony to House Committee on International Relations 17 Oct. 2001. 3 May 2005.
- Seiberling, Elizabeth L., The Florida Solar Cracker House
. October 12, 2004.
- SFEN, News about nuclear energy
from the French Nulcear Energy Society, in French.
- Shell Canada, Athabasca Oil Sands Project
- Shell Canada Limitted, Oil Sands
- Shell Oil, Our position on key issues and topics
- Sierra Club, 2005, Clear Skies
- Sierra Club, Population and Consumption
. 21 May 2005.
- Sierra Club, Species and Habitat
- Sim Science, "Cracking Dams"
. Examples. Retrieved on 5/28/2005.
- Sinclair, Wayne, and Pressinger, Richard W., Environmental Causes of Infertility
- SIRS, SIRS Knowledge Source
(May require browsing from on-campus computer. Try a "keyword search" -- not a "subject headings search" -- on "used nuclear fuel", "civilian radioactive waste management", etc.)
- Smith, Charles, History of Solar Energy: Revisiting Solar Power's Past
. Technology Review, June 1995.
- Socha, T., 2002, Air Pollution: Causes and Effects
. Retrieved February 19, 2005.
- Social Security Administration, "The Future of Social Security"
. SSA Publication. Date: May 2004. May 3, 2005.
- Social Security Reform Center, Social Security Reform
- Solar Energy Industries Association, home page
- Solar Energy Society of Canada, 2005, Active Solar Energy
. Visited on 2-28-05
- Solar Energy Society of Canada, 2005, Photovoltaic Cells
. Visited on 2-28-05
- Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board, 2005, The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide
. Updated Nov. 14, 2002.
- Solutions for the Greenhouse Effect http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/5173/solutions.html
- Sunlight Solar Energy, home page
- Syncrude Canada, Syncrude Canada - 2004 Sustainability Reports
- Syncrude Canada, Syncrude Fact Sheets
. (Links to multiple PDF files).
- Syncrude Canada, Syncrude Canada - Trivia Bits
- Taylor, Michael, "Even deep discounts can't move SUVs"
. San Francisco Chronicle 8 May 2005.
- The Cato Institute, The energy crisis?
(2001) Retrieved June 2, 2005.
- The Franklin Institute, Investigating Wind Energy
- The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Letter, home page
. 2 May 2005.
- The Office of Environment, Health & Safety, UC Berkeley. Publications
- The Office of Environment, Health & Safety, UC Berkeley, Fact Sheet -- Using Autoclaves Safely
- Thinkquest, 1998, Energy Matters: Wind Power
- Thomas, Jan, Greensfelder, Claire, and Oser, Wendy, with Akino, Nora, Safe Energy Handbook
- Thompson, Owen E., Volcanoes and Global Cooling
- Tian, Mai, "First coal liquefaction centre set up in Shanghai."
China Daily 12 Mar. 2004.
- Total, Developing Extra Heavy Oil
. 14 May 2004.
- Tynes, Mary J., 2001, Why Not Throw It Away?
29 Feb. 2004.
- Tynes, Mary J., 2003, Results of Our Coffee Grinds Survey
. 29 Feb. 2004.
- Uhl, Christopher, Perspectives on wildfire in the humid tropics
. Conservation Biology. Oct98; 12(5); may require linking through ALICE.
- Union of Concerned Scientists, 2002, Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuels
- Union of Concerned Scientists, 2004, Ten Steps to Reducing Your Global Warming Impact
. Feb 26, 2005.
- Union of Concerned Scientists, 2005, Clean Energy
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- Union of International Associations, Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
- United Nations, Population Division, The World at Six Billion
. 1999.
- United Nations, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Population Information Network
- United Nations, The, 2005, Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
; the English Text of the Protocol. Feb 6, 2005.
- United States Census Bureau "IDB Aggregations-Access Options"
: Select "008 Vital Rates and Events" under the heading "Select one table:" and leave the default setting of "Display mode" chosen under the heading "Select output type," and press the button, "Submit Query." On the next page, leave all defaults selected except for the region and the year to display. Select "World" in the list of regions, and 1998 from the list of years. Press "Submit Query." The next page will give the rate of natural increase, in percent.
- United States Census Bureau, Population Clocks
- United States Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook: United States
. May 17, 2005.
- United States Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook
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- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Resistance to Coercive Population Control (CPC) Programs
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- United States Department of Agriculture, "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005"
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- United States Department of Agriculture, 2005, A Focus on Food Irradiation
- United States Department of Energy, Solar Energy Topics
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- United States Department of Energy, Renewable Energy Annual 1996, Chapter 6: Solar Industry Profile
- United States Department of Energy, "Hydropower Basics"
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- United States Department of Energy Photovoltaics Program
- United States Department of Energy, DOE home page
- United States Department of Energy, 2005, Kyoto Executive Summary
- United States Department of Energy, Geothermal Energy
- United States Department of Energy Energy Files Virtual Library
- United States Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
- United States Department of Energy International Petroleum Statistics Report
- United States Department of Energy, 2005, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Hydropower
- United States Department of Energy State Coal Profiles
- United States Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Program
- United States Department of Energy Energy Information Administration
- United States Department of Energy, Environmental Management
[Fails with some browsers.]
- United States Department of Energy Wind and Hydropower
- United States Department of Energy, 2005, Office of Fossil Energy
- United States Department of Energy, Hydrogen Production and Delivery
- United States Department of Energy Hydropower Program, home page
- United States Department of Energy, The Hydrogen Future.
- United States Department of State The First Five Years: Highlights of United States Implementation of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program of Action
- United States Department of Transportation National Transportation Statistics
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Solid Waste Facts
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA's Global Warming Home Page
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, UV Radiation
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2005, Clear Skies: Basics
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Criteria Technical Manual
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Information on Ozone Depletion
, 2003.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, home page
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2005, Water
. 24 Feb. 2005.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2005, Household Waste Management
. Produced by Purdue under EPA contract.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Innovative Technologies: Remediation Databases
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2004, Used Oil Management Program
. Updated Nov. 24, 2004.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Topics
; includes acid rain and global warming.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2005, Clear Skies: Benefits
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Landfill Methane Outreach Program
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, FAQ's
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Coastal Flooding Maps
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue
, October, 1996 .
- United States Food and Drug Administration, 2005, Food irradiation: A safe Measure
. January, 2000
- United States Geological Survey, 2004, Sources and Use of Freshwater in the United States, 2000
. 24 Feb. 2005.
- United States Geological Survey, 2004, Estimated Water Use in the United States, 2000
. 24 Feb. 2005.
- United States Geological Survey, The Plus Side of Volcanoes - Geothermal Energy
- United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2004, What should I know about seals?
. 29 Feb. 2004.
- United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response and Restoration, 2004, What's the Story on Oil Spills?
- United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2005, home page
Updated March 25, 2005.
- United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Fact Sheet on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants
. 2005.
- United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Web Site Map. http://www.nrc.gov/site-help/site-map.html
- United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Nuclear Reactors
- University of Kentucky, Hazardous Waste Manual
- University of Texas Chapter of the American Nuclear Society, "Everything that is Nuclear"
; includes links to information about the Chernobyl disaster.
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management, 2003, Oil Disposal
- van der Veer, Jeroen, Sustainable Solutions Support Sustainable Business
. Shell Oil, 1999.
- Walker, Thomas J., The University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory
- Warner, Jennifer. "Boomer Health Care Dilemma (9/29/2004)".
CBS News; Health. 23 May 2005
- Water Quality Association, 2005, home page
. 24 Feb. 2005.
- Water Web Management, Ltd., 2000, The African Water Page
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- White, Courtney, "Inviting reasonable people to listen to new ideas about ranching and ecology"
; (PDF file) Ranch Magazine; 13-15. 12 May 2005
- White House, 2002a, Executive Summary - The Clear Skies Initiative
- White House, 2002b, Fact Sheet: President Bush Announces Clear Skies & Global Climate Change Initiatives
- White House, 2003, Fact Sheet: Clear Skies: A Clear Improvement for the Environment
- White House, 2005, Protecting Our Nation's Environment
- White House Council on Environmental Quality, 2002, Administrative Actions to Implement the President's Healthy Forest Initiative
. (A .PDF file.)
- Whitehouse, David Barents Sea Impact Crater
(BBC News).
- WHO Family Planning and Population, Improving access and quality of family planning care
- Wikipedia, 2005, Wikipedia
. Accessed February, 2005. Useful entries for "Binding Energy," "Cold Fusion," "Fast Breeder," "Fusion Power," "Nuclear Fission," "Nuclear Fusion," "Plutonium," "Tritium," and "Uranium"
- Wikipedia, Fischer-Tropsch process
. 25 May 2005.
- Wikipedia, Birth Control
. 2005.
- Wikipedia, War of 1812: Invasions of Canada, 1812
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- Wikipedia, Invasion of Canada (1775)
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- Wood, Hanley, LLC, 2005, A Burning Issue
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- World Health Organization, Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals: Access to Technologies
- World Nuclear Association, 2004, "Clean Coal" Technologies
- World Nuclear Organization, The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
. 2005.
- World Population Institute, WPI home page
- World Religions Index, 2004, Equipping Christians to Understand Other World Faiths and Religious Philosophies
. See entries for Christian, Islam. 23 February 2004.
- Wu, Harry, Forced Abortion and Sterilization in China -- The View from Inside
. July 1998. Testimony before the Subcommitee on International Operations and Human Rights of the International Relations Committee of the United States House of Representatives. Laogai Research foundation. 20 May 2005.
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Dick Piccard revised this file ( http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~piccard/entropy/citations.html
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