Our Lab

Asik Statistics Lab 

The ASIK Stats Lab is directed by EDRE faculty and managed by senior research methodology doctoral students to provide research consultation. The purpose is to promote sound statistical, research (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods) methodology and evaluation. The Asik Lab provides consulting services to university faculty and graduate students. Consulting projects are completed by EDRE graduate students under the supervision of EDRE faculty members.

  1. Our GAs support research activities; but we are not allowed to do the project (e.g., assignment, thesis, dissertation) for you.
  2. You are encouraged to make an appointment with our GAs ahead of time so we will be prepared to answer your questions promptly.
  3. Please come with specific and prepared questions together with relevant materials (i.e., laptop with the programs, and class notes).
  4. We are not obligated to allow students to use lab computers. Students with statistical analysis questions may use lab computers ONLY with the supervision of Lab GAs.
  5. We aim to serve you through a one-on-one session for 30 minutes to support class and research projects (e.g. dissertation, thesis) and up to 1 hour maximum ONLY if no one else is waiting for assistance. If you know you have similar questions with your classmates, a group appointment is encouraged.
