Computer science involves the design, development, analysis, and maintenance of the computer software that controls complex computer systems and networks. Computer scientists work with all aspects of computer software, including graphics, multimedia, the World Wide Web, e-mail, compilers, software engineering, artificial intelligence, theory of computer algorithms, operating systems, database systems, and internet applications.
While writing programs is an important function for computer scientists, they do much more than that. They analyze the needs of software users, develop algorithms and interfaces to meet those needs, and work in small groups to design software components. They must be proficient at problem solving, mathematical reasoning, logical thinking, and interpersonal communication. The computer science program at Ohio University, because of its strong ties with mathematics and engineering, emphasizes both the mathematical and the practical components of computer science.
The computer science program has three major goals for its undergraduate students:
Computer science students must fulfill the university's General Education Requirements and the distribution requirement from the College of Arts and Sciences. Students are also required to complete one year of foreign language. Students then have the option of completing an additional year of foreign language (Option L) or four technical courses (Option E). (See the College of Arts and Sciences for requirement waiver policy for foreign languages taken in high school.) There are 10 courses in mathematics, engineering and basic sciences, which provide a foundation for the 14 required courses in computer science and electrical engineering. These courses culminate with CS 456 where students are required to complete a software project. Students take four technical elective courses in which they can explore areas of computer science at an advanced level. During the course of their program, students work with several programming languages using both personal computer and UNIX workstations.
Computer science majors must complete 192 hours of coursework for an average of 16 hours a quarter over four years of undergraduate study. All required courses in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics must be completed with a grade of C or better. Credit earned in approved internship or co-op programs may be applied toward graduation requirements.
Option E (1 year foreign language, 1 year technical courses)
MATH 263A Calculus 4 Soc. Sci. or humanities2 3-5 Freshman composition2 5 Foreign language3 4
CS 240A Intro to Computer Sci.4 5 MATH 263B Calculus 4 Soc. Sci. or humanities2 3-5 Foreign Language3 4
CS 240B Intro to Computer Sci. 4 MATH 263C Calculus 4 Laboratory science2 4-5 Foreign language (113) 4
CS 240C Intro to Computer Sci. 5 MATH 263D Calculus 4 Phys 251 General Physics1 5 Additional Sci. Course1 3-5
CS 300 Intro to Discrete Structures 5 MATH 410 Matrix Theory 4 ET 280 Engr. & Tech. Overview 4 General Physics1 1-4
CS 361 Data Structures 5 EE 222 Intro to Digital Circuits 3 Differential Equations3 4 General Physics1 5
CS 404 Design & Anal. of Algs 5 EE 371 Applied Prob. and Stats. 3 EE 313 Basic Elec. Engr.1 3 Soc. Sci or Humanities5 3-5
CS 320 Org. of Prog. Languages 5 EE 367 Intro to Microprocessors 4 EE 304 Basic Elec. Lab I 3-4 EE 314 Basic Elec. Engr. II 3 Junior Composition2 4
CS 406 Computation Theory 5 CS 456 Software Design and Dev. 5 EE 303 Intermediate Lab III 1 Soc. Sci. or Humanities5 3-4
CS 442 Op. Sys. and Comp. Arch. I 5 Technical elective6 5 Soc. sci. or humanities5 6-10
Technical elective6 5 Tier III2 4 Soc. Sci or Humanities5 3-5
Technical electives6 5 Technical electives6 5 Free elective 1-3
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file (
) January 10, 2000.
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