
Courses listed are accurate for the 1997 catalog. Updates will be online soon.

501 Anthropology and Film (5)Prereq: 101. The use of film as a medium for recording cultural information; as a technique for observation, analysis, and interpretation of culturalinformation; and as a means for presenting information about cultures, human adaptation, human evolution, and anthropological research itself.

545 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (5)A cross-cultural comparative inquiry into the way different non-Westerncultures define femininity and masculinity. Taking the view that gender is a cultural construction, the course examines the relationships between gender ideas and such features of social systems as kinship and political hierarchy. Ethnographic fieldwork materials are explored in light of current gender theories.

550 Economic Anthropology (5)Survey of economic arrangements found in various types of cultural systems with emphasis on application of anthropological theory and method for understanding particular systems.

551 Political Anthropology (5)Cross-cultural survey of political arrangements with emphasis on application of anthropological method and theory to political problems.

552 Archaeological Anthropology (5)Introduction to contemporary archaeology in which goals, theory, and method are directed toward reconstruction of extinct sociocultural systems rather than toward time-space distribution of archaeological materials.

555 Medical Anthropology (5)Non-Western medical systems and theories of health and disease causation; social basis for diagnosis and cure; curing rituals; symbolism of health and illness. Ecological factors in health and nonhealth; systematic connections between health or illness and both way of life and environmental situation.

556 Seminar in Methodology and Field Research (5)A graduate seminar in anthropological field methods, designed to present the basic methodology literature and prepare students to conduct anthropological field research. Since anthropology has subfields (cultural anthropology, archaeology, physical anthropology), the methodological literature and techniques presented will vary by instructor's specialty. When taught by a cultural anthropologist, the focus will often be on ethnographic methods.

557 Anthropology of Religion (5)Survey of various aspects of religion in their cultural setting with emphasison the use of anthropological theories for an objective understanding of religion.

560 Kinship (5)Theoretical framework and ethnographic work on kinship systems of various world cultures; non-Western family systems; kinship terminology; social change in kinship systems.

561 North American Prehistory (5)Analysis and interpretation of the cultural evolution of indigenous North American Indian cultures. Emphasis on those cultures from Ohio and the Midwest.

563 Gender in Prehistory (5)Examines the application of gender studies as an analytic tool for archaeological reconstructions. Considers evolving gender roles within a wide range ofpast cultural settings.

564 Near East Prehistory (5)Scrutiny of the archaeological data and consequent reconstruction of the evolutionary process affecting cultures in the Near East. Analysis begins with the earliest occupation of the region and ends with the establishment of various state systems.

565 Field School in Ohio Archaeology (5-10)Prereq: perm. Actual archaeological investigation of prehistoric Indian sites in Ohio. Involves survey, excavation, and laboratory analysis of materials, as well as lectures on anthropological archaeology as it pertains to Ohio.

566 Cultures of the Americas (5)Survey of cultural diversity present in South, North, or Mesoamerica with emphasis on application of anthropological method and theory to understanding of particular sociocultural systems.

567 South American Prehistory (5)Reconstruction, analysis, and interpretation of the process of cultural evolution as expressed by the ancient societies of South America.

570 Mexican/Central American Prehistory (5)Reconstruction, analysis, and interpretation of the process of cultural evolution as expressed by the ancient societies of Mexico and Central America (Mesoamerica).

571 Ethnology (5)Cross-cultural analysis of structure, process, and adaptation in variouscultural systems; includes kinship, ideology, economics, politics, and environmental relationships.

572 History of Anthropological Thought (5)In-depth examination of schools of anthropology as they have developed within various subfields at different times and places.

575 Culture and Personality (5)Interrelations between personality systems and cultural systems.

576 Culture Contact and Change (5)Impacts of cultures upon one another: immediate and subsequent cultural adaptations. Emphasis on Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa.

577 Peasant Communities (5)Focuses upon folk component of state societies.

578 Human Ecology (5)Analysis of mutual and reciprocal relations between sociocultural systems and other systems in their environment; ecosystems and biotic communities in which human populations are included.

581 Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa (5)Survey of cultural diversity in sub-Saharan Africa with emphasis on application of anthropological theory and method to understanding of particular sociocultural systems.

585 Cultures of Southeast Asia (5)Survey of cultural systems of island and mainland Southeast Asia.

586 Problems in Southeast Asia Anthropology (5)Selected topics of current theoretical concern relating to Southeast Asia.

587 Pacific Island Cultures (5)Anthropological survey of Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia.

591 Primate Social Organization (5)Introduction to primate ethnology, with reference to development of humancultural behavior.

592 Human Evolution (5)In-depth examination of evidence for biological macroevolution of humans. Topics include fossil record for hominoid and hominid forms, speciation, interpretation of fossil record, evolution of crucial anatomical areas, and fit between paleontological and immunological approaches to evolution.

594 Seminar in Anthropology (4-6)Selected topics.

599 Readings in Anthropology (1-3, max 8)Supervised readings in all areas of anthropology. Make individual arrangements with particular faculty member in advance.

Table of Contents

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