

The Radio Manufacturing Engineers RME-69 is a general coverage HF receiver using older 6 pin tubes such as the 6C6 and 6D6. Introduced as "ready November 1, 1935", it was marketed primarily to radio amateurs. See the introductory information on page 87 of the November 1935 issue of QST and the full-page ad on page 91 of the December 1935 issue. The model number is derived from "6 bands and 9 tubes".

FIVE YEARS IN DUTCH UNDERGROUND (caption of photo accompanying letter below)

According to the letter below, reproduced by RME in an advertisement, one RME-69 was given to the Dutch Underground in 1941 and used throughout the war in clandestine locations in that occupied country. A copy of the ad can be found in the February 1946 issue of QST magazine. Since there are and were no markings on any of the knobs, it is understandable that it could pass as a "laboratory test instrument" to an untrained eye. This radio still does very well in picking up Radio Nederland and other short-wave programs. Thanks to the Allies and to the men and women of the "Verzet" (resistance), the Netherlands and Radio Nederland were liberated in 1945.

Contents of the letter



Keisergracht 450

Radio Manufacturing Engineers Inc.
302 First Avenue,
Illinois (U.S.A.)

REPORT about the use of Receiver RME 69 in service
at the Corps Government Communication Service at Amster-
dam and Amersfoort.


This receiver was in 1941 placed at the disposal of the underground
organization Corps Regeerings Berichten Dienst (Government
Communication Service) during the years 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 and
1945. The receiver was handled daily for some hours to receive the
daily news bulletins on shortwave length and to listen to signals
of secret stations in England, which were transmitting secret
messages to the underground forces in the Netherlands.

During the whole period of 5 years of the war the receiver has never
been repaired. In September 1944 the receiver was sent to a farm
in the neighbourhood of Amersfoort to act as communication receiver
on a secret radio station. It has been in use on batteries and under
all conditions.

In March 1945 the receiver was shipped to Amsterdam, but the Germans
controled the transport and opened the case, in which the receiverRME 69 was packed. We foolished them in telling that the receiver
was a laboratory test instrument and they believed it.

So the RME 69 reached its destination and was for 24 hours daily
in service on the radio station P.A.D., transmitting station of theCorps Government Communication Service in Amsterdam. A picture of
the RME 69 "in service" is enclosed herewith.

We are convinced for ever that the RME communication receiversbelong to the most reliable receivers in the world.

      Sincerely yours,
      J.M.F.A. van Dijk,

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