College of Health and Human Services

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Grover Hall

Keith Ernce, Director

Physical education and sport sciences programs have been designed to promote basic knowledge in human movement, to provide contemporary professional curricula, and to offer diverse activity programs that provide for the development of motor skills and physical fitness for all students.

The Recreation Studies curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive program that includes both basic and practical knowledge in the field of recreation. Both major and minor curricula are offered.

Note: Most courses offered through the School of Recreation and Sport Sciences can be retaken up to two times (i.e., one initial registration and two retakes). Variable-credit courses usually cannot be retaken (i.e., with the initial grade being removed), but can be repeated for credit to count toward your degree. While no limit has been set for repeats of PED courses, individual majors, schools, departments, and colleges may limit the number of such hours that can count toward graduation.

Athletic Training

Selected admission to the major is gained through an on-campus interview and the completion of curriculum application materials, in addition to the regular university application materials, before February 1. For information on how to apply, contact the Athletic Training Academic Program, School of Recreation and Sport Sciences, Ohio University, Grover Center, Athens OH 45701-0689.

If you are selected for the program, you are required to show proof of a hepatitis B vaccination before you enroll. You must complete a minimum of 800 hours of clinical experience between your sophomore and senior years. Successful completion of the program qualifies you to take the National Athletic Trainers' Association Inc., Certification Examination and the State of Ohio Athletic Trainer Licensure Examination. You are awarded the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training upon completion of the program.

Athletic Training/Exercise Physiology

Major code BS8117

Athletic Training Core Courses

BIOS 302         Human Anat. for Nonmajors 6
or BIOS 301       Human Anatomy
BIOS 345         Human Physiology 4
HCFN 128        Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 202        Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204        Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 230        Medical Terminology for Health Admin. 4
HLTH 227        First Aid 3
HLTH 228        CPR 1
HLTH 327        Instructor First Aid 3
HLTH 328        Instructor CPR 3
PESS 302         Biomechanics 4
or BIOS 352       Biomechanics
PESS 333         Adapted Physical Education 4
PESS 414, 415     Physiology of Exercise and Lab 7
or BIOS 445, 446   Physiology of Exercise and Lab 7
PESS 417         Exercise Prescription 4
PHYS 201, 202     Intro to Physics 10
PSY 101          General Psychology 5
PSY 120          Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221        Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
RSAT 129         Principles of Athletic Training 3
RSAT 131         Practical Aspects of Athletic Training 2
RSAT 326         Recognition and Evaluation of Athletic Injuries 4
RSAT 327         Prevention and Management of Athletic Injuries 3
RSAT 335         Therapeutic Modalities 5
RSAT 345         Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries 3
RSAT 360         Therapeutic Exercise 5
RSAT 420         Admin. of Athletic Training 3

Required Related Courses

BIOS 170, 171           Intro to Zoology 10
CHEM 121, 122, 123      Principles of Chemistry 12
or CHEM 151, 152, 153    Fund. of Chemistry or 15
PESS 105               Conditioning and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106               Intro to Human Movement 2

Even if your mathematics placement exam result is MATH 263 (which means that you have demonstrated quantitative skills competence sufficient to meet the Tier I requirement), you must complete one of the following:

MATH 113    Algebra 5
MATH 115    Precalculus 5MATH 163A   Intro to Calculus 4
MATH 263A   Analytic Geometry & Calculus 4

Athletic Training/Health Education

Major code BS8127

Athletic Training Core Courses

BIOS 302          Human Anat. for Nonmajors 6
or BIOS 301        Human Anatomy
BIOS 345          Human Physiology 4
HCFN 128         Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 202         Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204         Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 230         Medical Terminology for Health Admin. 4
HLTH 227         First Aid 3
HLTH 228         CPR 1
HLTH 327         Instructor First Aid 3
HLTH 328         Instructor CPR 3
PESS 302         Biomechanics 4
or BIOS 352       Biomechanics
PESS 333         Adapted Physical Education 4
PESS 414, 415     Physiology of Exercise and Lab 7
or BIOS 445, 446   Physiology of Exercise and Lab
PESS 417         Exercise Prescription 4
PHYS 201, 202     Intro to Physics 10
PSY 101          General Psychology 5
PSY 120          Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221        Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
RSAT 129         Principles of Athletic Training 3
RSAT 131         Practical Aspects of Athletic Training 2
RSAT 326         Recognition and Evaluation of Athletic Injuries 4
RSAT 327         Prevention and Management of Athletic Injuries 3
RSAT 335         Therapeutic Modalities 5
RSAT 345         Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries 3
RSAT 360         Therapeutic Exercise 5
RSAT 420         Admin. of Athletic Training 3

Required Related Courses

BIOL 101       Principles of Biology 5
or BIOS 170     Intro to Zoology
BIOS 103       Human Biology 5
or HCCF 360    Human Sexuality or 4
EH 260         Intro to Environmental Health & Safety 4
HLTH 101;      Intro to Health and Human Services 2
HLTH 379      Teaching of Health 4
HLTH 390      Community Health 4
HLTH 495      School Health Problems 5
PESS 390       Safety Education 4
MICR 211, 212  Environ. Microbiology and Lab 6

Required Professional Education Courses

The following three courses are to be taken together as a block:

EDCI 200          Learning, Human Growth, and Development 6
EDCI 201          Characteristics of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202          Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Development 2
EDCI 203          Technological Applications in Education 4
EDCI 301          Educ. and Cultural Diversity 3
EDCI 371B         Instr. Adapt. for Learners with Exceptionalities and Diverse Needs 4
EDCI 400          School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDPL 463, 464      Student Teaching 13
EDPL 465          Stu. Teaching Seminar 3
EDSE 351          Instructional Process and Curriculum 5
EDSE 420, 420L    Teaching of Reading and Lab 5

Note:Because of changing state standards, additional or replacement courses are under development. Check with your advisor for current information.

You also need to complete the general education requirements listed for health education (see "Health Education" in this section). You must meet the criteria for selective admission to and retention in teacher education as established by the College of Education (see "Admission to Professional Education" in the College of Education section). To graduate in this major, you must complete all College of Education requirements. Upon completion of the program and after passing the NTE core/battery and health education specialty tests, you are eligible for a four-year provisional teaching certificate in health education.

Physical Education

Major code BS8106

A major in physical education prepares you to teach physical education at the elementary and secondary school levels (K-12 teaching certificate). You must be a physical education major for at least one academic year (3 quarters) immediately before graduation to be granted a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education.

You must meet the criteria for selective admission to and retention in teacher education as established by the College of Education (see Admission to Professional Education in the College of Education section for further information). To graduate in this major, you must complete all College of Education requirements. Upon completion of the program and after passing the NTE core battery tests and physical education specialty test, you are eligible for a four-year provisional teaching certificate in physical education.

Required General Education Courses

Ohio requirements for teacher certification state that to apply for a teaching certificate you must complete 45 quarter hours of general education courses well distributed in the areas of science and mathematics, social sciences, English and/or foreign language, and comparative arts and/or philosophy.

You also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements (see General Education Requirements section). Work closely with your faculty advisor to make certain that both sets of requirements are met.

The breakdown of these general education course requirements is:

Science and Mathematics

You are required to complete at least one course in science and one course in mathematics. BIOL 101 Principles of Biology is required. Any Tier I quantitative skills course or any course in the Department of Mathematics except 101, 102, or 320 is acceptable for the mathematics requirement. Computer science courses, with the exception of CS 220, do not satisfy this requirement.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

You are required to complete at least two courses in this area. The two courses need not be in the same field. Possibilities include any course in the Department of Philosophy or School of Comparative Arts; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, or 309; theater history courses; or any course in the School of Art (except for ART 360, 461, 462), or the School of Music (except music education courses, music therapy courses, and one and two hour participation courses).

Social Sciences

You are required to complete at least two courses in social sciences. The two courses need not be in the same field. PSY 101, which is required, is included as one of the social sciences courses. Other possibilities include any course in anthropology, economics, economic education, history, political science, sociology, social work, geography, and psychology, except PSY 120, 221, 226, 275, 312, and 314.

English and/or Foreign Language

You are required to complete at least two courses in English and/or foreign language. The two courses need not be in the same field. Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the university English composition requirement (see "General Education Requirements" in the Graduation Requirements section) may be used toward completion of these hours. In addition, INCO 103 is a specific requirement in this area. Possibilities in this area include all English courses except ENG 451 and 452; any linguistics course; any foreign language course except ML 410 and 445; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309. (These humanities courses may NOT count toward the General Education Requirements in both the English and/or foreign language field and the comparative arts and/or philosophy field.)

If two courses in each of the above fields do not add up to a total of 45 hours, you must select sufficient hours in one or a combination of the above areas to bring the total hours in general education courses to 45 hours.

Physical Education Courses

BIOS 302     Human Anatomy 6
HLTH 227    First Aid 3
PESS 105    Cond. for Activities and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106    Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 115    Rhythmics 2
PESS 134    Intro to Field Experiences 2
PESS 222    Tumbling and Modern Gymnastics 2
PESS 223    Track and Field 2
PESS 273    Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 275    Elementary School Rhythm and Dance 3
PESS 302    Biomechanics 4
PESS 312    Physical Fitness 2
PESS 325    Human Dynamics in Coaching 3
PESS 333    Adapted Physical Education 4
PESS 345    Intro to Exercise Physiology 4
PESS 404    History and Principles of Physical Education 4
PESS 405    Motor Learning 4
PESS 406    Organization and Admin. of Physical Education 4
PESS 409    Tests and Measurements 4

Team Sports (select 2 hrs)

PESS 260A   Flag Football 1
PESS 260B   Team Handball 1
PESS 262A   Field Hockey 1
PESS 262B   Soccer 1
PESS 264A   Softball 1
PESS 264B   Lacrosse 1

Individual Sports (select 2 hrs)

PESS 141A   Archery 1
PESS 141B   Golf 1
PESS 221A   Tennis 1
PESS 221B   Badminton 1
PESS 224A   Racquetball 1
PESS 224B   Wrestling 1

Aquatics (select 2 hrs)

PESS 104   Intermediate Swimming 2
PESS 218   Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220   Water Safety Instructor

Dance (select 2 hrs)

PESS 107   Modern Dance 2
PESS 116   Social Forms of Dance 2
PESS 117   Folk and Square Dance 2

Outdoor Education (select one course)

REC 291   Outdoor Pursuits 3
REC 311   Expedition Management 3
REC 314   Camping 4
REC 315   Outdoor Education and Recreation 4

Theory and Practice

PESS 377   Theory and Practice of Elem. Phys. Ed. 3
PESS 372   Theory and Practice of Team and Ind. Sports 3

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Professional Education Courses

The following three courses are to be taken together as a block:

EDCI 200        Learning, Human Growth, and Development 6
EDCI 201        Characteristics of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202        Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Development 2
EDCI 203        Technological Applications in Education 4
EDCI 301        Educ. and Cultural Diversity 3
EDCI 371A or B   Instr. Adapt. for Learners with Exceptionalities and Diverse Needs 4
EDCI 400        School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDPL 461        Student Teaching 13
EDPL 463        Stu. Teaching Seminar 3
EDSE 351        Instructional Process and Curriculum 5
EDSE 420, 420L   Teaching of Reading and Lab 5
PESS 234, 334    Clinical and Field Exp. in Physical Education 4
PESS 402        Learning Strategies 4

Note:Because of changing state standards, additional or replacement courses are under development. Check with your advisor for current information.

Note: No more than 3 hours of credit in each of the following courses will count toward the 192 hours needed for graduation:

BIOS 392 and/or BIOS 492   Topics in Zoology
PED 123                  Conditioning and Weight TrainingPESS 418A                Instructional Experience
MUS 244A                Marching Band

Adapted Physical Education Validation

This validation can be attached to an already existing physical education certificate (elementary, secondary, or combination) or special education certificate. The validation provides an opportunity for individuals already working in physical education or special education to develop the skills necessary to work with handicapped students and other professionals concerned with this population.

PESS 104     Intermediate Swimming 2
or PESS 218   Life Guard Training
or PESS 220   Water Safety Instructors
PESS 105     Cond. for Activities and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 333     Adapted Physical Education 4
PESS 434     Field Experience in Adapted Physical Ed. 2
PESS 480     Methods in Adapted Physical Ed.: Analysis and Desc. 3
PESS 485     Perceptual Motor

Select 8 hours from:

PESS 116    Social Forms of Dance 2
PESS 117    Folk and Square Dance 2
PESS 221B   Badminton 1
PESS 222    Tumbling and Modern Gymnastics 2
PESS 223    Track and Field 2
PESS 224A   Racquetball 1
PESS 262B   Soccer 1
PESS 263A   Basketball 1
PESS 263B   Volleyball 1
REC 108     Technical Climbing and Rappelling 1
REC 112     Backpacking 1
REC 291     Outdoor Pursuits 3

Recreation Studies

The coursework is designed to prepare you in the basic recreation core and allow you to concentrate in adventure recreation, camping, outdoor education, recreation management, therapeutic recreation, or special interests. After successfully completing the requirements, you will be awarded the Bachelor of Science in Recreation Studies.

The curriculum prepares you to assume positions in city recreation and park departments, state and federal government agencies, youth service agencies, industrial agencies, religious organizations, camping, commercial or institutional recreation programs, or administration.

Adventure Recreation

Major code BS8113

This option focuses upon planning, conducting, and administering high adventure and wilderness skills programs. You may qualify for positions with various wilderness and survival schools, outdoor leadership programs, expedition outfitters, and commercial enterprises in high adventure activities. Career opportunities are also increasing in programs involving juvenile offenders in both public and private agencies.

Health and Sport Sciences

(Select 20 hrs)

HLTH 202    Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204    Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 205    AIDS Education and Prevention 4
HLTH 227*   First Aid 3
HLTH 228    CPR 1
HLTH 327    Instructor's First Aid 3
HLTH 328    Instructor CPR 3
PESS 115     Rhythmics 2
PESS 218     Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220     Water Safety for Instructors 3
PESS 339     Football Officiating 3
PESS 340     Basketball Officiating 3
PESS 341     Baseball Officiating 3
PESS 390*    Safety Education 4
REC 290*     Rec 3
REC 381*     Administration of Recreational Sports 4

Professional Recreation Core

(Select 50 hrs)

REC 200*   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201    Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 236    Field Experience in Recreation 1-3
REC 250    Recreation Leadership 3
REC 310*   Program Planning and Facilities for Rec. 5
REC 314    Camping 4
REC 315    Outdoor Education and Recreation 4
REC 336*   Field Experience in Recreation 3
REC 345    amp Leadership 2
REC 403    History of Recreation 3
REC 440*   Internship 16
REC 449*   Administration of Recreation 4

Recreation Tool Courses

(Select 18 hrs)

PESS 273   Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills for Elem. School Children 3
REC 240    Taxidermy 2
REC 241    Taxidermy II 2
REC 251*   Crafts for Recreation Programs 3

Or select any course from ART, CA 150, DANC, MUS, THAR

Physical Education or Recreation Activities

Select 9 courses from any REC 100-level course (except 199) or PED course.

Professional Courses

Select a minimum of 35 hours from:

PBIO 220    Fall Plants 4
PBIO 225    Flowers 4
PBIO 303    Medicinal Plants of Ohio 3
GEOL 215   Environ. Geology 4
GEOL 231   Water and Pollution 4
GEOL 330   Principles of Geomorphology 5
GEOL 407   Geological Applications of Remote Sensing 4
REC 101*   Orienteering 1
REC 102*   Advanced Orienteering 1
REC 105    Whitewater Rafting 1
REC 106    Hunting 1
REC 107    Trap Shooting 1
REC 108    Technical Climbing 1
REC 111    Cross Country Skiing 1
REC 112    Backpacking 1
REC 113    Canoeing 1
REC 114    Kayaking 1
REC 115    Ropes 1
REC 116    Rescue Techniques 1
REC 117    Primitive Construction 1
REC 291    Outdoor Pursuits 3
REC 311*   Expedition Management 3
REC 312*   Medical Emergency Response 3
REC 390*   Wilderness Survival 3
REC 475*   Adventure Programming 3
SOC 201    Contemporary Social Problems 4
SOC 210    Intro to Social Psychology 4
SOC 260    American Criminal Justice 4
SOC 361    Deviant Behavior 4
SOC 363    Juvenile Delinquency 4
SOC 466    Penology 4
SW 101     Intro to Social Welfare and Social Work 3


Outdoor Education and Camping

Major code BS8108

This option focuses upon planning, conducting, and administering outdoor recreation programs, with special emphasis available for school-oriented programs and resident camping. You may qualify for positions as an interpretive naturalist, outdoor education resource person, camp director, visitor information center director, or supervisor of outdoor recreation programs in federal, state, or local agencies.

Health and Sport Sciences

(Select 20 hrs)

HLTH 202   Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204   Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 205   AIDS Education and Prevention 4
HLTH 227*  First Aid 3
HLTH 228;   CPR 1
HLTH 327   Instructor's First Aid 3
HLTH 328   Instructor CPR 3
PESS 115    Rhythmics 2
PESS 218    Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220    Water Safety for Instructors 3
PESS 339    Football Officiating 3
PESS 340    Basketball Officiating 3
PESS 341    Baseball Officiating 3
PESS 390*   Safety Education 4
REC 290*    Rec 3
REC 381*    Administration of Recreational Sports 4

Professional Recreation Core

(Select 50 hrs)

REC 200*   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201    Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 236    Field Experience in Recreation 1-3
REC 250    Recreation Leadership 3
REC 310*   Program Planning and Facilities for Rec. 5
REC 314    Camping 4
REC 315    Outdoor Education and Recreation 4
REC 336*   Field Experience in Recreation 3
REC 345    Camp Leadership 2
REC 403    History of Recreation 3
REC 440*   nternship 16
REC 449*   Administration of Recreation 4

Recreation Tool Courses

(Select 18 hrs)

PESS 273   Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills for Elem. School Children 3
REC 240    Taxidermy 2
REC 241    Taxidermy II 2
REC 251*   Crafts for Recreation Programs 3

Or select any course from ART, CA 150, DANC, MUS, THAR

Physical Education or Recreation Activities

Select 9 courses from any REC 100-level course (except 199) or PED course.

Professional Courses

Select a minimum of 35 hours from:

ASTR 100     Survey of Astronomy 4
BIOS 170     Intro to Zoology 5
BIOS 435     Entomology 6
BIOS 475     Sociobiology 3
or PBIO 425   Plant Ecology or 5
GEOG 101    Elements of Physical Geography 5
or GEOL 215  Environ. Geology or 4
GEOG 260    Maps 4
GEOL 101    Intro to Geology 5
GEOL 211    Intro to Oceanography 4
GEOL 221    Earth and Life History 4
GEOL 231    Water and Pollution 4
GEOL 315    Mineralogy 5
GEOL 320    Rocks 3
PBIO 102     Plant Biology 5
PBIO 103     Plants and People 4
PBIO 225     Flowers 4
PBIO 247     Vegetation of North America 4
PBIO 303     Medicinal Plants of Ohio 3
PBIO 311     Biology and Human Affairs 4
PBIO 426     Physiological Plant Ecology 5
PSY 275      Educational Psychology 4
REC 101      Orienteering 1
REC 102      Advanced Orienteering 1
REC 103      Survival I 1


Recreation Management

Major code BS8109

This option focuses upon the administration of recreation programs and qualifies you for positions with public recreation, voluntary agencies, resident institutions, and camp administration.

Health and Sport Sciences

(Select 20 hrs)

HLTH 202     Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 205     AIDS Education and Prevention 4
HLTH 227*   First Aid 3
HLTH 228    CPR 1
HLTH 327    Instructor's First Aid 3
HLTH 328    Instructor CPR 3
PESS 115     Rhythmics 2
PESS 218     Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220     Water Safety for Instructors 3
PESS 339     Football Officiating 3
PESS 340     Basketball Officiating 3
PESS 341     Baseball Officiating 3
PESS 390*    Safety Education 4
REC 290*     Rec 3
REC 381*     Administration of Recreational Sports 4

Professional Recreation Core

(Select 50 hrs)

REC 200*   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201    Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 236    Field Experience in Recreation 1-3
REC 250    Recreation Leadership 3
REC 310*   Program Planning and Facilities for Rec. 5
REC 314    Camping 4
REC 315    Outdoor Education and Recreation 4
REC 336*   Field Experience in Recreation 3
REC 345    Camp Leadership 2
REC 403    History of Recreation 3
REC 440*   Internship 16
REC 449*   Administration of Recreation 4

Recreation Tool Courses

(Select 18 hrs)

PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274     Sport and Game Skills for Elem. School Children 3
REC 240      Taxidermy 2
REC 241     Taxidermy II 2
REC 251*    Crafts for Recreation Programs 3

Or select any course from ART, CA 150, DANC, MUS, THAR

Physical Education or Recreation Activities

Select 9 courses from any REC 100-level course (except 199) or PED course.

Professional Courses

Select a minimum of 35 hours from:

ACCT 201     Financial Accounting 4
BUSL 255     Law and Society 4
BUSL 465     Law of Sports 4
CS 120*      Computer Science Survey 4
or HS 309*    Microcomputer Appl. or 4
or MIS 100*   Intro to Microcomputers or 3
CS 220        Intro to Computing 5
ECON 103    Principles of Microeconomics 4
HRM 420     Human Resource Management 4
HRM 425     Labor Relations 4
HRM 460     Human Resource Policy, Planning, and Info. Sys. 4
JOUR 105     Intro to Mass Communication 4
JOUR 221     Graphics of Communication 5
JOUR 231     New Reporting 4
JOUR 250     Principles of Advertising 4
JOUR 471     Public Relations Principles 5
MGT 200     Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300   Management
MGT 340     Organizational Behavior-Micro Perspective 4
MGT 428     Nonindustrial Labor Relations 4
MGT 450     Managing Health Care Organizations 4
MKT 301     Marketing Principles 4
PESS 313     Sport Club Management 3
REC 311     Expedition Management 3


Special Interests

Major code BS8110

This option focuses upon individualized programs designed to meet unique career goals and will qualify you for extremely specialized positions in recreation and recreation-related fields. This option is not available if you can meet your career goals through one of the existing courses of study.

The special interests concentration consists of your selecting, in consultation with an assigned advisor from the recreation studies faculty, a 35-hour course of study directed toward your particular goals. Your course of study must be approved by the faculty. A copy of your program will be filed with the recreation studies coordinator and assistant dean, College of Health and Human Services.

Health and Sport Sciences

(Select 20 hrs)

HLTH 202    Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204    Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 205    AIDS Education and Prevention 4
HLTH 227*   First Aid 3
HLTH 228    CPR 1
HLTH 327    Instructor's First Aid 3
HLTH 328    Instructor CPR 3
PESS 115    Rhythmics 2
PESS 218    Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220    Water Safety for Instructors 3
PESS 339    Football Officiating 3
PESS 340    Basketball Officiating 3
PESS 341    Baseball Officiating 3
PESS 390*   Safety Education 4
REC 290*    Rec 3
REC 381*    Admin. of Rec. Sports 4

Professional Recreation Core

(Select 50 hrs)

REC 200*   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201    Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 236    Field Experience in Recreation 1-3
REC 250    Recreation Leadership 3
REC 310*   Program Planning and Facilities for Rec. 5
REC 314    Camping 4
REC 315    Outdoor Education and Recreation 4
REC 336*   Field Experience in Recreation 3
REC 345    Camp Leadership 2
REC 403    History of Recreation 3
REC 440*   Internship 16
REC 449*   Administration of Recreation 4

Recreation Tool Courses

(Select 18 hrs)

PESS 273   Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills for Elem. School Children 3
REC 240    Taxidermy 2
REC 241    Taxidermy II 2
REC 251*   Crafts for Rec. Programs 3

Or select any course from ART, CA 150, DANC, MUS, THAR

Physical Education or Recreation Activities

Select 9 courses from any REC 100-level course (except 199) or PED course.

Professional Courses

In consultation with your advisor, select a minimum of 35 hours.


Therapeutic Recreation

Major code BS8104

This option focuses upon planning, conducting, and administering recreation programs serving the ill, disabled, aging, and disadvantaged in institutional and community settings. You may qualify for a position serving people with disabilities in the areas of emotional illness, mental retardation, physically handicapped, or aging. Career opportunities are also increasing rapidly in penal and correctional settings and community programs serving the culturally/socially disadvantaged.

Health and Sport Sciences

(Select 20 hrs)

HLTH 202    Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
HLTH 204    Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 205    AIDS Education and Prevention 4
HLTH 227*   First Aid 3
HLTH 228    CPR 1
HLTH 230    Medical Terminology for Health Administrators 4
HLTH 327    Instructor's First Aid 3
HLTH 328    Instructor CPR 3
PESS 115    Rhythmics 2
PESS 218    Life Guard Training 2
PESS 220    Water Safety for Instructors 3
PESS 339    Football Officiating 3
PESS 340    Basketball Officiating 3
PESS 341    Baseball Officiating 3
PESS 390*   Safety Education 4
REC 290     Rec 3
REC 381*    Administration of Recreational Sports 4

Professional Recreation Core

(Select 50 hrs)

REC 200*   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201    Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 236    Field Experience in Recreation 1-3
REC 250    Recreation Leadership 3
REC 310*   Program Planning and Facilities for Rec. 5
REC 314    Camping 4
REC 315    Outdoor Education and Recreation 4
REC 336*   Field Experience in Recreation 3
REC 345    Camp Leadership 2
REC 403    History of Recreation 3
REC 440*   Internship 16
REC 449*   Administration of Recreation 4

Recreation Tool Courses

(Select 18 hrs)

PESS 273    Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274    Sport and Game Skills for Elem. School Children 3
REC 240     Taxidermy 2
REC 241     Taxidermy II 2
REC 251*    Crafts for Recreation Programs 3

Or select any course from ART, CA 150, DANC, MUS, THAR

Physical Education or Recreation Activities

Select 9 courses from any REC 100-level course (except 199) or PED course.

Required Professional Courses

REC 199*     Intro to Therapeutic Recreation Services 3
REC 301*     Leisure Education and Facilitation Techniques 4
REC 376*     Principles and Practices of Therapeutic Rec. 3
REC 470*     Comp. Program Planning in Therapeutic Rec. 3
REC 471*     Specific Program Planning and Evaluation 3
REC 472*     Professional Issues in Therapeutic Recreation 4
BIOS 302*    Human Anatomy 6
or BIOS 301*  Human Anatomy

Note: BIOL 101 Principles of Biology, BIOS 103 Human Biology, or BIOS 170 Intro to Zoology is prerequisite to BIOS 302 or 301.

Select a minimum of 8 hours:

EDSP 270     Classroom Mgt. of Children w/Behavioral Problems 3
EDSP 271     Intro to Ed. of Except. Children and Youth 4
EDSP 378     Principles of Work for Persons with Disabilities 3
EDSP 400     Nature and Needs of SBH 3
EDSP 477     Comm. w/Parents and Professionals in Special Ed. 4
HCCF 160     Intro to Child Dev. 4
or PSY 273    Child and Adolescent Psychology
HLTH 413     Health Aspects of Aging 4
HSS 378      Sign Language 4
MUS 181      Intro to Music Therapy 3
PESS 302     Biomechanics 4
or BIOS 352   Biomechanics
PESS 333     Adapted Physical Education 4
PESS 485     Perceptual Motor Development in Children 3
PSY 231      Psychology of Adjustment 4
PSY 332      Abnormal Psychology 4
PSY 376      Psychological Disorders of Childhood 4
REC 214      Camping for Special Populations 2
REC 377      Admin. of Activities for Therapeutic Recreation 3
REC 430      Principles of Therapeutic Rec. for MR 3
REC 460      Understanding Play 3
SOC 334      Sociology of Aging 4
SOC 361      Deviant Behavior 4
SOC 363      Juvenile Delinquency 4


Minor in Recreation

Minor code OR8109

Select 35 hours from:

REC 199   Intro to Therapeutic Recreation 3
REC 200   Intro to Leisure 2
REC 201   Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 4
REC 250   Recreation Leadership 3
REC 251   Art and Nature Crafts 3
REC 310   Program Planning and Facilities 5
REC 314   Camping 4
REC 315   Outdoor Education and Outdoor Rec. 4
REC 345   Camp Leadership 2
REC 376   Therapeutic Recreation 4
REC 403   History of Recreation 3
REC 449   Community Recreation 4
REC 475   Adventure Programming 3

Sport Sciences

The sport sciences include six areas of specialization: aquatic management, coaching, exercise physiology, sport industry, sport for special populations, and youth sports.

You must be a sport sciences major for at least one academic year (3 quarters) immediately before graduation to be granted a Bachelor of Science in Sport Sciences degree. No more than 3 quarter hours of credit in each of the following courses will count toward the 192 hours needed for graduation:

BIOS 392 and/or BIOS 492   Topics in Zoology
MUS 244A                Marching BandPED 123                  Conditioning and Weight Training
PESS 418A                Instructional Experience

Aquatic Management

Major code BS8120

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
              PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105     Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106     Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261     Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     Hist. and Prin. of Phys. Ed. 4
PESS 406     Org. and Admin. of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Related Courses

BUSL 255   Law and Society 4
HLTH 228   CPR 1
INCO 101   Fund. of Human Comm. 4
MGT 200   Intro to Management 4
PESS 212   ntro to Coaching 3
PESS 220   Water Safety Instruction 3

(may not be used to satisfy PESS skills requirement of core)

PESS 305   Coaching of Swimming and Diving 2
PESS 314   Coaching Sports for the Disabled 2PESS 373   Adapted Aquatics 3
PESS 455   Admin. of Aquatic Facilities 3

Select minimum of 4 credits from the following:

PESS 109   Synchronized Swimming 2
PESS 265   Diving and Competitive Swimming 2
REC 113    Canoeing 1
PED 143    Scuba Diving 1
PED 151    Water Polo 1
PED 152    Water Skiing 1

(none of the above can be used to satisfy PESS skills requirement of core)


Major code BS8121

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthro. 5
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
              PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105     Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106     Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261     Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     Hist. and Prin. of Phys. Ed. 4
PESS 406     Organization and Admin. of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Related Courses

HCFN 128   Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 228   CPR 1
PESS 212   Intro to Coaching 3
PESS 213   Youth Sports 3
PESS 215   Practicum in Athletics 2
PESS 319   Research in Physical and Motor Dev. in Athletics 3
PESS 325   Human Dynamics in Coaching 3
PESS 412   Sport Governance and Ethics 3
RSAT 128   Intro to Athletic Training 2
SOC 233    Sociology of Sport 4

Select 2 coaching courses from:

PESS 305   Swimming and Diving 2
PESS 318   Tennis 3
PESS 320   Wrestling 3
PESS 324   Soccer 3
PESS 351   Golf 2
PESS 352   Ice Hockey 3
PESS 353   Lacrosse 3
PESS 354   Volleyball 3
PESS 356   Field Hockey 3
PESS 365   Basketball 3
PESS 366A  Baseball 3
PESS 366B  Softball 3
PESS 367   Football 3
PESS 368   Track 3

Exercise Physiology

Major code BS8122

The Sport Sciences-Exercise Physiology option can be used to fulfill most of the School of Physical Therapy's prerequisites for admission.

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
              PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105     Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106     Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261     Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     History and Principles of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221*   Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

* Required for admission to the School of Physical Therapy.

Required Related Courses

BIOL 101                  Principles of Biology
or BIOS 170, 171, 172, 173   Intro to Zoology or 14
BIOS 302                 Human Anatomy for Nonmajors 6
BIOS 345, 346             Human Physiology and Lab 7
CHEM 121, 122, 123        Principles of Chemistry 12
or CHEM 151, 152, 153      Fund. of Chemistry or 15
HCFN 128                Intro to Nutrition 4
PESS 302                 Biomechanics 4
PESS 405                 Motor Learning 4
PESS 414, 415             Physiology of Exercise and Lab 7
PESS 416                 Resistance Training 3
PESS 417                 Exercise Prescription 4
PHYS 201, 202            Intro to Physics 10

If your mathematics placement exam result is lower MATH 263, you must complete one of the following:

MATH 113    Algebra 5
MATH 115    Precalculus 5MATH 163A   Intro to Calculus 4
MATH 263A   Calculus 4

Sport Industry

Major code BS8123

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
              PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105     Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106     Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261     Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     History and Principles of Physical Ed. 4
PESS 406     Organization and Admin. of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Related Courses

ACCT 201    Financial Accounting 4
CS 120       Computer Science Survey 4
ECON 103    Principles of Microeconomics 4
MGT 200     Intro to Management 4
PESS 313    Sport Club Management 3
PESS 325    Human Dynamics of Coaching 3
PESS 412    Sport Governance and Ethics 3
PSY 310     Motivation 4
or Psy 332    Abnormal Psychology
or PSY 336   Social Psychology
SOC 233     Sociology of Sport 4

Select one of the following four courses:

PESS 213   Youth Sports 3
PESS 400   Women and Sport 3PESS 408   Black Athlete and American Sport 3
PESS 411   The Olympic Movement 3

Select 3 courses from the following:

AAS 440    The Black Child 4
BUSL 255   Law and Society 4
BUSL 465   Law of Sports 4
INCO 205   Group Discussion 4
INCO 206   Comm. in Interpersonal Relations 4
INCO 304   Principles and Techniques of Interviewing 4
MKT 461    Social Issues of Marketing 4
SOC 211    Crowd and Mass Behavior 4
SOC 363    Juvenile Delinquency 4
SOC 470    Sex Roles and Inequality 4

Sport for Special Populations

Major code BS8124

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101      Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
HLTH 204      Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227      First Aid 3
               PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103      Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105      Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106      Intro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261      Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273      Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     History and Principles of Physical Ed. 4
PESS 406     Organization and Admin. of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Related Courses

INCO 101     Fund. of Human Communication 4
INCO 206     Comm. in Interpersonal Relationships 4
PESS 212     Intro to Coaching 3
PESS 314     Coaching Sports for the Disabled 2
PESS 325     Human Dynamics of Coaching 3
PESS 333     Adapted Physical Education 3
PESS 373     Adapted Aquatics 3
PESS 405     Motor Learning 4
PESS 412     Sports Governance and Ethics 3
PESS 434     Field Experience
PSY 231      Psychology of Adjustment 4
PSY 275      Educational Psychology 4
PSY 310      Motivation 4
or PSY 332    Abnormal Psychology
or PSY 336    Social Psychology
SOC 101      Intro to Sociology 5
SOC 210      Intro to Social Psychology 4
SOC 233      Sociology of Sport 4

Youth Sports

Major code BS8125

Sport Sciences Core Courses

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
HLTH 204     Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
              PESS Skills Classes 10-14
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
PESS 105     Cond. for Activity and Organic Efficiency 2
PESS 106     ntro to Human Movement 2
PESS 261     Sport Sciences Practicum 1
PESS 273     Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
or PESS 274   Sport and Game Skills in Elem. School Children
or PESS 275   Elem. School Rhythm and Dance
PESS 390     Safety Education 4
PESS 404     History and Principles of Physical Ed. 4
PESS 406     Organization and Admin. of Physical Ed. 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences or 5
PSY 233      Psychology of Personality 4

Note: Professional attire is required for all PESS lab courses and courses with lab components.

Required Related Courses

AAS 440     The Black Child 4
HCCF 160    Intro to Child Dev. 4
or PSY 273   Child and Adolescent Psychology
HCFN 128    Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 228    CPR 1
PESS 212    Intro to Coaching 3
PESS 213    Youth Sports 3
PESS 215    Coaching Practicum 2
PESS 273    Movement Education and Fund. Skills 3
PESS 274    Sport and Game Skills for Elem. Physical Ed. 3
PESS 485    Perceptual Motor Development in Children 3
PSY 376     Psychological Disorders of Childhood 4
REC 460     Understanding Play 3
SOC 101     Intro to Sociology 5
SOC 233     Sociology of Sport

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