Areyou looking for a quick, easy, inexpensive test instrument with which to DYNAMICALLY TEST every radio receiver? Do you find the need of a simple,rapid, low-cost tester to find the "tough" ones for you?

Ifso, you will welcome the newest in reasonably priced dynamic test equipment--

The SUPREME AUDOLYZER. This instrument will give you a completediagnosis of any


Youwill be surprised and delighted at how easy it is to operate the SUPREMEAUDOLYZER because it requires but one probe at a time and you always HEAR THEDEMOLULATED SIGNAL rather than look for its result on a magic eye or meter.

Hereare but a few of the many things you can do with this amazing instrument! Youcan find the dead portion of any receiver by connecting your modulated signalgenerator to the receiver and touching the SUPREME AUDOLYZER'S probe first tothe antenna post, then the grid of the R.F. tube, the plate of the R.F. tube,etc., right back through the complete receiver. You will hear a signal in theAUDOLYZER'S speaker (which has a volume control) until you hit the dead stage.No signal means a defective stage.


Thenyou use the AUDOLYZER'S vacuum tube volt-meter to determine whether all the DV voltages are correct without

Next,you can check the receiver's oscillator by connecting the probe to the setoscillator's output and watching the meter. If the oscillator cuts out or isweak over any portion of its range, this immediately shows up as a change inthe AUDOLYZER meter's indication.

Manysets have oscillator trouble where the coil changes inductance. Sometimes thischanges the resulting variable frequency band sufficiently to not allow theoscillator trimmer and padder condensers to pull the oscillator into line for apredetermined I.F.


To determine the unknown frequency to which any


Bymoving the AUDOLYZER probe from stage to stage of a receiver and noting theAUDOLYZER meter's voltage reading in each case, you can readily determinewhether a stage, a tube or a transformer results in a gain

Youcan check the A.V.C. circuit for correct applied voltage under actual operatingconditions because you have a Vacuum Tube Voltmeter in the AUDOLYZER whichinstantly indicates this voltage at any place in the set--and its variationunder different applied signals--without upsetting the correct operation of theset. You can adjust A.F.C. circuits in the same manner.


Distortioncan easily be noted by ear. Most distortion occurs in the second detector oraudio output stages. By placing the probe at any place where the audio signalis normally present, you can hear thesignal and instantly determine where the distortion originates. This is alsotrue of any R.F. or I.F. stage if you have a scope, you can connect it to theAUDOLYZER and see thedemodulated audio signal as well.

Leaky,shorted or open condensers can quickly be found without unsoldering them fromthe circuit. Because the SUPREME AUDOLYZER can be electrically divided into twosections, you can use two probes at atime for checking intermittents, working from the second detector's input andoutput toward the antenna and loudspeaker or vice versa. The AUDOLYZER can beused to check antenna efficiency as it is a fine field strength meter. You cancheck high impedance pickups, microphones and other input devices. You can makedozens of other tests with the SUPREME AUDOLYZER which will astound you bytheir rapidity, simplicity, and their ability to find the trouble

You need the SUPREME AUDOLYZER in your


S.I.C. Time Payment plan $8.50 cash and 12 monthlypayments of $6.49.

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