School of Music

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Music Building

School of Music

Roger Stephens, Director

The curricula of the School of Music, culminating in the Bachelor of Music degree, are designed to prepare you for a career in teaching, music therapy, or performance. The School of Music provides individual applied study in vocal and instrumental music and offers a wide range of courses in the fields of theory, composition, electronic music, music history and literature, music education, and music therapy. Opportunities are provided for individual participation in student recitals and for performing experience in various organizations such as the Choral Union, University Singers, The Singing Men of Ohio, Women's Chorale, Opera Theater, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Marching Band, jazz ensembles, and many small chamber ensembles. Performing groups are open to all students enrolled in the university, and selection is determined by audition.

The school is a member of the National Association of Schools of Music. Entrance and graduation requirements are in accordance with the standards set by the association.

The Athens Community Music School, a unit within the School of Music, provides instruction for precollege-age students, university students who are not music majors, and other adults. Private instruction is offered in all instruments and voice. Teachers include faculty members, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates. Details are available from the director of the Athens Community Music School.

The School of Music offers an approved minor in music for nonmajors who wish to pursue the study of music.

Requirements for all music majors include the following: proficiency on major instrument and secondary piano, ensemble participation, music theory, music history, and MUS 090 Concert/Recital Attendance. Specific requirements are outlined in the School of Music Handbook.

The following course plans outline a practical sequence of required courses to help you plan your course of study. You must complete Tiers I, II, and III of the university General Education Requirement. (See "Graduation Requirements.")

Admission Requirements

If you are a freshman or transfer student who intends to major in music, an audition on your major instrument or a voice and a theory examination is required. An interview is also required for prospective music education and music therapy majors. The audition, interview, and theory examination are scheduled on the same day. Specific dates and information are available from the School of Music office.

Bachelor of Music in Performance

These curricula are designed for students demonstrating exceptional talent, technical competence, and the ability to interpret advanced repertoire on their instrument or voice. You are prepared to perform stylistically repertoire from all periods available for your instrument. Experience in solo, chamber music, and large ensemble performance is required. The program prepares graduates to establish private teaching studios, to engage in professional performance, and to study at the graduate level. An emphasis in pedagogy is available for pianists primarily interested in teaching.


Major code BM5100


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102,103    Theory 12
MUS 125            Intro Music Hist. and Lit. 4
MUS 341            Piano 12
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
INCO 101           Fund. of Human Comm. 4
                   Tier II Electives 8-9


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203   Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206   Dictation and SS 6
MUS 321, 322, 323   Music History 9
MUS 341           Piano 12
                   Performance group 3
                   Electives 9


MUS 090     Performance Lab 0
MUS 341     Piano 12
MUS 421C*   Chamber Music Lit. 3
MUS 450     Accompanying 3
MUS 455     Conducting 3
MUS 497     Recital 1
             Music theory/lit electives 4-6
             Performance Group 3
             Electives 13
             English comp. (300 level) 4


MUS 090        Performance Lab 0
MUS 341        Piano 12
MUS 421B*      Piano Literature 3
MUS 458G, H, I  Piano Pedagogy 6
MUS 497        Recital 2
                Performance group 3
                Tier II electives 12-15
                Tier III 4-5
                Elective 4

*May be taken in either the junior or senior year

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 192

Piano with an Emphasis in Pedagogy

Major code BM5104


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103   Theory 12
MUS 125            Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
MUS 341            Piano 12
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
                   INCO 101 Fund. of Human Comm. 4
                   Tier II Electives 9


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203   Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206   Dictation and SS 6
MUS 321, 322, 323   Music History 9
MUS 341            Piano 12
MUS 370            Practicum 6
                   Performance group 3


MUS 090          Performance Lab 0
MUS 341         Piano 12
MUS 372         Adv. Functional Skills 2
MUS 458G, H, I   Piano Pedagogy 6
                 Music theory/lit electives 4-6
                 Performance group 3
PSY 101          General Psychology 5
PSY 275          Educational Psych. 4
                English composition (300 level) 4
                Tier II elective 4-5
                Elective 3


MUS 090    Performance Lab 0
MUS 341    Piano 12
MUS 370    Practicum 6
MUS 421B   Piano Literature 3
MUS 450    Accompanying 3
MUS 455    Conducting 3
MUS 458E   Class Piano Pedagogy 2
MUS 497    Recital 2
            Performance group 3
            Tier II elective 4-5
            Tier III 4-5
            Electives 5

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 192


Major Code BM5101


MUS 090                 Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103         Theory 12
MUS 125                 Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
MUS 340                 Voice 12
MUS 341 or 141, 142, 143   Piano 6
MUS 375A, B             Eng., Italian Diction 2
                        Performance group 3
                        ITAL 111, 112 Italian 8
                        Tier I English comp.,
                        Quantitative skills 9-10
                        Tier II elective 4-5


MUS 090                 Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203         Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206         Dictation and SS 6
MUS 340                 Voice 12
MUS 341 or 241, 242, 243   Piano 6
MUS 375C                German Diction 1
MUS 457D                Solo Repertoire 1
                         Performance group 3-6
                         GER 111, 112 German 8
                         Tier II elective 4-5


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 321, 322, 323    Music History 9
MUS 340            Voice 12
MUS 375D           French Diction 1
MUS 457D           Solo Repertoire 1
MUS 497            Recital 1
                   Music theory/lit elective 2-3
FR 111,112          French 8
                   English composition (300 level) 4
                   Tier II electives 8-10


MUS 090         Performance Lab 0
MUS 340         Voice 12
MUS 421F        Literature of Opera 3
MUS 455, 456B   Conducting 6
MUS 457D        Solo Repertoire 1
MUS 458D        Vocal Pedagogy 2
MUS 497         Recital 2
                Music theory/lit elective 2-3
                Performance group 6
                Electives 5
                Tier II elective 4
                Tier III 4-5

Demonstration of piano proficiency is required.

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 209


Major code BM1502


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103    Theory 12
MUS 125            Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
MUS 343            Organ 12
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., Quantitative skills 9-10
                   INCO 101 4
                   Tier II electives 8


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 147, 148        Class Voice 4
MUS 201, 202, 203    Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206    Dictation and SS 6
MUS 321, 322, 323    Music History 9
MUS 343            Organ 12
                    Performance group 3
                    Electives 3-4


MUS 090          Performance Lab 0
MUS 343         Organ 12
MUS 407A, B, C   Counterpoint 9
MUS 455, 456     Conducting and Elective or 9
MUS 497         Recital 1
                 Performance group 3
                 Music elective 6
                 Elective, French or German 12
                 English composition (300 level) 4


MUS 090          Performance Lab 0
MUS 343          Organ 12
MUS 407A, B, C    Counterpoint 9
orMUS 455, 456    Conducting and Elective or9
MUS 421E         Literature of Organ Music 3
MUS 497          Recital 2
                  Performance group 3
                  Tier II electives 9-10
                  Tier III 4-5
                  Electives 5

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 192

Orchestral Instruments Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, or Percussion

Major code BM5103


MUS 090              Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103     Theory 12
MUS 125              Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
                     Major instrument 12
MUS 341              Piano 6
or MUS 141, 142, 143   Class Piano Band/orchestra 6
MUS 254*            Chamber Music 3
                     Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10


MUS 090              Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203      Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206      Dictation and SS 6
MUS 254              Chamber Music 3
MUS 321, 322, 323      Music History 9
MUS 341              Piano 6
or MUS 141, 142, 143   Class Piano
                     Major instrument 12
                     Band/orchestra 6


MUS 090         Performance Lab 0
                Major instrument 12
                Music theory and
                literature electives 9
MUS 455, 456A   Conducting 6
                Band/orchestra 6
MUS 254         Chamber Music 3
MUS 497         Recital 1
                English composition (300 Level) 4
                Tier II electives 12


MUS 090        Performance Lab 0
               Major instrument 12
MUS 457, 458   Solo Repertoire, Pedagogy 3
               Band/orchestra 6
MUS 254       Chamber Music 3
MUS 304        Instrumentation 3
MUS 497        Recital 2
               Tier II electives 12-14
               Tier III 4-5
               Elective 2

*12 quarters chamber music required for string majors; 9 quarters for other instrumentalists.

Demonstration of piano proficiency is required.

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 203

Bachelor of Music in Music Theory of Composition

The curriculum is designed to prepare exceptionally talented students for careers as theorist or composers or for continued study or graduate work in theory or composition. The curriculum focuses on basic musicianship skills; analytical, aural, and writing skills; compositional facility and technique; and the acquisition of a historical perspective on, and basic knowledge of, technological innovations in the field.


Major code BM5116


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103    Theory 12
MUS 125            Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 2
MUS 178            Computer Skills for
                   Musicians 2
                   Major instrument 6
                   Class Piano1 6
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
                   INCO 101 4
                   Electives 8-10


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203    Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206    Dictation and SS 6
MUS 413A           Intro to Electronic Music 2
MUS 415            Microcomputer Appl. 3
                   Major instrument 6
                   Class Piano1 6
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier II electives 16-19


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 310, 311, 312   Composition 6
MUS 321, 322, 323   Music History 9
MUS 407A, B, C     Counterpoint 6
                   Major instrument 6
                   Performance group 3
                   English composition (300 level) 4
                   Tier II electives 4-5
                   Elective 4-5


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 304, 305        Instrumentation, Orchestration I, II 6
MUS 402A, B, C     Styles 9
MUS 421            Electives 9
MUS 455            Conducting 3
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier III elective 4-5
                   Electives 3-5
                   MUS 414 Senior Practicum 2
                   MUS 498 Independent Project 4

If piano is the major instrument, the secondary instrumental requirement may be satisfied by one of the following methods:

a by taking applied lessons on an instrument other than piano for 6 quarters (1 hour per quarter).

b by taking 3 quarters (2 hours per quarter) of either 261 String Methods and Materials or 263 Wind and Percussion Methods and Materials, or a combination of both.

Demonstration of piano proficiency is required.

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 192


Major code BM5105


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103   Theory 12
MUS 125           Intro to Mus. Hist. & Lit. 4
MUS 178           Computer Skills for Musicians 2
                   Major instrument 6
                   Class Piano1 6
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
INCO 101           Fund. of Human Commun. 4
                   Tier II electives 8-10


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
                   Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206    Dictation and SS 6
MUS 413A           Intro to Electronic Music 2
MUS 415            Microcomputer Applications 3
                   Major instrument 6
                   Class Piano1 6
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier II electives 16-19


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 310, 311, 312    Composition 6
MUS 321, 322, 323    Music History 9
MUS 407A, B, C     Counterpoint 9
                   Major instrument 6
                   Performance group 3
                   English composition (300 level) 4
                   Tier II electives 4-5
                   Elective 4-5


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MS304,305          Instr. Orch. I & II 6
MUS 402A, B, C     Styles 9
MUS 410, 411, 412   Composition 6
MUS 414            Senior Practicum 2
MUS 421            Electives 9
MUS 455            Conducting 3
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier III 4-5
                   Electives 3

If piano is your major instrument, the secondary instrumental requirement may be satisfied by one of the following methods:

a by taking applied lessons on an instrument other than piano for 6 quarters (1 hour per quarter).

b by taking 3 quarters (2 hours per quarter) of either 261, String Methods and Materials, or 263, Wind and Percussion Methods and Materials, or a combination of both.

Demonstration of piano proficiency is required.

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 195

Bachelor of Music in Music History and Literature

Major code BM5114

The curriculum is designed to provide a broad foundation in music history, theory, performance, and research in music for students interested in these and related areas at the graduate level. While diversified in its academic and performance components, the curriculum sufficiently emphasizes each, giving you a variety of choices in selecting specialization at higher degree levels.


MUS 090           Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103   Theory 12
MUS 125           Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
                   Major instrument 6
                   Minor instrument 3
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
                  English electives 10
INCO 101          Fund. of Human Comm. 4
                  MUS 498 Independent Project* 1


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 201, 202, 203   Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206   Dictation and SS 6
MUS 321, 322, 323   Music History 9
                   Major instrument 6
                   Minor instrument 3
                   Performance group 3
                   Tier II electives 12-15


MUS 090          Performance Lab 0
MUS 421          Electives 9
                  Theory electives 6-9
                  Modern languages 12
                  Major instrument 6
                  Performance group 3
                  English composition (300 level) 4
                  History electives 8
MUS 498          Independent Project* 2


MUS 090   Performance Lab 0
MUS 414   Senior Practicum 2
MUS 421   Electives 9
MUS 428   Jazz History 3
MUS 455   Conducting 3
           Modern languages 12
           Performance group 3
           Tier II electives 8-10
           Tier III 4-5

*Independent Project determined in consultation with music history chair. Demonstration of piano proficiency is required.

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 194

Bachelor of Music in Music Education

If you specialize in music education, you may elect either an instrumental or choral emphasis. Upon completion of the requirements of the program, which includes the requirements of the State Board of Education, you will receive the Ohio Special Certificate for teaching music in public schools.

Choral Emphasis

Major code BM5106


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 101, 102, 103    Theory 12
MUS 125            Intro to Music Hist. and Lit. 4
MUS 163            Intro to Music Education 2
                   Major instrument 6
                   Minor instrument 3-6
                   Performance group 3-6
INCO 103           Fund. of Public Spkg. 4
                   Tier I English comp., quantitative skills 9-10
PSY 101            General Psychology 5


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 178            Computer Skills for Musicians 2
MUS 201, 202, 203   Theory 9
MUS 204, 205, 206   Dictation and SS 6
MUS 283            Rec. Mus. Instr. and Mat. 3
                   Major instrument 6
                   Minor instrument 3-6
                   Performance group 3-6
EDSE 250           Analysis of Tchr. Char. and Teaching Tasks 4
EDSE 250L          Field Experience 2
EDSE 270           Studies of the Learner 3
EDSE 270L          Field Experience 1
PSY 275            Educational Psych. 4
                  Tier II electives 8-10


MUS 090          Performance Lab 0
MUS 261 or 263    Instr. Meth. Classes 4
MUS 322, 323     Music History 6
                 Music history elective 3
MUS 364         Sec. Vocal Techniques 3
MUS 366         Teach. Mus. Elem. 3
MUS 455, 456B   Conducting 6
MUS 468         Gen. Music in JHS 3
                Major instrument 6
                Performance group 3-6
EDSE 351        Instr. Proc. and Curric. 5
EDSE 420, 420L  Tchg. Reading Content Areas 5
                English composition (300 level) 4


MUS 090            Performance Lab 0
MUS 261 or 263       Instr. Meth. Class 4
                    Music theory elective 3
                    Music theory, history, education elective 3
                    Performance group 2-4
EDCI 401            Adv. Field Experience: Multicultural 2
EDCI 480            Tchr., School, and Society 4
EDM 480A           Intro to Educ. Media 2
EDPL 461, 463, 465   Student Teaching 16
                   Tier III 4-5
                   Elective 4

Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 197

Demonstration of piano proficiency is required. See the School of Music Handbook for a complete statement concerning requirements.

Instrumental Emphasis

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