School of Curriculum and Instruction

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The School of Curriculum and Instruction (C & I) comprises four major program areas: elementary education, middle school education, secondary education, and special education. The school provides the opportunity for students admitted to professional education to pursue undergraduate courses leading to teacher certification in the state of Ohio. Listed below are program descriptions and course requirements for each of the certification and validation patterns offered.

Changes in state standards will dictate requirement changes not available at printing. Check with the student services office for current information.

Elementary Education

Major code BS6212

To receive a B.S.Ed. degree and certification in elementary education grades 1-8, you must complete the total program in elementary education. You must also pass the National Teachers Exam (NTE) to be eligible for certification (NTE core/battery and education in the elementary school specialty tests).

Required General Education Courses

In addition to the following program requirements, you also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements. Consult with your advisor to plan a course of study that will meet both sets of requirements.

PSY 101        General Psychology 5
INCO 103       Public Speaking 4
LING 270       Nature of Language 5
EDEL 321       Children's Literature 3
EDEL 321L      Field/Clinical Experience 1
ART 360A, B   Art for Elem. Teachers I, II 6
MUS 160       Music Fundamentals 3
MUS 161       Music for Classrm. Tchrs. 3

English   9

Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the university English composition requirement may be used toward completion of these hours.

Natural Science   12

You must complete at least 12 quarter hours of science as follows (one course in each area):

Biological (BIOL 101; PBIO; or BIOS 130, 131, or 170)
Physical (CHEM, PSC 101L or 105L, or PHYS)
Earth (GEOL 101, GEOG 101, PSC 100 and 140)

All courses taken to complete the natural sciences requirement must contain a laboratory component.

Mathematics   10

MATH 120*   Elem. Topics in Math 4
MATH 121*   Elem. Topics in Math 3
MATH 122*   Elem. Topics in Math 3

*These courses are recommended; however, all math courses 120 and above are acceptable. CS 220 also counts for credit.

Social Studies   27

You are required to complete at least 27 quarter hours and seven courses in social studies. Social studies is defined as any history, political science, econo-mics, sociology, anthropology, social welfare, geography (GEOG 101 may count toward natural science or social studies, but not both), or economic education course. You must include GEOG 121, EDCE 410, and one of the following: HIST 211, 212, 213; POLS 101 or 102 in the total of 27 hours.

Physical Education

HLTH 202   Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
PESS 270   Teaching Physical Educ. 3

No more than six hours of PED activity courses may be counted toward the degree, and none count in general education.

Professional Sequence

The following professional courses are required of all elementary education majors. Prerequisites for each course are included in the Courses of Instruction section.

EDCI 200   Learning, Human Growth,and Development 6
EDCI 201   Char. of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202   Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Dev. 2
EDCI 203   Technological Applications in Education 4
EDCI 301   Cultural Diversity and Education 3
EDCI 400   School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDEL 310   Tchng. Language Arts in the Elem. School 3
EDEL 310L  Field/Clinical Experience 2
EDEL 311   Tchng. Reading Elem. Sch. 4
EDEL 311L  Field/Clinical Experience 1
EDEL 330   Tchng. Math Elem. Sch. K-3 2
EDEL 330L  Field/Clinical Experience 1
EDEL 331   Tchng. Math Elem. School 4-8 2
EDEL 331L  Field/Clinical Experience 1
EDEL 340   Tchng. Science Elem. Sch. 4
EDEL 340L  Field/Clinical Experience 1
EDEL 350   Tchng. Social Studies in the Elem. School 3
EDEL 350L  Field/Clinical Experience 1
EDEL 372   Managing Elem. Classrm. 2

Concentration (30-32 hours)

A concentration is required in the programs for early childhood/primary and elementary education. This concentration must be in one of the following areas: anthropology, art, child and society, economics, English, family and society, geography, history, interpersonal communication, modern languages (French, German, Spanish), mathematics, music, political science, psychology, sociology, or science. A concentration may contain 10 quarter hours that are used to meet the General Education Requirements in English, science, mathematics, or social studies. Courses for an area of concentration must be selected from an approved listing available from Student Services. Many concentrations require at least 10 quarter hours at the 300 level or above. Special education or early childhood/primary education cannot be used as an area of concentration.

Professional Laboratory Experience

EDPL 461 and 462  Stu. Tchng. in Elem. Sch. 13
EDPL 465         Stu. Teaching Seminar 3

These three courses are taken concurrently in one quarter and constitute the student teaching requirement. You should make an application for student teaching by December 1 of the year prior to the year in which student teaching is to be taken. For example, if you are doing student teaching during any of the three quarters of the school year 1996-97, you should apply by December 1, 1995. For further information, contact Student Services, McCracken Hall 124.

Early Childhood/Primary

Major code BS6263

This program prepares students to meet the State of Ohio teacher certification requirements as preschool through grade three teachers. The current program in preschool teaching is part of the School of Human and Consumer Sciences in the College of Health and Human Services, and the current program in primary education is part of the School of Curriculum and Instruction. This program provides for you to choose the school and college in which you wish to enroll; therefore, you can earn either a Bachelor of Science through the College of Health and Human Services or a Bachelor of Science in Education. In either case, you follow the same program and earn the same certificate upon receiving passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and early childhood education specialty test).

The early childhood/primary program is a dual concentration and is likely to require at least one additional quarter beyond the 12 quarters ordinarily needed for a bachelor's degree. Schedule carefully and work closely with your advisor.

Required General Education Courses

In addition to the following program requirements, you also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements. Consult with your advisor to plan a course of study that will meet both sets of requirements.

Science and Mathematics

BIOL 101               Principles of Biology 5
or BIOS 103             Human Biology
                       Physical science course with lab component 4-5
MATH 120*, 121, 122    Elementary Topics in Math 10

NOTE: These math courses are recommended; however, any math courses numbered above 120 and totaling 10 hours will be acceptable.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

MUS 160     Music Fundamentals 3

MUS 161     Music for Classroom Teachers 3

or MUS 262   Music for Early Childhood

Social Sciences

GEOG 121    Elements of Human Geography 4

PSY 101*    General Psychology 5
SOC 101     Intro to Sociology 5
SOC 201     Contemporary Social Problems 4
or SOC 223   American Society 4
            U.S. history or political science course 4

English and/or Foreign Language

ENG 151/152/153*     Freshman Composition 5
                    Tier I Junior Composition* 4INCO 103             Fundamentals of Public Speaking 4
LING 270              Nature of Language 5

Concentration (30-32 hours)

A 30-hour concentration is required in one of the following areas: anthropology, art, child and society, economics, English, family and society, geography, history, interpersonal communication, modern languages (French, German, Spanish), mathematics, music, political science, psychology, sociology, science, or social science. (A social science concentration is not valid for certification above third grade.) A concentration may contain 10 quarter hours that are used to meet the General Education Requirements in English, science, mathematics, or social sciences. Courses for an area of concentration must be selected from an approved list available from Student Services. Many concentrations require at least 10 quarter hours at the 300 level or above.

Professional Requirements

HCCF 160*         Intro to Child Dev. 4
or PSY 273*        Child and Adol. Psych.
HCCF 361*         Principles of Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 363*         Creative Experiences w/Preschool Children 4
HCCF 364*         Premath and Science Exp. w/ Young Children 4
HCCF 371*         Family Development 3
HCCF 463*         Preschool Administration 5
HCCF 465*         Parent Education 4
PSY 275*          Educational Psychology 4
EDSP 271*         Intro to Educ. of Except. Children and Youth 4
EDCI 301*         Cultural Diversity and Education 3
EDCI 400          School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDEL 306*         Kindergarten Theory and Methods 6
EDEL 310*, 310L    Teach Lang. Arts Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 311*, 311L    Teach Reading Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 321*, 321L*   Children's Literature and Lab 4
EDEL 330*, 330L*   Teach Math Elem. School (K-3) and Lab 3
EDEL 340*, 340L*   Teach Science Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 350*, 350L*    Teach Social Studies Elem. School and Lab 4
EDEL 372*         Managing Elementary Classrooms 2

Related Requirements
ART 360A      Media for Elem. Teachers 3
ART 360B      Art for Elem. Teachers 3
EDCE 410      Human Relations 3
EDCI 203      Technological Appls. in Education 4
HCCF 360     Human Sexuality 4
HCFN 128     Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 202     Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
or HLTH 227   First Aid or 3
PESS 270      Teaching of Phys. Educ. 3

Select two HCCF 462 courses:

HCCF 462A    Pluralistic Life Styles 3
HCCF 462B    Parenthood 3
HCCF 462C    Middle Childhood 3

Primary Student Teaching

EDPL 461, 462   Student Teaching 13EDPL 465       Student Teaching Seminar 3

Early Childhood Student Teaching

HCCF 400*   Senior Seminar 3
HCCF 464*   Early Childhood Practicum 6

* C (2.0) or better required

Middle School Education Programs

To receive a B.S.Ed. degree in middle school education, you must complete one of the following programs and achieve a passing score on the National Teachers Exam prior to certification. Each program curriculum includes coursework well distributed over two academic concentrations. For example, academic concentration combinations can come from language arts and reading, mathematics, science, and social studies, or other combinations such as mathematics/science or language arts/social studies. Upon completing the program and achieving a passing score on the appropriate fields of the National Teachers Exam, you are eligible for a four-year provisional teaching certificate for grades 4-9.

Required General Education Courses (45 hours)

In addition to the following program requirements, you also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements. Consult with your advisor to plan a course of study that will meet both sets of requirements.

Science and Mathematics

You are required to complete at least two courses, one in science and one in mathematics. Science courses are biological sciences with lab or physical science with lab. MATH 120, 121, and 122 are recommended; however, all mathematics courses numbered above 120 are acceptable. All Tier I quantitative skills courses also are acceptable.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

You are required to complete at least two courses in this area. The two courses need not be in the same field. Possibilities include any courses in the Department of Philosophy (except PHIL 120) or the School of Comparative Arts; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309; theater history courses; art history courses; School of Art courses except for ART 360, 461, 462; School of Music courses except for music education courses, music therapy courses, and the one- or two-hour participation courses.

Science majors are required to take PHIL 216 Philosophy of Science, 3 hrs.

Social Sciences

You are required to complete at least two courses in social sciences. The two courses need not be in the same field. PSY 101, which is required, is included as one of the social sciences courses. Other possibilities include any course in anthropology, economics, economic education, geography, history, political science, psychology (except PSY 120, 226, 275, 314, and 321), social work, and sociology.

English and/or Foreign Language

You are required to complete at least two courses in English and/or a foreign language. The two courses need not be in the same field. INCO 103, which is required in this area, is counted as one of the two courses needed. Other possibilities in this area include all English courses except ENG 451 and 452; any linguistics courses; any foreign language courses except ML 410 and 445; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309. (These humanities courses may NOT count toward General Education Requirements in both the English and/or foreign language field AND the comparative and/or philosophy field.)

Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the university composition requirement (see General Education Requirement section) also may be used toward completion of these hours.

If the total coursework from each of the above fields does not add up to 45 hours, you must select sufficient hours in one or a combination of the above areas to bring the total hours in general education courses to 45 hours.

If both your major and second teaching field are the same as one of the above areas, up to 10 hours of the major and second teaching field may meet requirements for the corresponding general education field, as well as in the academic major and second teaching field. For example, if your major is language arts and reading, then 10 hours of English may count toward the 45-hour total of General Education Requirements and also toward the English and/or foreign language field above. The same concept applies to mathematics, science, and social studies.

No more than three hours of PED activity courses may be counted toward the degree except for majors or minors in physical education, and none may count toward general education.

Reminder:All students pursuing teacher education programs at Ohio University are subject to the Selective Admission and Retention Program in teacher education. Criteria and procedures are available in Student Services, McCracken Hall 124.

Field Experience

All field experience must be undertaken in a middle school setting. Field experience activities include observation, participation, multicultural field, and student teaching.

Middle School Certification

Professional Requirements: 48-50

All professional courses are taught with a middle school focus. The following courses must be completed with a 2.75 g.p.a. and no grade below a C.

The following three courses are to be taken together as a block:

EDCI 200       Learning, Human Growth, and Development 6
EDCI 201       Char. of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202       Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Dev. 2
EDCI 203       Technological Education 4
EDCI 301       Educ. and Cultural Diversity 3
EDCI 371A      Instr. Adapt. for Learners with Exceptionalities and Diverse Needs 4
EDCI 400       School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDMS 351*     Middle Sch. Instructional Process and Curriculum 5
EDSE 420      Tchng. Reading in Content Area 4
and EDSE 420L  Field Experience and 1
or EDEL 311    Tchng. Reading Elem. Sch. 4
and EDEL 311L  Tchng. Reading Elem. Sch. Lab/Field and 1
EDMS 412*     Middle Sch. Educ./Curr. 4

Two methods courses, one in each major field 6-8

EDCE 410 Human Relations 3

*Subject to change in title and number. You are urged to preregister for your professional courses and field experiences so that proper field experience placements in your major can be identified ahead of time. You must enroll in a methods course while taking EDMS 412.

Professional Laboratory Experience

EDPL 463, 464   Student Teaching in Middle School 13
(EDPL 461 may be substituted for EDPL 464 where appropriate.)
EDPL 465       Stu. Teaching. Seminar 3

These three courses are taken concurrently in one quarter and constitute the student teaching requirement. Apply for student teaching by December 1 of the year prior to the year in which you plan to student teach. For example, if you plan to student teach during any of the three quarters of the 1998-99 school year, apply by December 1, 1997. You must request placement in an approved middle school.(Grades six, seven, and eight are acceptable for early field only when no middle school is available.) For further information, contact Student Services, McCracken 124.

Major Requirements

Select a major from one of the following four areas of concentration, and select a second area of concentration from the list of second areas. Recom-mended combinations are language arts/social studies and math/science.

Language Arts and Reading Emphasis: 49

Major code BS6851

ENG 314        English Lit. 1800-1900 4
or ENG 315      English Lit. 1900-Present
ENG 351        Hist. of English Language 4
or ENG 353      Structure
ENG 308J       Advanced Composition 4
or ENG 307J     Writing and Research
ENG 331        Studies in Asian Lit. 4
or ENG 327      African American Fiction
or ENG 328      African American Poetry
or ENG 329      African American Drama
LING 270        Nature of Language 5
EDEL 321/321L   Children's Lit. and Field Experience 5
or ENG 456      Read. in Children's Lit. or 4
EDEL 411        Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities 4
EDEL 412        Reading Lab Practicum 4

Select two of the following three:

ENG 201   Critical Appr. to Fiction 4
ENG 202   Critical Appr. to Poetry 4
ENG 203   Critical Appr. to Drama 4

Select two of the following three:

ENG 321   Amer. Lit. to 1865 4
ENG 322   Amer. Lit. 1865-1918 4
ENG 323   Amer. Lit. 1918-Present 4

Social Studies Emphasis: 45

Major code BS6850

ECON 103   Prin. of Microeconomics 4
GEOG 101   Elem. of Phys. Geography 5
GEOG 121   Cultural Geography 4
HIST 131    Intro Non-Western Hist. 4
HIST 317B  Ohio History Since 1851 4
POLS 101   Amer. National Govt. 4
POLS 103   U.S. in World Affairs 4

Select two of the following three:

HIST 211    Amer. Hist. to 1828 4
HIST 212    Amer. Hist. 1828-1900 4
HIST 213    Amer. Hist. 1900-Present 4

Select two of the following three:

HIST 101    Western Civilization 4
HIST 102    Western Civilization 4
HIST 103    Western Civilization 4

Mathematics Emphasis: 46

Major code BS6852

MATH 120            Elem. Topics in Math. 4
or MATH 307          Intro to Number Theory
MATH 211            Elem. Linear Algebra 4
MATH 250           Intro to Prob. and Stats. I
MATH 263A, B, C, D   Calculus 16
MATH 300            History of Mathematics 4
MATH 306            Found. of Mathematics 4
MATH 330A, B        Found. of Geometry 6
                    Electives 4

Science Emphasis: 54

Major code BS6853

PBIO 110     Intro to Plant Biology 6
BIOS 171     Intro to Zoology 5
PBIO 111     Intro to Plant Biology 6
CHEM 121    Prin. of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 122    Prin. of Chemistry II 4
GEOG 201    Environ. Geography 4
GEOL 101    Intro to Geology 5
GEOL 221    Earth and Life History 4
GEOL 231    Water and Pollution 4
PHIL 216     Philosophy of Science-may double count in general education 3
PHYS 201    Intro to Physics 5
PSC 100D    Moon and Planets: Solar System 4

Second Area of Concentration

Select from one of the following four areas of concentration:

Language Arts Minor: 37

ENG 201         Critical Appr. to Fiction 4
or ENG 202       Critical Appr. to Poetry
or ENG 203       Critical Appr. to Drama
ENG 353         Structure of Amer. English 4
or ENG 351       History of English Lang.
ENG 308J        Advanced Composition 4
or ENG 307J      Writing and Research in English Study
LING 270        Nature of Language 5
EDEL 321/321L   Children's Lit. and Field Exp. 4
or ENG 456      Read. in Children's Lit.
EDEL 411        Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities 4
EDEL 412        Reading Lab Practicum 4
ENG 322        Amer. Lit. 1865-1918 4
or ENG 323      Amer. Lit. 1918-Present
ENG 314        English Lit. 1800-1900 4
or ENG 315      English Lit. 1900-Present

Social Studies Minor: 37

ECON 103    Prin. of Microeconomics 4
GEOG 101    Elem. of Phys. Geography 5
HIST 131     Intro Non-Western Hist. 4
HIST 317B   Ohio History Since 1851 4
POLS 101    Amer. National Govt. 4

Select two of the following three:

HIST 101    Western Civilization 4
HIST 102    Western Civilization 4
HIST 103    Western Civilization 4

Select two of the following three:

HIST 211    Amer. Hist. to 1828 4
HIST 212    Amer. Hist. 1828-1900 4
HIST 213    Amer. Hist. 1900-Present 4

Mathematics Minor: 33-35

MATH 120       Elem. Topics in Math. 4
or MATH 307     Intro to Number Theory
MATH 163A      Intro to Calculus 4
or MATH 263A    Calculus
MATH 163B      Intro to Calculus 3
or MATH 263B    Calculus or 4
MATH 211       Linear Algebra 4
MATH 250       Intro to Prob. and Stat. 4
MATH 330A      Found. of Geometry 3
MATH 306       Found. of Mathematics 4

Select two of the following:

MATH 300    History of Mathematics 4
MATH 307    Intro to Number Theory 4MATH 314    Elem. Abstract Algebra 4
MATH 330B   Found. of Geometry 3

Science Minor: 39

PBIO 110       Intro to Plant Biology 6
BIOS 171       Intro to Zoology 5
PBIO 111       Intro to Plant Biology 6
CHEM 121      Prin. of Chemistry I 4
GEOL 101       Intro to Geology 5
or GEOG 101    Elem. of Phys. Geography
GEOG 201      Environ. Geography 4
PHYS 201      Intro to Physics 5
PSC 100D      Moon and Planets: Solar System 4

Methods Course Requirements

You must select one methods course in your major emphasis and one methods course in your minor concentration. You must take one elementary methods course and one secondary methods course.

Language Arts Methods Courses: 5

EDEL 310/310L    Tchng. Lang. Arts in Elem. School 5
or ENG 451       Tchng. Lang. and Comp., Secondary Ed or 3
and EDPL 360     Field Experience and 2
or ENG 452       Teaching Lit., Secondary Ed or 3
and EDPL 360     Field Experience and 2

Social Studies Methods Courses: 3-4

EDEL 350/350L    Tchng. Social Studies in Elem. School 4or EDSE 479       Tchng. Social Sudies in MS and HS or 3

Mathematics Methods Courses: 3-4

EDEL 331, 331L    Tching. Math in Intermediate Sch. 3

Science Methods Courses: 4-5

EDEL 340, 340L      Tchng. Science Elem. Sch. 5
or EDSE 472, 472L    Tchng. Earth Science, Secondary Educ. or 4or EDSE 478, 478L    Tchng. Physical Science, Secondary Educ. or 4
or PBIO 368         Tchng. Biology, Sec. Educ. or 4

Secondary Education Programs

The following professional and general requirements apply to all secondary education majors. Individual majors are listed alphabetically in the following pages.

Professional Requirements: 35-40

The following courses must be completed with a 2.75 g.p.a. and no grade below a C.

The following three courses are to be taken together as a block:

EDCI 200    Learning, Human Growth,and Development 6
EDCI 201    Char. of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202    Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Dev. 2
EDCI 203    Technological Education 4
EDCI 301    Cultural Diversity and Education 3
EDCI 371A   Instr. Adapt. for Learners with Exceptionalities and Diverse Needs 4
EDCI 400    School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDSE 351    Instructional Processes and Curriculum 5
            Methods in Major Field 3-8
EDSE 420    Tchng. Reading in the Content Areas 4
EDSE 420L   Field Experience 1

Additional or replacement courses are under development; check with your advisor for current information. You may enroll in 200-level courses after admission to professional education.

You may enroll in 300- and 400-level courses after admission to advanced standing.

EDSE 351 is a prerequisite for EDSE 420.

You are strongly urged to preregister for your professional courses so that proper field experience placements in your major area can be identified ahead of time. If you seek to add L (field experience) courses after a quarter begins, you may be required to wait until a field placement is open.

Professional Laboratory Experience

EDPL 463 and 464*   Student Teaching 13
EDPL 465           Stu. Teaching Seminar 3

*EDPL 461 may be substituted for EDPL 464 where appropriate.

These three courses are taken concurrently in one quarter and constitute the student teaching requirement. Apply for student teaching by December 1 of the year prior to the year in which you plan to student teach. For example, if you plan to student teach during any of the three quarters of the 1998-99 school year, apply by December 1, 1997. For further information contact Student Services, McCracken 124.

Required General Education Courses (45 hours)

In addition to the following program requirements, you also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements. Consult with your advisor to plan a course of study that will meet both sets of requirements.

You must meet departmental prerequisites for all classes if you are seeking certification. For example, you must take and pass PSY 101 with a minimum grade of C before taking PSY 275; you must take and pass MUS 160 with a minimum grade of C before taking MUS 161; you must take and pass MATH 163A with a minimum grade of C before taking MATH 163B.

Science and Mathematics

You are required to complete at least one course in science and one course in mathematics. Appropriate science courses are astronomy, chemistry, physics, plant biology, biological science, physical science, geological sciences, and PSY 226, 312, and 314. Any course in the Department of Mathematics, except 101 or 320, is acceptable for the mathematics requirement. Also, all Tier I quantitative skills courses count toward the mathematics requirement. Computer science courses do not satisfy this requirement.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

You are required to complete at least two courses in this area. The two courses need not be in one field. Possibilities include any courses in the Department of Philosophy (except PHIL 120) or School of Comparative Arts; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309; theater history courses; Art History; Art except for ART 360, 461, 462; School of Music courses except for music education courses, music therapy courses, and the one- or two-hour participation courses.

Social Sciences

You are required to complete at least two courses in social sciences. The two courses need not be in the same field. PSY 101, which is required, is included as one of the social sciences courses. Other possibilities include any course in anthropology, economics, economic education, history, political science, sociology, social work, geography, and psychology, except PSY 120, 226, 275, 312, and 314.

English and/or Foreign Language

You are required to complete at least two courses in English and/or foreign language. The two courses need not be in the same field. Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the university English composition requirement (see General Education Requirements section) may be used toward completion of these hours. Either INCO 103 (or THAR 110Y for English majors only) is a specific requirement in this area and is counted as one of the two courses needed. Possibilities in this area include all English courses except ENG 451 and 452; any linguistics courses; any foreign language courses except ML 410 and 445; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309. (These humanities courses may NOT count toward the General Education Requirements in both the English and/or foreign language field and the comparative arts and/or philosophy field.)

If two courses in each field do not add up to a total of 45 hours, you must elect sufficient hours in one or a combination of the above areas to bring the total hours in general education courses to 45 hours.

If your major or second teaching field is the same as one of the above areas, 10 hours of the major or minor may be counted toward the corresponding general education field as well as the major or minor. For example, if your major is English, 10 hours of English may count toward the 45-hour total of general education courses and toward Field 4, above, which is English and/or Foreign Language.

No more than six hours of PED activity courses may be counted toward the degree except for majors in physical education, and none may count toward general education.

Honors Tutorial Progam in Secondary Education

If you are admitted to the Honors Tutorial College in an academic major, you may become certified in secondary education by combining two sets of tutorial experiences: one in the academic area and one in secondary education. By completing both tutorial programs in addition to other certification requirements, you will receive secondary teaching certification and a bachelor's degree from the Honors Tutorial College. For further information, contact Dr. Edward Stevens, Coordinator, Honors Tutorial Program in Secondary Education.

Art Education

Major code BS6201

Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, to achieve certification through Ohio University to teach art, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and the visual arts specialty test). This program leads to a four-year provisional special field certificate in art allowing you to teach art in grades K-12 inclusive.

To become an art education major, you must complete ART 260 with a grade of 2.75 or better and submit a portfolio of studio work for review with a writing sample during your sophomore year. Portfolio reviews are held the first week of May. The faculty of the art education area will review portfolios and will accept as majors those students whose portfolios are deemed satisfactory.

If you are interested in majoring in art education, you are encouraged to meet with advisors in both the College of Education and the School of Art.

The art education major is currently under revision. Make regular contact with your advisor and the art department for current information.

Methods Courses

ART 461   Art Experience in Elementary School 3ART 462   Art Teaching in Secondary School 3

Secondary education professional and general requirements must also be completed.

Major Requirements

ART 100          Seeing and Knowing in the Visual Arts 4
ART 112          Intro to Photography 4
ART 113          Three-Dimensional Studies 4
ART 116, 117, 118  Drawing I, II, III 12
ART 211          Foundation Concepts 4
AH 211, 212, 213   History of Art 12
ART 212          Color 4
ART 251          Typography 4
or ART 254        Lettering
ART 260          Found. of Art Education 4

Electives in Art History (300-400 level) or

Comparative Arts 8Studio Electives 40

Requirements include 72 quarter hours of studio art including 28 studio foundation courses and ART 254, a graphic design course in lettering; ART 110, 12 quarter hours of art history and 8 quarter hours of additional art history or comparative arts electives; and courses required for teacher certification. A 36-hour minimum two-area concentration must be completed, including five studio courses at the 200 level or above in one area and four courses at the 200 level or above in another. It is recommended that you select one two-dimensional and one three-dimensional area.

Biological Sciences

Major code BS6256

You may earn either a B.S.Ed. in the College of Education or a B.A. or B.S. in biological sciences or plant biology in the College of Arts and Sciences and meet the teacher certification requirements. Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, if you wish to be certified through Ohio University to teach biology as the major field, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and biology specialty test). The program prepares you for a four-year provisional high school certificate that qualifies you to teach biology in grades 7-12 inclusive.

You are strongly urged to complete a second teaching field, preferably in another science or in mathematics. Specific course requirements for these second teaching fields are available from Student Services, McCracken Hall 124.

See also the science comprehensive major in this section.

Methods Courses

PBIO 360      Field Experience 2
or EDSE 440L   Middle and Sec. School Science Teaching Lab or 1
PBIO 368      Teaching of Biology 4
or EDSE 440    Middle and Sec. School Science Methods

Secondary education professional and general education requirements must also be completed.

Major Requirements: 91-101

BIOS 170             Intro to Zoology 5
or PBIO 110           Intro to Plant Biology or 6
PBIO 111             Intro to Plant Biology 6
BIOS 171             Intro to Zoology 5
BIOS 172             Intro to Zoology 3
BIOS 173             Intro to Zoology 1
BIOS 325             General Genetics 5
or PBIO 331           Plant Genetics
BIOS 342 and 343      Prin. of Physiology 6
or PBIO 424           Plant Physiology
BIOS 275 and 376      Animal and Field Ecol. 8
or PBIO 425           Plant Ecology or 5
BIOS 463             Cell Chemistry 4
or PBIO 431           Cell Biology or 5
BIOS 479             Evolution 4
or PBIO 309           Plant Systematics and Ohio Flora or 6
or PBIO 475           Plant Speciation and Evolution or 3
PBIO 427             Molecular Genetics 3
or PBIO 450           Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering or 4
MICR 211 and 212      Environ. Micro and Lab 6
or MICR 311           General Microbiology
CHEM 121, 122, 123*   Principles of Chemistry 12
PHYS 201, 202, 203    Intro to Physics 15
MATH 113            Algebra 5
or MATH 115          Precalculus or 5
or MATH 163A         Intro to Calculus or 4
PSY 221              Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
PHIL 216             Philosophy of Science 3
EDM 332             Microcomputer Appl. in Education 4

*Before selecting a chemistry sequence, check with an advisor in the College of Education. Some minor programs require CHEM 151, 152, 153, 301, and 302 in place of CHEM 121, 122, and 123.

Bookkeeping-Basic Business

Major code BS6202

Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, if you wish to be certified through Ohio University to teach bookkeeping-basic business, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and business education specialty test). The program prepares you for a four-year provisional high school certificate that qualifies you to teach bookkeeping-basic business in grades 7-12 inclusive.

If you are considering this certificate, consult with an advisor about the merits of a comprehensive business certification.

Methods Course

EDSE 470   Tchng. of Bookkeeping-Basic Business 4

Secondary education professional and required general education requirements must also be completed.

H3>Major Requirements: 68, plus methods courses ACCT 201 and 202   Financial and Managerial 8
BUSL 255, 356      Law and Society, Law of the Management Proc. 8
ECON 103 and 104   Prin. Micro/Macroecon. 8
ECON 304          Interm. Microeconomics 4
or ECON 316        Econ. and the Law
ECON 337          Govt. Reg. of Business 4
ECON 360          Money and Banking 4
FIN 325            Managerial Finance 4
JOUR 250          Advertising Principles 4
MKT 301           Marketing Principles 4
MGT 300           Management 4
MGT 325J          Business Communication 4
MIS 100           Intro to Microcomputers 4
MIS 220           Intro to Bus. File Proc. 4
or CS 230          Comp. Programming or 5
or MIS 325         PC LAN Applications or 4
PSY 120           Elem. Statistics 4
or QBA 201         Business Statistics

Business Comprehensive

Major code BS6200

Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, if you wish to be certified through Ohio University to teach business education, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and business education specialty test). The program prepares you for a four-year provisional high school certificate that qualifies you to teach business education in grades 7-12 inclusive.

If you are considering this certificate, consult with an advisor about the merits of a comprehensive business certification.

Methods Course

EDSE 470   Tchg. of Bookkeeping-Basic Business 4

Secondary education professional and general education requirements must also be completed.

General Education Tier I Junior Comp Requirement

MGT 325J     Business Communication 4
or ENG 308J   Advanced Composition or 4
and BMT 260   Business Report Writing and 4

Major Requirements: 90 hours plus methods course

Core Requirements-Bookkeeping Basic Business: 36 hoursACCT 201     Financial Accounting 4
or ATCH 103   Financial Accounting or 4
and ATCH 104  Financial Accounting and 4
BUSL 255    &nbspLaw and Society 4
ACCT 202     Managerial Accounting 4
or ATCH 205   Managerial Accounting
BUSL 356     Management Process 4
or BMT 275    Managerial Planning
FIN 301       Introduction to Finance 4
or BMT 210    Managing Finance in Bus.
MKT 301      Marketing Principles 4
or BMT 140    Concepts of Marketing
MGT 300      Management 4
or BMT 110    Intro to Management
ECON 103     Prin. of Microeconomics 4
ECON 104     Prin. of Macroeconomics 4

If necessary, select sufficient electives from OPN 310, BMT 115, or FIN 325 to bring total to 36 hours.

Select a minimum of 30 quarter hours in one of the following four fields and a minimum of 8 quarter hours in each of the other three:

Economics: 30 hours

ECON 303   Microeconomics 4
ECON 305   Managerial Economics 4
ECON 316   Economics and the Law 4
ECON 320   Labor Economics 4
ECON 332   Industrial Organization 4
ECON 337   Govt. Reg. of Business 4
ECON 352   Econ. Hist. of the U.S. 4
ECON 360   Money and Banking 4
ECON 304   Macroeconomics 4

Sales: 30 hours

MKT 302   Marketing Principles 4
BMT 230   Concepts of Sales 4
MKT 303   Marketing Prob. and Cases 4
BMT 270   Advertising Concepts 4
MKT 358   Tech. in Personal Selling 4
MKT 360   Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations 4
MKT 404   Mgt. of Distribution 4
MKT 420   Services Marketing 4
MKT 425   Business to Business Marketing 4
MKT 441   International Marketing 4
MKT 444   Consumer Behavior 4
MKT 446   Sales Forecasting 4
MKT 462   Managing Product Dev. 4

Data Processing: 30 hours

MIS 100    Intro to Microcomputers 3
BMT 200   Intro to Bus. Computing 4
MIS 220    Intro to Bus. File Process. 4
BMT 288   Computer Appl. for Mgt. 4
CS 230     Computer Programming I 4
MIS 325    PC LAN Applications 4
MIS 225    Prototyping and Fourth Generation Lang. 4
MIS 230    Adv. Spreadsheet Appl. 4
MIS 235    Adv. Data Base Appl. 4
MIS 300    Bus. Information Syst. 4
MIS 320    Business Systems I 4
MIS 350    Business Hardware & Software 4
MIS 380    Business Data Base I 4
MIS 420    Business Systems II 4
MIS 480    Business Data Base II 4

Office Technology: 30 hours (not a certification area)

OTEC 121   Keyboarding 3
OTEC 122   Keyboarding 3
OTEC 123   Keyboarding 3
OTEC 171   Admin. Procedures I 4
OTEC 172   Admin. Procedures II 4
OTEC 200   Desktop Publishing I 3
OTEC 201   Desktop Publishing II 3
OTEC 225   Communication Proc. I 3
OTEC 226   Communication Proc. II 3
OTEC 227   Communication Proc. III 3
OTEC 248   Record Systems 3
OTEC 268   Information System Design 3

Choose one of the following two:

MATH 109   Consumer Math 4OTEC 231    Business Calculations 4

Nine hours of keyboarding must be completed.

Students not attending the Lancaster or Chillicothe campus may select eight hours of electives from OPN 310, FIN 325, or other electives approved by their advisor. Total hours in the major must be equal to or greater than 90.


Major code BS6257

You may earn a B.S.Ed. in the College of Education or a B.A. or B.S. in chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences and meet teacher certification requirements. Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, if you wish to be certified through Ohio University to teach chemistry as the major field, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and chemistry specialty test). The program prepares you for a four-year provisional high school certificate that qualifies you to teach chemistry in grades 7-12 inclusive.

You are strongly urged to complete a second teaching field, preferably in another science or in mathematics.

See also the science comprehensive major in this section.

Methods Courses

EDSE 440    Middle and Sec. School Science Methods 4
EDSE 440L   Middle and Sec. School Science Teaching Lab 1

Secondary education professional and general education requirements must also be completed.

Major Requirements: 86

PBIO 110                        Intro to Environ. and Plant Biology 6
or BIOS 170                     Intro to Zoology or 5
CHEM 151, 152, 153              Fund. of Chemistry 15
CHEM 241, 242                  Quantitative Analysis 5
CHEM 301, 302, 303, 304*        Organic Chemistry 11
or CHEM 305, 306, 307, 308, 309   Organic Chemistry or 15
CHEM 325                      Instr. Meth. of Analysis 4

or any two of the following pairs: or 8-9

CHEM 431 and 434       Chem. Separation
CHEM 432 and 435       Instrumentation and Electrochemistry
CHEM 433 and 436       Spectrochem. Analysis
CHEM 351*             Physical Chemistry 4
or CHEM 453, 454, 455    Physical Chemistry or 9
CHEM 476              Mod. Inorganic Chem. 4
CHEM 489              Basic Biochemistry 4
GEOL 101               Intro to Geology 5
MATH 263A, B           Calculus 8
PHIL 216               Philosophy of Science 3
PHYS 251, 252, 253      Intro to Physics 15

Elective hours to add up to 86 hours

*You must choose one of the long sequences in organic, instrumental, or physical chemistry. The long sequence in physical chemistry will require more mathematics and more physics.

Communications Comprehensive Option One-Speech Emphasis

Major code BS6287

Regardless of the college of the university from which you graduate, if you wish to be certified through Ohio University to teach in communication with an emphasis in speech, you must complete the following program and earn passing scores on the National Teachers Exam (core/battery and introduction to teaching of reading specialty test). The program prepares you for a four-year provisional high school certificate that qualifies you to teach English, speech, journalism, reading, and an integrated communications course in grades 7-12 inclusive.

This major is likely to require additional quarters beyond the 12 quarters normally required for a bachelor's degree.

THAR 170, 171, 270, 271, and 272 are highly recommended for completion of the Tier II humanities requirement.

Methods Course

INCO 421   Instructional Training and Devel. in Comm. 5

Secondary education professional and required general education requirements must also be completed.

Major Requirements: 122

Speech: 44

INCO 101   Human Comm. 4
INCO 103   Public Speaking 4
INCO 205   Group Discussion 4
INCO 206   Comm. in Interpers. Relationships 4

INCO electives-Choose 28 hours from the following:

INCO 117    Beginning Forensics 1-3
INCO 215    Argumentative Analysis and Advocacy 4
INCO 217    Advanced Forensics 1-3
INCO 220    Oral Interp. of Literature 4
INCO 234    Intro to Comm. Theory 4
INCO 240    Health Comm. 4
INCO 245    Intro to Org. Comm. 4
INCO 304    Interviewing 4
INCO 342    Comm. and Persuasion 4
INCO 420    Gender and Comm. 4
INCO 422    Comm. in the Family 4
TCOM 170   Intro to Telecommunications 4

English: 30-32

ENG 307J    Writing and Research 4
ENG 351     History 4
or ENG 350   Grammar
ENG 399     Literary Theory 4

Choose two of the following three:

ENG 201   Fiction 4
ENG 202   Poetry 4
ENG 203   Drama 4

English Literature-Choose one of the following:

ENG 311   English Lit. to 1500 4
ENG 312   English Lit. 1500-1600 4
ENG 301   Shakespeare: Histories 4
ENG 302   Shakespeare: Comedies 4
ENG 303   Shakespeare: Tragedies 4
ENG 313   English Lit. 1660-1800 4
ENG 314   English Lit. 1800-1900 4
ENG 315   English Lit. 1900-Present

Literature-Choose one of the following:

ENG 321   Amer. Lit. to 1865 4
ENG 323   Amer. Lit. 1918-Present 4
ENG 460   Literary Topics 4
ENG 464   Major English Authors 4
ENG 465   Major American Authors 4
ENG 466   Major Intl. Authors 4

Other Literature-Choose one of the following: 4

ENG 325          Women and Lit. 4
ENG 327          African Amer. Fiction 4
ENG 328          African Amer. Poetry 4
ENG 329          African Amer. Drama 4
ENG 331          Studies in Asian Lit. 4
ENG 332          Studies in Asian Lit. 4
ENG 333          Studies in Asian Lit. 4
HUM 107 or 307   Great Books 4
HUM 108 or 308   Great Books 4
HUM 109 or 309   Great Books 4

Select sufficient hours of English courses at the 200 level or above to bring total to 30 quarter hours if needed.

Journalism: 30

JOUR 133   Precision Language 4
JOUR 231   News Writing 4
JOUR 250   Advertising Principles 4
JOUR 333   News Editing 4
JOUR 411   Communication Law 3
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