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J. Warren McClure
School of Communication Systems Management

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Andrew Snow, Director

Bachelor of Science in Communication (BSC)
Communication Systems Management

Major code BC5329
Founded in the fall of 1980 as the Center for Communication Management, this program was the first of its type in Ohio and only the second in the United States at the baccalaureate level. It is a multidisciplinary major, with students taking courses in nine other schools and departments in addition to the J. Warren McClure School of Communication Systems Management. The program was designed with the assistance of the International Communications Association and other telecommunications professionals.

Purposes and ObjectivesThe purpose of the J. Warren McClure School of Communication Systems Management is to provide academic studies and research for the training of professionals in the field of voice/data telecommunications. These communication professionals fill a large number of roles: they design, supervise, and operate specialized communication systems for private industry and government; they design and market communication services on behalf of major telephone companies, Internet service providers, cellular providers, and equipment vendors; and they apply their expertise on behalf of consulting firms and regulatory agencies.

Until the 1970s, professionals in the field were trained primarily on the job. But with the rapid expansion of technology and its applications, universities were asked to provide quality educational programs in this field. The Ohio University program is the result of five years of consultation and planning with experts at both the academic and applied levels.

The program is based on the philosophy that the communication professional must have broad basic knowledge and skill in such diverse areas as technology, business, computer systems, and written and oral communication.

While working toward their degrees, students are encouraged to gain practical experience through lab exercises, case studies, internships, and practica. Students are given opportunities to observe and use communication systems (voice, image, and data) in the school's laboratories and through tours of the University's Communication Network Services installation and other facilities.

Transfer StudentsThe following policy applies to students wishing to transfer from other universities, from other colleges within Ohio University, or from other schools within the College of Communication:

You must meet the minimum college transfer requirements (completion of 48 quarter hours, or 32 semester hours, with an earned g.p.a. of at least 2.5) to be eligible to apply for transfer into the School of Communication Systems Management. Meeting these requirements does not, however, insure acceptance into the school.

Students who do not qualify for priority admission will be considered for admission based on overall g.p.a., the g.p.a. in the four courses listed below, in addition to other factors.

There are two alternatives for priority admission into the program. One alternative is to complete ACCT 101/201, COMS 103, and ECON 103 and 104 (or their equivalents) and have a cumulative g.p.a. or 3.0 or higher. The second alternative is to have an overall g.p.a. of 2.75 and 3.0 g.p.a. in the four courses listed above.

You are required to meet with the school's director before applying for transfer.

In order to apply for transfer, you must complete a Transfer Information Sheet (available in the school office) and supply your latest DARS report or transcript.

You may apply for a transfer at any time, but admission decisions for students who are not automatically admitted will be made only once per quarter, by a faculty committee.

Enrollment in the school is limited to ensure quality instruction and advising. Other transfer procedures may be adopted if enrollment should become a problem.

Internships and PracticaHands-on experience is an important part of your course of study, and you are strongly encouraged to fulfill this component of your studies through an internship or practicum. Course credit for either an internship or a practicum applies toward the 45 hours of COMT courses required of all majors. Credit toward the 45 hours is not awarded for both an internship and a practicum.

The school has a strong internship program with more than 30 sponsoring organizations. Internships are usually 12 weeks long and take place off campus during the summer; other arrangements are possible. You are treated as a staff member and are paid for your efforts. Internships are awarded on a competitive basis and are subject to availability. You must be majoring in the program, have completed at least 90 hours, including specified courses in the program (see the director for a list), and have one quarter remaining on campus after the internship is completed. Individual internship sponsors establish g.p.a. requirements. You must enroll in the University for academic credit during the internship and may earn up to 12 hours of course credit for completion of all internship requirements; a maximum of 5 hours of course credit will apply to the 45-hour major requirement. Apply to the internship coordinator for consideration.

The school also provides practicum experience. You may choose to complete a practicum project under the supervision of a school faculty member. Practica are conducted on campus, either within the school or for other units, and are unpaid. You must enroll in the University for academic credit during the quarter in which the practicum is conducted. A maximum of 5 hours of course credit will apply to the 45-hour major requirement. Practica are arranged with individual faculty members.

If you are unable to complete either an internship or a practicum, you may complete the 45-hour major requirement through an additional COMT elective course.

Curricula and RequirementsA communication professional is asked to have reasonable familiarity with a number of concerns, both general and technical. The communication management major requires a multidisciplinary approach involving courses in other participating schools and departments, in addition to coursework offered by the school itself.

All majors in the program must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in COMT 214, COMT 220, COMT 222, and COMT 302. If you earn a grade below C in any of these courses, you will not be permitted to enroll in upper-division COMT courses. Courses may be retaken according to University policy.

Additionally,to remain active in the major, you must maintain a 2.0 average in all required courses, not solely those labeled as communication management courses.

You are required to complete a secondary area of concentration. These areas traditionally have been in management/business administration, computer science, or technical areas. Other areas are possible as well. You develop your specific secondary area of concentration with your advisor's approval after completing COMT 214. Further information is available from the school office.

Each major must complete the core courses, focus area requirements, and other University requirements.

Requirements are structured to meet simultaneously the University's General Education Requirements and the needs of the major field.

Core Courses

 1.   GeneralECON 103, 104     Principles                           8

                  Freshman Tier I English              5
                  Tier I mathematics                 4-5

ENG 305J          Technical writing                    4

                  Statistics                         4-5

                  Other Tier requirements 2.   Technical and BusinessACCT 101, 102     Accounting                           8

BUSL 255          Law and Society                      4

CS 120            Comp. Literacy                       3

MGT 202           Management                           4

MKT 202           Marketing Principles                 4
                  One computer language                5 3.   General CommunicationCOMS 101, 103, 215                                    12 4.   Communication Systems ManagementCOMT 214, 220, 222, 302, 304,310, 312, 444,
and 14 hours of additional COMT courses
(including up to 5 hours of COMT 401 or 495
but excluding COMT 431 and 493)                       45 5.   Secondary area of concentration               20-25Specific courses dependent upon area of concentration 6.   ElectivesAs recommended by advisor

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

University Publications staff and Computer Services revised this file
(https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/04-05/colleges/csm.htm) on September 1, 2004.
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