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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

This section outlines the specific requirements for every program in the College of Arts and Sciences that begin with the letters C and D.


See Biological Science or Environmental and Plant Biology

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Upon completing the requirements for the B.S. degree with a major in chemistry, you are eligible for professional status in the American Chemical Society. Completion of a B.A. degree in chemistry does not qualify you for certification.

Due to changes in standards for teacher licensure in the State of Ohio, the current program in chemistry is subject to change. If you are interested in becoming licensed to teach chemistry at the secondary level, contact the Office of Student Services in the College of Education.

Foreign language requirements should be met with German or Russian. Graduate schools generally require a reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages, with German and/or Russian recommended. Details of Ohio University's M.S. and Ph.D. programs are given in the Graduate Catalog.

All chemistry laboratory courses require a $45 breakage and supplies card, the unused portion of which will be refunded.

Chemistry Major (B.S. or B.A.)
Major codes BS3311, BA3311

The B.S. degree program is chosen by students planning to enter a graduate program in chemistry or work in the chemical industry. Requirements for the B.S. degreeinclude a minimum of 76 hours of chemistry from the following:
CHEM 151-152-153    Fund. of Chemistry                15

CHEM 241            Quantitative Analysis              4

CHEM 242            Quant. Analysis Lab                1   

CHEM 305, 306, 307  Organic Chemistry                  9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Chemistry Lab              6

CHEM 400A           Advanced Organic Lab               2

CHEM 400B           Advanced Inorganic Lab             2

CHEM 453, 454, 455  Physical Chemistry                 9

CHEM 456, 457       Physical Chemistry Lab             6

CHEM 460            Spectropscopic Methods 
                    in Organic Chemistry               3

CHEM 376            Fund. of Inorganic Chemistry       3
CHEM 476            Mod. Inorganic Chemistry           4

CHEM 489            Basic Biochemistry                 4 orCHEM 490-491-492 General Biochemistry or10 Any two of the following:CHEM 431, 434       Chem. Sep. Methods, Lab            4

CHEM 432, 435       Chemical Instrumentation 
                    and Electrochemistry, Lab          4

CHEM 433, 436       Spectrochem. Anal., Lab            5
Extradepartmental requirements include MATH 263A-B-C-D and PHYS 251-252-253, which should be completed by the end of the second year. ENG 151 and 305J are recommended to meet English composition requirements.

Requirements for the B.A. degreein chemistry include a minimum of 63 hours of chemistry from the following:

CHEM 151, 152, 153  Fund. of Chemistry                15

CHEM 241            Quantitative Analysis              4

CHEM 242            Quantitative Analysis Lab          1

CHEM 301, 302       Organic Chemistry                  6 orCHEM 305,306,307 Organic Chemistry or9

CHEM 303, 304       Organic Chemistry Lab              5 orCHEM 308, 309    Organic Chemistry Lab or6

CHEM 325            Instr. Meth. of Analysis           4 orany two pairs: 

CHEM 431,434         Chem. Sep. Methods                4

CHEM 432, 435        Chem. Instrumentation             4
                     and Electrochemisty, Lab

CHEM 433, 436        Spectrochem. Anal., Lab           5

CHEM 351             Physical Chemistry                4 orCHEM 453,454,455  Physical Chemistry or9

CHEM 376             Fund. of Inorganic Chem.          3

CHEM 476             Mod. Inorganic Chem.              4
One course in biochemistry

A full year's work is required in at least one of the following fields:

Analytical: 241-242 and any two of the pairs 431-434, 432-435, 433-436

Organic: 305-306-307

Physical: 453-454-455

Biochemistry: 490-491-492

Extradepartmental requirements include MATH 163 A-B and PHYS 201-202-203, which should be completed by the end of the second year. ENG 151 and 305J are recommended to meet English Composition requirements.

Chemistry Minor
Minor code OR3311

A minor program in chemistry requires a 2.0 overall g.p.a. and completion of at least 29 quarter hours of chemistry coursework, including
CHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

CHEM 301,302,303    Organic Chemistry                 8 orCHEM 305,306,307 Organic Chemistry or9

Any two of the following: 

CHEM 241 and 242    Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 351 orCHEM 453         Physical Chemistry           4 or3

CHEM 489 or490     Biochemistry                      4

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem.             4

You must have a minimum g.p.a. of 2.0 in chemistry coursework taken for the minor.

Chemistry-Biochemistry Major (B.S.)
Special curriculum; major code BS3316

This program serves students who have an interest in biological applications of chemistry as a biochemist or health scientist in medicine, industry, or research; as preparation for graduate studies in biochemistry or another life science such as molecular biology, microbiology, or immunology; or as preparation for combining a career in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, etc., with research. The curriculum includes all fundamental areas of chemical and biological sciences with emphasis on advanced biochemistry, including biochemical laboratory techniques, instruments, experiment design, and protocols, and requires 56 hours of chemistry, including:
 FreshmanCHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

MATH 263 A, B       Calculus                          8   

BIOS 170,171, 
172, 173            Intro to Zoology                 14
Arts and Sciences degree and General Education Requirements. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305, 306, 307  Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Lab                       6

PHYS 201, 202, 203  Intro to Physics                 15

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

Arts and Sciences degree and General Education Requirements. JuniorCHEM 325            Instr. Analysis                   4 orCHEM 431, 434    Chem. Separation Meth.    

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

CHEM 490, 491, 492  General Biochemistry             10

CHEM 493            Biochemical Techniques            3

Arts and Sciences degree and General Education Requirements. SeniorBIOS 426
or PBIO 450         Biotech. and Genetic Eng.         4

BIOS 342,343        Prin. of Physiology               6

Elective:CHEM 494   Biochemical Research            1-5

Environmental Chemistry Major (B.S. or B.A.)
Special curricula; major codes BS3315, BA3315

To prepare for a career in environmental chemistry, you can pursue the regular B.S. or B.A. in chemistry and take some of the following environmentally related courses as electives. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has advisors in environmental chemistry to assist you in planning your studies in the field. See also the environmental degree programs in the Departments of Biological Sciences, Environmental and Plant Biology, Geography, and Geology.

The B.S. degree program is chosen by students seeking entrance into graduate programs in chemistry. Requirements for the B.S. degreein environmental chemistry include at least 78 hours of chemistry from the following:

CHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

CHEM 241            Quantitative Analysis             4

CHEM 242            Quantitative Analysis Lab         1   

CHEM 305, 306, 307  Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Chemistry Lab             6

CHEM 400A           Advanced Organic Lab              2

CHEM 400B           Advanced Inorganic Lab            2 

CHEM 453, 454, 455  Physical Chemistry                9

CHEM 456, 457       Physical Chemistry Lab            6

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorgnic Chem.              3

CHEM 476            Mod. Inorganic Chem.              3

CHEM 431            Chem. Separation Meth.            3

CHEM 432            Chemical Instrumentation 
                    and Electrochemistry              3

CHEM 433            Spectrochemical Analysis          3

CHEM 434            Chemical Separations Lab          1

CHEM 435            Chemical Instrumentation 
                    and Electrochemistry Lab          1

CHEM 436            Spectrochem. Anal. Lab            2

CHEM 489            Basic Biochemistry                4 orCHEM 490,491,492 General Biochemistry             10 Extradepartmental requirementsMATH 263A-B-C-D

PHYS 251-252-253

These courses should be completed by the end of the second year. 

Requirements for the B.A. degreein environmental chemistry include at least 53 hours of chemistry from the following:

CHEM 151,152,153    Fundamentals of Chemistry        15

CHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis, Lab        5

CHEM 301, 302       Organic Chemistry                 6 orCHEM 305,306,307 Organic Chemistry or9

CHEM 303, 304       Organic Chemistry Lab             5 orCHEM 308,309     Organic Chemistry Lab or6

CHEM 325            Instr. Meth. of Analysis          4 orany two of the following pairs: 

CHEM 431, 434       Chemical Separation 
                    Methods, Lab                      4

CHEM 432, 435       Chemical Instrumentation
                    & Electrochemistry, Lab           4

CHEM 433, 436       Spectrochemical Anal., Lab        5

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4 orCHEM 453,454,455 Physical Chemistry or9

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem.             3

CHEM 476            Mod. Inorganic Chem.              4

One course          Biochemistry A full year's work is required in at least one of the following fields:Analytical: 241-242 and any two pairs of 431-434, 432-435, or 433-436 
Organic: 305-306-307 
Physical: 453-454-455 
Biochemistry: 490-491-492

Extradepartmental requirements include MATH 163 A-B and PHYS 201-202-203, which should be completed by the end of the second year. ENG 151 and 305J are recommended to meet English Composition requirements. Suggested electivesBIOS 275            Animal Ecology                    4

BIOS 221,222        Env. Microbiology, Lab            6

CHEM 485            Intro to Toxicology               4

GEOG 357            Environmental law                 4

ECON 313            Econ. of the Environment          4

ECON 314            Natural Res. Economics            4

ECON  335           Economics of Energy               4   

CHE 461             Environ. Assessments              3

CE 452              Water and Wastewater 
                    Analysis                          3

GEOG 201            Environmental Geography           4

GEOG 241            Global Issues in Env. Geog.       4

GEOG 350            Land Use Planning                 4

GEOG 353            Environmental Planning            4

GEOG 440            Environ. Impact Analysis          4

GEOL 215            Environmental Geology             4

GEOL 231            Water and Pollution               4

GEOL 480            Hydrogeology                      4

PBIO 410            Plants and Soil                   4

PBIO 425            Plant Ecology                     5

POLS 425            Env. and Natural Res. 
                    Economics                         4

Forensic Chemistry Major (B.S.)
Major code BS3310

Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry and related sciences to criminal investigation. The program prepares you for work in modern crime laboratories or other law enforcement agencies such as FDA, OSHA, and EPA, or for graduate work in forensic chemistry or forensic sciences. Requirements for the degree include at least 69 hours of chemistry from the following:
CHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

CHEM 241,242        Quantitative Analysis, 
                    Lab                               5

CHEM 305, 306, 307, 
308, 309            Organic Chemistry, Lab           15 

CHEM 351            Physical  Chemistry               4

CHEM 431,434        Chem. Sep. Methods, Lab           4

CHEM 432,435        Chemical Instrumentation and 
                    Electrochemistry, Lab             4   

CHEM 433,436        Spectrochem. Anal., Lab           5

CHEM 485            Intro to Toxicology               4

CHEM 487A           Forensic  Chemistry               3

CHEM 487B           Forensic Chemistry Lab            3

CHEM 489            Biochemistry                      4 In addition, students must choose to complete all the course for ONE of the options below: Option 1:CHEM 376            Fund. of Inorganic Chem.          3

CHEM 460            Spectroscopic Methods in 
                    Organic Chemistry                 3 

CHEM 400            Adv. Organic Chem. Lab            2

CHEM 488A           Topics in Forensic 
                    Science I                         3 Option 2:CHEM 488C           Forensic DNA Analysis II          3 
BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

BIOS 326            Laboratory Genetics               4

PBIO 450            Biotechnology and 
                    Genetic Engineering               4 Extradepartmental requirementsLET 100             Intro to Law Enforc. Tech.        3

LET 120             Const., Crim., Civil Law          3

LET 140             Intro to Criminalistics           3

LET 200             Proc., Rules, and Tests 
                    of Evidence                       4

LET 250             Vice and Narcotic Cont.           3 

LET 260             Criminal Investigation            3

MATH 263A, B        Calculus                          8

PHYS 251, 252, 253  General Physics                  15

BIOS 170, 171       Intro to Zoology                 10

BIOS 364            Forensic Biology                  4

PSY 221             Statistics for the 
                    Behavioral Sciences               5
ENG 151 and 305J are recommended for meeting English composition requirements.

Consult the director, Forensic Chemistry Program, Department of Chemistry, and Biochemistry, for advance advising and schedule planning.

*No credit for CHEM 488A if you already have credit for VICO 222.

Chemistry-Predentistry Major (B.S. or B.A.)
Special curricula; major codes BS3312, BA3312

To major in chemistry and prepare for admission to dental school, you have the option of completing either of two degree programs: one leading to a B.S. and the other to a B.A. degree. Variations on these programs are possible; consult with your advisor. See also the predentistry major listed under Biological Sciences in this section.

Requirements for the B.S. programinclude 56 hours of chemistry fromthe following:

 FreshmanCHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

BIOS 170, 171, 
172, 173            Intro to Zoology                 14

MATH 263A, B        Calculus                          8 orMATH 163A, B     Intro to Calculus or7

                    English composition               5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305, 306, 307  Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Lab                       6

PHYS 251,252,253    General Physics                  15 orPHYS 201,202,203 Intro to Physics 

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem.             3   

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. JuniorCHEM 325            Instrumental Analysis             4

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

BIOS 342, 343       Intro to Physiology               6

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SeniorCHEM 490,491,492    General Biochemistry             10

BIOS 303            Compar. Vert. Anatomy             6

BIOS 321            General Microbiology              6

BIOS 407            Developmental Biology             4

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. 

Requirements for the B.A. programinclude 56 hours of chemistry from the following: FreshmanCHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

BIOS 170,171, 
172,173             Intro to Zoology                 14

MATH 163A, B        Intro to Calculus                 7

                    English composition               5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305,306,307    Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Lab                       6

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem.             3

PHYS 201, 202, 203  Intro to Physics                 15

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, university General Education Requirements, and/or electives. JuniorCHEM 325            Instrumental Analysis             4

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SeniorCHEM 490,491,492    General Biochemistry             10

BIOS 303            Compar. Vert. Anatomy             6

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives.

Chemistry-Premedicine Major (B.S. or B.A.)
Special curricula; major codes BS3314, BA3314

To major in chemistry and prepare for admission to medical school, you can complete either of two programs: one leading to a B.S. and the other to a B.A. degree. Variations on these programs are possible; consult your advisor. See also the Biological Sciences premedicine major.

Requirements for the B.S. programinclude 56 hours of chemistry from the following:

 FreshmanCHEM 151, 152,153   Fund. of Chemistry               15

MATH 263A, B        Calculus                          8 orMATH 163A, B     Intro to Calculus or7

BIOS 170, 171, 
172, 173            Intro to Zoology                 14

PSY 221             Statistics                        5

                    English composition               5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305,306,307    Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Lab                       6

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem.             3

PHYS 251,252,253    General Physics                  15 orPHYS 201,202,203 Intro to Physics    

Arts and Sciences degree requirements,University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. JuniorCHEM 325            Instrumental Analysis             4

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

BIOS 342, 343       Prin. of Physiology               6

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SeniorCHEM 490,491,492    General Biochemistry             10

BIOS 303            Comp. Vert. Anatomy               6

BIOS 407            General Microbiology              6 orBIOS 321         Developmental Biology             4  

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives.

Requirements for the B.A. programinclude 56 hours of chemistry from the following: FreshmanCHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

MATH 163A,B         Intro to Calculus                 7

BIOS 170, 171, 
172, 173            Intro to Zoology                 14

                    English composition               5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305,306,307    Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Lab                       6

CHEM 376            Fund. Inorganic Chem              3

PHYS 201,202,203    Intro to Physics                 15

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. JuniorCHEM 325            Instrumental Analysis             4

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SeniorCHEM 490,491,492    General Biochemistry             10

BIOS 303            Compar. Vert. Anatomy             6

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives.

Chemistry-Prepharmacy Major (B.S.)
Special curriculum; major code BS3313

Completion of the program below will result in a B.S. degree with a major in chemistry. The program is specifically designed to prepare the student for admission into a Doctor of Pharmacy program at an accredited pharmacy school. Graduates of a Doctor of Pharmacy program are eligible to take licensure examinations to become registered pharmacists.

The program listed below is based upon the requirements of the four pharmacy schools in Ohio, but other schools may vary in their requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the admission requirements for a particular school are met. Consult your advisor for assistance.

Unless otherwise indicated, BIOS departmental courses may be retaken only once. Requirements include 53 hours of chemistry from the following:

 FreshmanCHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

MATH 263A, B        Calculus                          8

BIOS 170, 171, 
172, 173            Intro to Zoology                 14
Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SophomoreCHEM 241, 242       Quantitative Analysis             5

CHEM 305,306,307    Organic Chemistry                 9

CHEM 308, 309       Organic Chemistry Lab             6

PHYS 201, 202, 203  Intro to Physics                 15

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. JuniorCHEM 325            Instr. Methods of Analysis        4

CHEM 351            Physical Chemistry                4

BIOS 325            General Genetics                  5

Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives. SeniorCHEM 490,491,492    General Biochemistry             10

BIOS 300            Anatomy and Histology             6 orBIOS 301         Human Anatomy                     6

BIOS 321            General Microbiology              5
Arts and Sciences degree requirements, University General Education Requirements, and/or electives.

Classics and World Religions

The B.A. degree in classics includes four possible tracks reflecting the range of interests in the field. Each track requires a different balance of study in classics (Greek and Latin) and classical civilization. The B.A. degree in World Religions incorporates several distinct emphasis areas reflecting the modern range of interest iin the field.

The department offers courses in Greek, Latin, classical archaeology (CLAR), classics texts in translation (CLAS), and world religions (CLWR). Although there is no specific major in archaeology or classics in English, the Classical Civilization major offers the opportunity to concentrate in either area. The World Religions major also ofers a wide choide of coursework upon which to build an individual course of study. In the Courses of Instruction section, look under Classics and World Religions for Classical Archaeology, Classics in English; and World Religions; and look under Foreign Languages and Literature for courses in Greek and Latin.

The department offers two study-abroad programs in alternate years, a 10 week spring program in Greece, and a 10 week fall program in Rome taught jointly by Classics and the Department of Modern Languages. The program in Greece is geared toward intermediate-level students of Greek. While in Greece, you will visit archaeological and historical sites and learn Modern Greek as you continue your study of ancient Greek texts. The program in Rome focuses on the city itself through archaeological survey of the monuments and the analysis of history and literature from the perspective of social history.

Classical Civilization Major (B.A.)
Major code BA5214

The Classical Civilization major consists of: completion of the Latin or Greek language sequence through 213, and a minimum of 48 hours of coursework, including a senior research project. This would include:

A.A minimum of 20 hours of coursework from 200 level CLAS and CLAR courses (CLAS 227 not eligible), and/or 300-400 level LAT and GK courses. Of the 20 hours, 12 must be from 3 of the following courses:

CLAS 252            Classical Athens                  4

CLAS 254            Rome under the Caesars            4

CLAR 211            Greek Archaeology                 4

CLAR 212            Roman Archaeology                 4

B.A minimum of 216 hours from 300-400 level CLAS, CLAR, HIST 329B,C, LAT and/or GK courses.

C.8-10 hours from extadepartmental courses approved in consultation with a Classics faculty advisor in connection with the student's approved course of study.

Classical Civilization Minor
Minor code OR5214

The Classical Civilization minor requires a minimum of 28 hours of coursework in Classics above the 100 level, including:

A.A minimum of 16 hours of coursework from 200 level CLAS and CLAR courses (CLAS 227 not eligible), and/or 200 level LAT or GK courses,including one of the following courses in Greek culture.

CLAS 252            Classical Athens		      4

CLAR 211            Greek Archaeology		      4

and one of the following courses in Roman culture:

CLAS 254            Rome under the Caesars            4

CLAR 212            Roman Archaeology		      4
B.A minimum of 12 hours from 300-400 level CLAS and CLAR courses. No knowledge of the Greek or Latin languges is required for the Classic Civilization minor.

Greek Major (B.A.)
Major code BA5212

Take 28 hours in Greek beyond GK 213, and 24 additional hours from approved CLAS, CLAR, HIST 329B, LAT, and/or GK courses.

Greek Minor
Minor code OR5212

Take 12 hours in Greek beyond GK 213, and 12 additional hours from approved CLAS, CLAR, LAT and/or GK courses.

Greek and Latin Major (B.A.)
Major code BA5213

Take a total of 40 hours in Greek and Latin beyond GK and LAT 213; and 24 additional hours from approved CLAS, CLAR, HIST 329B and C, LAT ,and/or GK courses.

Latin Major (B.A.)
Major code BA5211

Take 28 hours in Latin beyond LAT 213; and 24 additional hours from approved CLAS, CLAR, HIST 329C, LAT, and/or GK courses.

Latin Minor
Minor code OR5211

Take 12 hours in Latin beyond LAT 213; and 12 additional hours from approved CLAS, CLAR, LAT and/or GK courses.

Suggested electives:

 AnthropologyANTH 202            Intro to World
                    Archaeology	                  5 Art HistoryAH 320              Greek Art                         4

AH 321              Roman Art                         4

AH 351              Ancient Architecture              4 HistoryHIST 328            The World of 
                    Aristophanes                      3

HIST 331            The Ancient Greek 
                    Games                             4 HumanitiesHUM 107             Great Books                       4

HUM 307             Great Books                       4 PhilosophyPHIL 310            History of Western 
                    Philosophy                        5

PHIL 418            Plato                             5

PHIL 419            Aristotle                         5 Political SciencePOLS 371            Plato, Aristotle, and 
                    Pre-modern Political 
                    Thought                           5

World Religions Major (B.A)
Minor Code BA5215

The B.A. degree in world religions incorporates several distinct emphasis areas reflecting the mdoern range of interest in the field and offers a wide choice of coursework upon which to build an individual course of study.

The World Religions major consists of a minimum of 45 hours of coursework in CLWR, CLAS, or CLAR, of which 16 horus must be at or above the 300 level, other than 490, 491, and 498, and at least two years of study in a language relevant to the chosen emphasis area.

Required courses:

CLWR 181            Introduction to Religion          4 orCLWR 481         Myth and Symbolism                5 orCLWR 301         Old Testament                     5 orCLWR 302         New Testament                   

CLAS 231            Human Aspirations                 4
                    among the Greeks and Romans orCLAS 255         Pagan to Christian in Late        4 
                    Antiquity Two of the following:CLWR 311            Islam                            4

CLWR 321            Hinduism                         4

CLWR 331            Buddhism                         4

CLWR 341            Taosim                           4

Emphasis areaL  at least 12 hours of coursework in the ancient Mediterranean or Asia, although other emphasis areas may be developed with advisor or department approval.


CLWR 490            Senior Research                  2

CLWR 491            Senior Research Writing          4

Extra-departmental courses:  at least 1 course (4 hours). (Courses do not count toward the 45 hours in the major, but can fulfill general education requirements).

PHIL 260            Philosophy of Religion           4

GEOG 336            Religious Space and Place        4

ANTH 357            Anthropology of Religion         4

SOC 428             Sociology of Religion            4

World Religions Minor
Minor code OR5215

The World Relilgions minor consists of a minimum of 28 hours in courses under the prefix CLWR, including:
CLWR 181            Introduction to Religion         4

At least one  300 level course about traditions originating in India or China:

CLWR 321            Hinduism                         4

CLWR 331            Buddhism                         4

CLWR 341            Taoism                           4

and at least two classroom courses at the 400 level

Computer Science

Computer Science Major (B.A. or B.S.)
Major codes BA0701, BS0701

In the College of Arts and Sciences you may earn a B.A. or a B.S. in Computer Science. The Russ College of Engineering and Technology awards a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

*The B.A. requires successful completion of the following courses:

CS240A, B, C        Intro to Computer Science        13

CS 265              Computer Ethics                   1

EE 102              Intro to Computer Engineering     3

EE 395A             Intermediate Electrical &
                    Computer Engr. Design Exp.        4

CS 300              Intro to Discrete 
                    Structures                        5

CS 320              Organization of Programming 
                    Languages                         5      

CS 361              Data Structures                   5

CS 404              Design and Analysis 
                    of Algorithms                     5

CS 406              Computation Theory                5
CS 442              Operating Systems and 
                    Computer Architecture I           5
CS 456              Software Design an Devel.         5

CS 465              Computer Ethics                   1

MATH 263A,B,C,D     Calculus                         16

The B.S. that you complete the B.A. requirements as as well as:

Two additional 400-level computer sciences courses

One statistics course (QBA 201, PSY 221, ECON 381, COMS 301, or EE 371)

One of the following science sequences:

CHEM 151,152,123    Fund. of Chemistry               14

CHEM 151,152,153    Fund. of Chemistry               15

PHYS 251,252,253    General Physics                  15

Plus an additional laboratory science course from CHEM, PHYS, PBIO, or BIOS. The additional lab course must be 1) in a science other than the sequence chosen above, and 2) a required course for majors in that discipline.

All computer science majors in the College of Arts and Sciences must complete the appropriate Arts and Sciences foreign language requirement.

*You must earn an overall GPA of 2.0 or better in computer science courses, including EE courses, as well as in the required extra-departmental courses, i.e. mathematics, chemistry, and physics.


See Sociology--Criminology Major.


See Biological Sciences or Chemistry, Predentistry Major.


See Theater
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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

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