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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Graduate Child and Family Studies Courses
Graduate Food and Nutrition Courses
Graduate Human and Consumer Sciences General Education Courses
Graduate Interior Architecture Courses
Graduate Retail Management Courses

The School of Human and Consumer Sciences offers master's programs with concentrations in early childhood education, family studies, and food and nutrition. Graduate courses in retail merchandising and interior architecture are also available.

To be awarded the Master of Science degree, you must earn a minimum of 45 hours if you select the thesis option or 50 quarter hours if araduate project option is selected. You are required to have an approved program of study in your file by the end of the first quarter of enrollment. Your graduate program is planned by you and your advisor, taking into consideration your undergraduate preparation and professional goals.

The maximum time allowed between the date that you first initiate graduate study toward the master's degree and the date that you complete the requirements for the degree is six calendar years. You may transfer a maximum of 12 quarter hours of graduate credit from an accredited university, providing the credit to be transferred has been designated graduate credit at the institution where taken, is letter graded B or better, was earned in the past five years, wa applicable oward an advanced degree at the institution where taken, and is approved by your advisor and graduate coordinator. Credit for courses taken by correspondence cannot be accepted toward the required minimum hours.

Eligibility to Apply

You must meet the following requirements to be considered for unconditional admission to the graduate program in the School of Human and Consumer Sciences:

  1. Earned bachelor's from an accredited college or university
  2. Minimum overall undergraduate grade-point average (g.p.a.) of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale on last 90 quarter hours or last 60 semester hours
  3. Satisfactory Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores
  4. A minimum of 20 quarter hours or 13 semester hours of undergraduate preparation in the specific major in which you wish to study.

If you do not meet the above standards, you may be admitted on a conditional basis and informed of the conditions you must meet before being accepted unconditionally. These courses may or may not apply toward your degree. If you are admitted on a conditional basis, you are not eligible for financial assistance.


The following materials must be received before your application can be considered for admission:

  1. Graduate Application found in back of this catalog (in duplicate) or from the Web page, https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/apps.htm .
  2. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores.
  3. Official transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended (transcripts of coursework completed at Ohio University do not need to be sbmitted.)
  4. A cover letter of application briefly stating your intent to apply for admission and describing your goals and reasons for applying to graduate study in your specified area. Include dates for projected entry, completion of undergraduate work, and any other information you believe to be necessary for full consideration of your application.
  5. A resume, including your educational background and professional work experience.
  6. A statement of goals and autobiography (3-5 double-spaced typed pages), which serves as a writing sample and helps to convey to the Graduate Committee a sense of who you are, wha your experiences have been, and how these factors relate to your desire to pursue a graduate degree within the School of Human and Consumer Sciences. Be sure to include your goals for graduate study, how your goals for study relate to what you plan to do following graduation, what research interests you may have, and why you want to study in this school.
  7. Three letters of recommendation from people who are qualified to evaluate your capability for graduate study. Please make certain to include the program or major you plan to pursue on the form prior to giving it to the person providing the reference.

Submit your completed application, GRE scores, transcripts, and application fee to the Office of Graduate Studies, Ohio University, McKee House, Athens OH 45701-2979.

The letter of intent, resume and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the graduate coordinator, School of Human and Consumer Sciences, Ohio University, Grover Center W324, Athens OH 45701-2979.

The cover letter of appliction, resume, statement of goals and autobiography, and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the gradute coordinator, School of Human and Consumer Sciences, Ohio University, Grover Center W324, Athens, OH 45701-2979

While applications for admission are accepted during all quarters, it is recommended that applications for both admission and financial aid for the following year be received by March 1. International students must also present TOEFL scores. Financial assistance, such as assistantships are available.

Early Childhood Education and Family Studies

The early childhood education program offers professionals an opportunity to deepen their study of young children, birth through age eight. The program prepares you to work with children and their families in a diverse learning environments including public schools, childcare and child development settings, social service agencies, and crisis management. Your individual Program of Study is developed with your advisor, based on your goals and experiential needs. You may select either the thesis or graduate project option.

The Family Studies Program prepares individuals to work with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families, in a wide range of employment settings, both in academia and in human services. Academically, the program takes a lifespan approach to individual and family development that is multidisciplinary, systemic, and research-based with a focus on integrating the latest developments in theory and practice into a personal and professional framework. The Program of Study is intended to be highly flexible, accommodating current practitioners who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge base, and new professionals who are considering an academic career, or work in specialized areas. Examples of these areas and special populations include gerontology, mental health, substance abuse, family development, children's services, hospital services, advocacy for special populations, policy creation and implementation, and programs that foster the development of strong and enriching relationships over the lifespan. Together with your advisor, you will develop a Program of Study reflective of your experiences and professional goals. You may select either the thesis or graduate project option.

Program Requirements

Requirements for early childhood education or family studies with the thesisoption are:

  1. Minimum of 45 hours
  2. Minimum of 22 hours in major and research
     Required Courses: 

    HCCF 664 Advanced Child Development (5) HCCF 674 Advanced Family Development (5) HCGE 626 Seminar in Human and Consumer Sciences (2) HCGE 692 Research (4) HCGE 695 Thesis( 1 ) (5) EDRE 501 Introduction to Research Methods orPSY 520 Elementary Statistics orEDRE 720 Education Statistics

    1  You are encouraged to select a topic for your thesis in an area of interest shared by you and your advisor.

  3. Minimum of 12 hours in approved minor

Requirements for early childhood education or family studies with the graduate projectoption are:

  1. Minimum of 50 hours
  2. Minimum of 28 hours in major and research
     Required Courses:HCCF 664          Advanced Child Development (5)
    HCCF 674          Advanced Family Development (5)
    HCGE 626          Seminar in Human and Consumer 
                      Sciences (2)
    HCGE 692          Research (4)
    EDRE 501          Introduction to Research Methods orPSY 520        Elementary Statistics orEDRE 720       Education Statistics

    1  You are encouraged to select a topic for your thesis in an area of interest shared by you and your advisor.

    Food and Nutrition

    Our master's program offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of food and nutrition. You will take required core courses in food and nutrition and then take approved courses in a minor. Recommended minors include consumer food, food education, community nutrition and health promotion, long term care, and sports and fitness. However, you can also design a unique program to fulfill the minor requirements. In this case, you would choose from existing graduate courses available at Ohio University and design a program that best compliments your career goals. The versatility of the program makes it suitable to meet the graduate needs of numerous individuals including those with limited food or nutrition undergraduate training, those already with a registered dietetics credential but who wish to obtain an advanced degree, educators who wish to obtain training in food and nutrition, or those who require additional course work in order to apply for a dietetics internship. Graduate students will be encouraged to do multidisciplinary research when appropriate.

    Program Requirements

    Requirements for food and nutrition with thesisoption:

    1. Minimum of 45 hours
    2. Minimum of 28 hours in major/research area
       Required courses:HCFN 532          Research Design and Methods in
                        Nutrition (3)
      HCFN 650          Diet and Chronic Disease (4)
      HCFN              Elective (3-4)
      HCGE 591B         Seminar in Food and Nutrition (2)
      HCGE 626          Seminar in Human and Consumer
                        Sciences (2)
      HCGE 692          Research (4)
      HCGE 695( 1 
      )       Thesis
      PSY 520           Elememtary Statistics orEDRE 720       Education Statistics
    3. Minimum of 16 hours in approved minor (see listing of pre-approved minors below)

    Requirements for food and nutrition with graduate projectoption:

    1. Minimum of 50 hours
    2. Minimum of 23 hours in major/research area
       Required Courses:HCFN 532          Research Design and Methods in 
                        Nutrition (3)
      HCFN 650          Diet and Chronic Disease (4)
      HCFN              Elective (3-4)
      HCGE 591B         Seminar in Food and Nutrition (2)
      HCGE 626          Seminar in Human and Consumer
                        Sciences (2)
      HCGE 692          Research (4)
      PSY 520           Elementary Statistics orEDRE 720       Education Statistics
    3. Minimum of 26 hours in approved minor (see listing of pre-approved minors below)

    Pre-approved Minors

    Consumer Food--for food service or hospitality managers that wish to increase their knowledge in food and nutrition.

     Required Courses:HCFN 522          Experimental Foods (4)
    HCFN 530          Food Sanitation and Safety (2)
    MKT 501           Marketing Principles (4)
    MKT 544           Consumer Behavior (4)

    Regardless of thesis or project option, select 2-13 credits of approved graduate electives in MKT, HCFN, HCGE

    Foods Education--to advance the study of food and nutrition education to individuals with already established careers in dietetics, K-12 education, medical education, nursing/other allied health disciplines, health administration, public health, and food industry professionals.

     Required Courses:HCFN 522          Experimental Foods (4)
    HCFN 533          Food Safety and Sanitation (2)
    HCCF 664          Advanced Child Development (5) orHCCF 674       Advanced Family Development (5)
    Regardless of thesis or project option, select 5-16 credits of approved graduate HCFN, HCGE, HCCF electives.

    Community Nutrition and Health Promotion--will prepare graduates to practice in a community agency, worksite wellness program, or related setting.

     Required CoursesHLTH 530          Worksite Health Promotion (4)
    HLTH 607          Health Promotion and Health Behavior (4)
    HLTH 608          Health Policy (4)
    HLTH 610          Program Evaluation and 
                      Assessment in Health Care (5)

    If graduate project option, select 9-10 credits of approved electives.

    Long-Term Care--for the nutrition or health professional seeking to gain knowledge and skills related to working with the elderly.

    Complete requirements for the Gerontology Certificate (23)

    Sports and Fitness--for the nutrition professional needing more training in exercise and fitness or for the fitness professional who needs more advanced training in nutrition.

     Required Courses:HCFN 660          Nutrition for Sports and Fitness (4)
    PESS 514          Exercise Physiology (4)
    PESS 515          Exercise Physiology Lab (3)
    PESS 616          Sports Psychology and Adult 
                      Fitness (4)
    PESS 617          Exercise Prescription (3)

    If graduate project option, select 9-10 credits of approved electives.

    Specialized Studies

    Create an approved interdisciplinary program that incorporates graduate courses to meet your career goals. Requires 16-27 credit hours of approved coursework.

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    Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

    University Publications staff and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/gcatalog/03-05/areas/huco.htm) on June 25, 2004.
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