Ohio University Undergraduate Catalog




This section outlines general information about applying for admission to Ohio University. To receive more specific information, as well as application materials, contact the Office of Admissions , Ohio University, Chubb Hall 120, Athens OH 45701-2979, or call 740-593-4100 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (fax 740-593-0560; e-mail uadmiss1@ohiou.edu ).

Table of Contents

The Undergraduate Catalog information about admissions is organized as shown in the table of contents below. Select any section that you are interested in. Links are placed at the end of each section so that you can easily return to this table of contents.

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Options for Receiving Credit

Transferring Credit

Enrollment Medical Requirements

Application Deadlines

Campus Visits

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Admission Requirements and Procedures

Selective and Limited Admission

If you are planning to apply to Ohio University, please note that admission is selective --admission is granted to the best qualified candidates. Also, keep in mind that admission to the university does not guarantee admission into a specific program of study. Contact the specific academic department or the Office of Admissions for details regarding limited and selective admission policies.

If you are considering applying for admission to Ohio University, we expect that your high school background include these courses:

  1. Four years of English, with an emphasis on composition

  2. Three years of mathematics (algebra I, algebra II, plane geometry; precalculus is encouraged for prospective engineering or business majors), one of which should be taken in the senior year

  3. Three years of social sciences (history, social studies, etc.)

  4. Three years of natural sciences (physics is encouraged if you plan to pursue an engineering major)

  5. Two years of foreign language

  6. One year of visual or performing arts (art, band, chorus, music, orchestra, theater, etc.)

Exceptions to this program of study may be made in light of overall academic preparedness.

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Categories of Admission

Freshman Applicant.If you (1) soon will receive a high school diploma or a GED equivalency certificate from a chartered secondary school, and (2) have not been enrolled for 12 or more hours of coursework at a college or university, you are considered a freshman applicant. You must have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) High School Equivalent Certificate by the time you plan to enter college. Consideration for admission is based upon your high school performance (class rank, grade-point average, and curriculum), aptitude test scores (ACT or SAT), strength of the high school program, and special ability, talent, or achievement.

Please note that even if you have earned credit for college courses through one of the post-secondary options or other concurrent enrollment programs as a high school student, you are still considered a freshman applicant.

To apply, you will need to submit a completed Application for Admission form (included in the current Application Bulletin ), the nonrefundable $30 application fee, ACT or SAT scores, and an official high school transcript (sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the high school) or GED score report (sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the appropriate state GED office, official testing center, or GED Testing Service). If you are financially disadvantaged, the $25 application fee may be waived upon written recommendation from your high school guidance counselor.

Beginning in October and continuing through April, those who have submitted completed application materials will be notified of their admission status for fall quarter. Admission decisions and notification are made on a rolling basis for all other quarters. Following acceptance for admission, you will receive information about financial aid and a residence hall contract and agreement form. Since all freshmen are required to live in university housing, you should submit the $100 residence hall deposit by May 1 to reserve your place for fall quarter. You and your parents will also receive an invitation and details about the Precollege Orientation program for entering students.

Transfer Applicant.All campuses of Ohio University consider you to be a transfer applicant if you have registered for 12 or more hours at another institution. However, to be considered for transfer admission at the Athens campus of Ohio University, you must have completed at least 30 quarter hours (20 semester hours) of transferable credit, with a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative grade-point average (g.p.a.) on a 4.0 scale, from a regionally accredited university.

If you wish to transfer from an institution without regional accreditation, you may be required to have a g.p.a. substantially above a 2.5. Various colleges and programs at Ohio University have additional requirements for transfer student admission, including a g.p.a. higher than 2.5. Please refer to the Colleges and Curricula section of the catalog for each college's or school's specific requirements.

Since most of our programs and procedures are set up to begin fall quarter, you are strongly encouraged to apply for that term.

To apply, you will need to submit a completed Application for Admission form (included in the current Transfer Application Bulletin ) and the nonrefundable $30 application fee. You must also arrange for official transcripts to be sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the registrar at each college or university you have attended. Since all students seeking admission to a degree-granting college must have graduated from an accredited high school or have an equivalency certificate, you may be requested to provide a final high school transcript and/or GED certificate.

Space is available in university residence halls for transfer students, and shortly after you have been accepted for admission, you will receive a housing contract in the mail from Housing.

International Applicant.If you are a citizen of another country, you will be considered for admission as an international applicant. Admission requirements include a secondary education diploma or its equivalent, as well as an excellent academic record.

You should plan to apply for admission at least five months before the date you wish to enter Ohio University. To apply, you will need to submit to the director of admissions an International Student Application for Admission (along with the $25 nonrefundable application fee), secondary school transcripts, academic test results, records of any university-level work, a short statement of your academic and career goals, and a completed affidavit of financial support. Please note that all documents, including test results, must be submitted in English and certified as true copies.

If you are accepted for admission, you will be required to take an English placement test when you arrive on campus to determine if you will need additional English language instruction (provided by Ohio University's Ohio Program of Intensive English). If you do, you may have to delay registering for regular classes until your English skills have improved enough to assure your success in the classroom.

Upon being admitted, you will receive the appropriate materials to use for securing your student visa. A few weeks later, you will receive a housing contract, which you should complete and return to Housing at least six weeks prior to your arrival on campus.

International student application materials may be obtained from the Office of Admissions , Ohio University, Chubb Hall 120, Athens OH USA 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-4110. Further information about services for international students is available from the Office of International Student and Faculty Services , Ohio University, Scott Quad 172, Athens OH USA 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-4330.

High School Enrollment Options Applicant.If you are a high school student, you may enroll in university classes concurrently with your high school enrollment to earn college credit or both high school and college credit. Students enrolling in the summer may pursue college credit only (Option A).

Those from area high schools within commuting distance to the university may be considered for enrollment under two options: (A) you enroll to receive college -- and not high school -- credit for courses, and you pay applicable fees; or (B) you enroll to receive both high school and college credit, and you are not required to pay for tuition and textbook fees. Additional information and application materials for these options are available from the director of admissions . Please note that if you have taken college courses as a high school student under one of these options and plan to apply for admission to Ohio University as a full-time student, you will need to reapply as a freshman applicant, not a transfer applicant, even though you have already earned college credit. Credit earned at Ohio University under these options will become part of your permanent record and will be figured into your accumulative grade-point average.

Early Admissions Applicant.Under special circumstances, Ohio University will consider admitting you as a regular university student after your junior year of high school, but prior to your high school graduation. As an early admissions applicant, you must submit a completed Application for Admission form (included in the current Application Bulletin ), the nonrefundable $30 application fee, your high school transcripts, ACT or SAT scores, a statement explaining your reasons for wanting to enroll, and a recommendation from your high school attesting to your readiness to begin college-level studies. You will be required to earn your high school diploma or GED certificate by the beginning of your sophomore year in college to continue university enrollment. Additional information on this option is available from the director of admissions .

Re-Enrolling Student.If you have previously attended one of Ohio University's campuses but are not currently enrolled (excluding summer quarter) and wish to return as an undergraduate student, you are considered a re-enrolling student. If you have been dropped from the university, you will need to apply to the college where you were last enrolled to be reinstated; if your records have been placed on hold, you will need to make arrangements to resolve the situation through the appropriate office before re-enrollment can be considered.

To receive information about registration, contact the Registrar's Office , 740-593-4191. If you have attended another college or university since you were last enrolled at Ohio University and wish to transfer credit earned, you need to arrange to have a transcript sent to the Office of Admissions from each post-secondary institution you have attended.

Relocating Student. If you are currently attending one of Ohio University's regional campuses and wish to relocate to the Athens campus, you are considered a relocating student. Relocation is possible for any quarter, though you should have a g.p.a. of 2.0 or better to be eligible for relocation.

To apply, you will need to complete a relocating student card, available from the Registrar's Office or from the Student Services Office at your regional campus, and submit it to the Registrar's Office on the Athens campus.

Nondegree Student Applicant.If you wish to carry a limited number of courses at the university and are not interested in earning a degree, you are considered a nondegree student applicant. To apply, you must complete a nondegree student application, available from the Office of Admissions . If you need to supply a transcript of previous coursework or any additional materials, the Office of Admissions will notify you regarding what is needed.

The university currently charges a $15 nonrefundable application fee for nondegree applicants, though summer-only nondegree students are not charged for application. If you later wish to enter a degree-granting program, you will need to reapply for admission.

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Options For Receiving Credit

Several methods of receiving Ohio University credit for work previously completed or for general knowledge and experience are available through Ohio University. For further information on any of the following methods, contact the University Examiner, Ohio University, Chubb Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-4119.

Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).If you have taken examinations provided by the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Board and achieved a score of three or higher, you may be able to receive Ohio University credit and placement for your efforts. Scores must be sent directly from the College Board to the Office of Admissions.

Ohio University also participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) sponsored by the College Board. Subject to approval by the appropriate department in each case, Ohio University will allow credit for satisfactory performance on the CLEP subject matter examinations, provided you take the examinations before you formally enroll in the university. Please note that the university does not award any credit for scores achieved on the CLEP general examinations.

Detailed information about both the AP and CLEP programs is available from high school guidance offices, from the Office of Admissions , or by contacting the College Board, Box 593, Princeton NJ 08540.

Experiential Learning and Course Credit by Examination.You also may be able to earn credit without attending formal classes through two programs offered through the university's Office of Lifelong Learning: Experiential Learning and Course Credit by Examination. Experiential Learning allows you to acquire credit for college-level experience gained through work, volunteer activities, or hobbies by compiling a portfolio of learning that is reviewed by an appropriate university faculty member and assigned a credit value. Course Credit by Examination allows you to study or review a given subject on your own. You are tested on the subject within six months of enrollment. A letter grade is assigned and credit awarded based on your performance on the examination. Further information on Experiential Learning is available from Adult Learning Services , telephone 740-593-2150; further information on Course Credit by Examination is available from the Office of Independent Study , telephone 740-593-2910 or the Office of Lifelong Learning section of the catalog.)

Credit for the International Baccalaureate (I.B.).If you participated in this program as a high school student, you may be eligible for credit and/or placement. For further information, contact the Office of Admissions .

Credit for Armed Forces Courses.Some courses provided by the armed forces are the equivalent of college courses, and transfer credit may be obtained by presenting certificates or a diploma describing the training received. The Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services , published by the American Council on Education, is used to determine what credit might be granted. Blanket credit is not granted for military service, nor is credit granted for the Military Occupation Specialty (M.O.S.).

Credit for Training Programs.Some courses offered by business and professional organizations are considered the equivalent of college courses, and you may receive transfer credit, subject to department or school approval, by presenting transcripts or certificates of completion from the training program. The National Guide , published by the American Council on Education, is used to determine what credit might be granted.

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Transferring Credit

All college-level credit earned with a grade of C- or higher at a regionally accredited institution is accepted as transfer credit at Ohio University and can be used to satisfy degree requirements in the same manner as credit earned at Ohio University. Remedial courses taken at the college or university level, however, are not transferable.

Normally, courses in which you have earned a D grade or lower are not acceptable for transfer. However, a course with a D grade will transfer if it meets two conditions: if the course was a specific prerequisite (as stated in the previous school's catalog) for a later course that you took in the same department, and if you earned a grade of C- or better in that later course. If you have coursework that meets these conditions, contact the Office of Admissions to arrange to receive credit.

If you have attended an institution that does not have regional accreditation, you may be required to have a g.p.a. substantially above 2.5 and may have only part, or in some cases none, of your previously earned credit accepted at Ohio University. Any credit earned at such an institution is accepted only provisionally and must be validated by your performance at Ohio University.

All grades for transfer credit are converted on your academic record to either a T grade symbol (if credit has been equated to a specific Ohio University course) or a U symbol (if credit has not been equated). The number of transferable quarter hours of credit is recorded on the academic record, but the grades you earned are not recorded. As a result, if you are a transfer student, you enter Ohio University with no g.p.a. on your academic record. However, prior to your acceptance into certain programs, your overall g.p.a. earned at other institutions may be considered as part of the criteria for admission into those programs.

Shortly after you have been accepted for admission as a transfer student, the Office of Admissions will send a tentative transfer credit evaluation report.

If you have enrolled at one college or university with the intention of transferring to another institution at a later date, you should identify the receiving institution as soon as possible so that you can ensure the applicability of your current coursework to the general education and major requirements of the institution where you will be transferring.

The Transfer Module.The transfer module, recently established by the Ohio Board of Regents to help you avoid course requirement duplication when you transfer and to smooth the process of transferring from one Ohio institution to another, is a means by which you can complete a "core set" of courses at one institution and have them transferred as a unit to meet the requirements of the receiving institution.

In general, the transfer module is a set of courses (54-60 qtr. hrs. or 36-40 sem. hrs.) that most Ohio institutions have agreed upon as basic to a university-level education. The set includes English composition, mathematics, fine arts, humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, natural sciences, physical science, and interdisciplinary topics. A transfer module completed at one college or university will transfer in its entirety to the receiving institution once you are accepted. Although the transfer module will meet many general requirements, you may be required to complete additional coursework.

Since some independent colleges and universities in Ohio may not be participating in the transfer module policy, you should check to see if the institution where you're currently enrolled has an agreement regarding the transfer module with the institution to which you plan to transfer.

Consideration for Transfer Module Admission.The following guidelines govern transfer module admission:

  1. If you have completed the transfer module at another institution with an overall g.p.a. of 2.0 or higher and either the Associate of Arts or the Associate of Science degree, you are given preferential consideration for admission to Ohio University. Under this policy you will be able to transfer all courses in which you received a grade of D or better.

  2. If you have completed the transfer module at another institution with a grade of C or better in each course and have completed 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours, you are also given preferential consideration for admission to Ohio University. Only courses in which you have earned a C or better will transfer.

  3. If you have completed the transfer module at another institution with a grade of C or better in each course and have completed fewer than 90 quarter or 60 semester hours, you will be given nonpreferential consideration for admission to Ohio University. Only courses in which you have earned a C or better will transfer.

Please be aware that admission as a transfer student to Ohio University does not guarantee your automatic admission to all majors, minors, or fields of concentration. Once you are admitted, you are subject to selective admission requirements as determined by the individual college, school, department, or major program.

Transfer Module Recommendations for Transferring to Ohio University.If you are currently enrolled at another institution but plan to transfer to Ohio University, the following general guidelines for your first two years of coursework should be used in fulfilling the 54-60 quarter or 36-40 semester hours required by the transfer module:

  1. A minimum of five quarter hours of English composition courses, with an emphasis on written composition.

  2. A minimum of three quarter hours of mathematics or quantitative skills.

  3. A minimum of nine quarter hours in arts or humanities.

  4. A minimum of nine quarter hours from two areas in the social and behavioral sciences.

  5. A minimum of nine quarter hours in the natural sciences, including at least one laboratory science course.

  6. Additional elective courses to fulfill the 54-60 quarter or 36-40 semester hour requirement.

We recommend that you work closely with the transfer coordinator at both your current institution and Ohio University to ensure that the specific courses you select under these general guidelines will fulfill the major and graduation requirements of the academic program you intend to pursue at Ohio University.

Transfer Module Recommendation for Transferring from Ohio University.If you are planning to transfer from Ohio University to another institution, the following guidelines should be followed in selecting courses to fulfill the 54-60 quarter hours required by the transfer module:

  1. A minimum of five hours of English composition -- complete one of the following courses:
    English 151, 152, 153

  2. A minimum of three hours of mathematics or quantitative skills from the following courses:
    Computer Science 220, 223, 230, 231, 238
    Math 115, 118, 121, 122, 130, 163A-B, 211, 250, 263A-B-C-D

  3. A minimum of nine hours selected from at least two of the following areas:
    African American Studies 110, 210, 211, 250
    Art 100
    Art History 211, 212, 213
    Classical Languages in English 234, 235, 236, 237
    Comparative Arts 117, 118, 211, 212, 213, 270, 271, 272
    English 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210
    Film 201, 202, 203
    History 121, 122, 123
    Humanities 107, 108, 109, 117
    Music History and Literature 120, 124, 125
    Philosophy 101, 130, 160, 216, 231, 232, 235, 240, 250, 260
    Theater 171, 270, 271, 272
    Women's Studies 100

  4. A minimum of nine hours selected from at least two of the following areas:
    African American Studies 101, 202
    Anthropology 101, 202
    Economics 103, 104, 213
    Geography 121, 131, 132, 201, 234, 241
    History 101, 102, 103, 131, 211, 212, 213
    Human and Consumer Sciences 160
    International Studies 103, 113, 121
    Linguistics 270, 275, 280
    Political Science 101, 102, 103, 210, 230, 250, 270
    Psychology 101, 273
    Sociology 101, 201, 210, 211, 220, 223, 230

  5. A minimum of nine hours, including at least one laboratory science course with at least one laboratory meeting each week in addition to lectures, from the following:
    Anthropology 201
    Astronomy 100, 100D, 140
    Biological Sciences 100, 103, 130, 131, 170, 171, 172, 173, 225, 275
    Biology 101
    Geography 101
    Geological Sciences 101, 120, 201, 211, 221, 231, 245, 256, 270, 283
    Microbiology 201, 211, 212
    Physical Science 100, 100D, 101, 101L, 105, 105L, 140
    Physics 201, 202, 203, 210, 251, 252, 253, 272, 273
    Plant Biology 100, 100L, 102, 110, 111, 220, 225, 247, 248

  6. Additional courses to fulfill the 54-60 hour requirement

We recommend that you work closely with the transfer coordinator at both Ohio University and the institution to which you hope to transfer to ensure that the specific courses you select will fulfill the major and graduation requirements of the academic program you intend to pursue.

Transferring Technical College Credit.If you have completed an associate's degree from a Board of Regents-approved Ohio college, you will be able to transfer credit for all the general education coursework in which you earned a grade of C- or better. Most programs will allow a limited amount of credit for technical courses. The credits will be applied toward meeting the minimum total credits required for a bachelor's degree at Ohio University. You can arrange to have a preliminary credit evaluation done to determine the applicability of credit you have earned by contacting the transfer coordinator in the Office of Admissions. Your request should specify the program you wish to enter and should be accompanied by a transcript from the institution you are currently attending. Ohio University also has worked out certain credit evaluations with Ohio community and technical colleges that allow you to earn a bachelor's degree at Ohio University in approximately two years if you continue in the corresponding academic area. For a detailed description of these programs, contact the transfer coordinator in the Office of Admissions .

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Enrollment Medical Requirements
There are no specific medical requirements for you to fulfill before entering the university -- you are not required to have a physical examination, for example. However, some colleges have specific medical requirements for students pursuing certain majors.

Also, if you are a newly enrolled international student or an international student returning after an absence of two or more years, you will need to arrange for a tuberculosis skin test through Student Health Services on campus.

Please note that, if you are a full-time student, the university encourages you to have major medical insurance and offers an affordable major medical plan for students and their dependents. Information on the insurance plan is included with your registration materials.

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Application Deadlines

If you are in high school, we recommend that you apply for admission to Ohio University by December or January of your senior year, but you may apply any time after completing your junior year. You should arrange to take your SAT and/or ACT tests by December of your senior year so that scores can be submitted with your application materials. Although you may enroll for any quarter, we recommend that you enter fall quarter, if possible, because many of our course sequences are scheduled to begin in the fall.

February 1 is the freshman application deadline for fall quarter. Applications for other terms are accepted up to one month before the quarter or term begins.

Application deadlines for transfer students are as follows:

  • Fall applications due June 1; transcripts due July 1.
  • Winter applications due December 1; transcripts due December 15.
  • Spring applications due March 1; transcripts due March 15.
  • Summer applications due May 1; transcripts due June 1.

International studentsshould apply no later than four (4) months prior to the opening of each term. First-year students (freshmen) must apply by February 1.

Note: The deadlines for applications and required grade-point averages are subject to change without notice. Visit the Office of Admissions deadlines Web page for more information.

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Campus Visits

The best way to learn about Ohio University is to visit our campus. The Office of Admissions sponsors information sessions and walking tours of the campus Monday through Friday and most Saturdays (except holidays). We ask that you make reservations for campus visits at least a week in advance for weekday visits and at least three weeks in advance for Saturday visits.

If you would like to speak with a faculty member or college representative in your field of interest, the Office of Admissions will attempt to schedule appointments for you. (These appointments are available Monday through Friday only.)

To arrange a visit, please contact the Office of Admissions at 740-593-4100 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday or e-mail visit@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu . Until you can get on campus, take the virtual campus tour .

Visitors Center.For help in finding your way around Ohio University and Athens, stop at the Ohio University Visitors Center at the corner of Richland Avenue and Shafer Street. Directions and maps are available, as well as information about the university and community in general.

Campus visitation schedule

Please see the Office of Admissions visitation schedule for first-year students and transfer students .

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Revised January 27, 1998

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