Financial Aid

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Graduate Appointments
Traineeships and Fellowships
Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

The two major forms of financial support for graduate students are associateships and scholarships. These are granted by the individual schools or departments, and application for this financial assistance is made as part of the application (see application forms included in the back of this catalog).

Graduate Appointments

More than 900 graduate, staff, research, and teaching associateships are available for graduate students at Ohio University. Students who wish to pursue a master's or a doctoral degree are selected for these appointments on the basis of scholarly merit.

Graduate contracts normally become effective the first day of each quarter and end on the official closing date of the quarter. Individual schools or departments may, at their discretion, request that newly appointed associates report for orientation up to a week prior to the beginning of the quarter.

The associateship provides a stipend for services as prescribed by the individual school or department and generally requires an academic course load of 15 graduate credits a quarter. The associateship usually includes a scholarship for the length of the contract. The stipends vary from academic area to academic area, but generally range from $5,900 to $11,000 for three quarters (i.e., from September to June) and $8,000 to $14,000 for a 12-month appointment. Contact the individual school or department for details on associateships and scholarships.

Graduate associates fulfill academic responsibilities and service as prescribed by the school or department. The service usually entails administrative, teaching, or research duties performed for and under the supervision of a faculty member.

Graduate staff associates engage in duties varying from residence hall directorships to service in the library and university administrative offices. The academic course load is 9 - 18 graduate credits. Graduate staff associates work a maximum of 15 hours a week, and stipend and other policies are generally the same as for other graduate-contract appointees. These appointments are not funded from academic department resources.

Graduate teaching associates carry teaching responsibilities as prescribed by the school or department.

Graduate research associates engage in work on research projects as prescribed by the school or department.

Appointment of graduate resident directors and graduate assistant resident directors are made on the recommendation of the director of residence life and are available to single or married men and women. Compensation includes a furnished apartment and board (when the dining halls are operating) for the appointee (and for his or her family, if applicable) and a stipend of $9,600 plus a tuition scholarship for graduate resident directors. Graduate assistant resident directors will have the same compensation and a stipend of $5,600 plus a tuition scholarship. The appointment requires payment of the general fee and recreational facilities fee each quarter. The graduate resident director and graduate assistant resident director supervise functions of the residence hall. Apply for these appointments by letter and submission of your vita to the director of residence life.

Tuition Scholarships may be available for the summer quarter to students who have an associateship for the spring quarter preceding or the fall quarter following the summer quarter. You must carry a course load of 15 hours and pay the general fee fee for summer quarter.

The associateship will be discontinued if your grade-point average as a graduate student at Ohio University falls below 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Some schools or departments require a higher average.

The graduate associateship may be discontinued if duties are not performed satisfactorily as defined by the immediate supervisor or department/school.

Graduate students seeking continuation of stipend support must follow all departmental policies and procedures pertaining to renewal of that support. Additionally, Graduate Council guidelines state that graduate students holding graduate appointments written for an academic year must receive notice of renewal or nonrenewal of that appointment no later than the end of spring quarter. This provision does not apply to contracts terminated early or not renewed for academic or service performance reasons. In such cases, no prior notification is required.

Graduate students holding graduate contracts written on a quarterly basis must receive notice of renewal or nonrenewal of contract at least one quarter before the end of that contract period. Graduate students holding spring quarter appointments must be notified no later than the end of the spring quarter of renewal or non-renewal for fall quarter. This provision does not apply to contracts terminated early or not renewed for academic or service performance reasons. In such cases, no prior notification is required. Notification on summer quarter appointments can be made as early as practicable.

Time Limits

Time limits for financial support of graduate students through associateships, fellowships, or scholarships are determined by the school or department responsible for the individual program. In no instance, however, will university support be provided if you have enrolled in more than 260 hours of graduate-level credit, defined as graded course credit taken at Ohio University and credit earned for work performed prior to admission to Ohio University. This constraint does not apply to financial assistance provided through research grants or other nonuniversity funding sources.

Traineeships and Fellowships

Ohio University has a limited number of named fellowships such as the Hiram Roy Wilson Fellowships in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and Environmental and Plant Biology. In addition, the following fellowships are awarded by the vice president for research and graduate studies, with the advice of the Graduate Council: the John Cady Graduate Fellowship, the Donald Clippinger Graduate Fellowship, the Claude Kantner Graduate Fellowships, and the Anthony Trisolini Graduate Fellowship. Stocker Fellowships are available in the Russ College of Engineering and Technology. The university also participates in available federal fellowship programs.

The African Studies Program and the Southeast Asia Studies Program at the Center for International Studies offer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships to U.S. residents who demonstrate a strong Africa/Southeast Asia career and/or research interest. If the applicant has no previous graduate study, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are required. Interest in applying for FLAS funding should be indicated on the application to the Center for International Studies.

Tuition Scholarships

Tuition scholarships are available in conjunction with an associateship or as a separate award. These are granted on a competitive basis to incoming graduate students who have maintained high undergraduate averages, or to graduate students who have maintained at least a 3.0 graduate grade-point average. These scholarships require full-time study (15 graduate credits per quarter) and payment of the general fee and recreational facilities fee each quarter. Contact the graduate chair of your academic area for information.

Scholarships may be available for summer quarter to those students who have a scholarship for the spring quarter preceding or the fall quarter following the summer quarter. You must carry an academic course load of 15 hours and pay the general fee and recreational facilities fee for the summer quarter.

The scholarship will be discontinued if your academic average as a graduate student at Ohio University falls below a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Some schools or departments may require a higher average.

Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial aid available to graduate students through the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships consists of loan assistance and employment opportunities.

Need-Based Assistance

To apply for need based aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you will be notified of your eligiblility by the Ohio University Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (OSFAS). The need based programs available to graduate students are:

  1. The William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan.
  2. The Federal Perkins Loan.
  3. Federal Work Study.

March 15 is the first-priority deadline date that has been set by the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (OSFAS) for consideration for campus-based aid - the Federal Perkins Loan and Federal Work Study (FWS).The Federal Perkins Loan and Federal Work Study (FWS) are awarded differently than the Federal Direct Student Loans. The funds are sent directly to Ohio University to be awarded to the most needy students by the OSFAS. OSFAS awards he funds directly, and funding for these programs is limited. Late applicants (after March 15) most likely will not receive an awards for either the Federal Perkins Loan or Federal Work-Study.

Cost of Attendance

Each year, the Ohio University Board of Trustees determines the fixed costs (tuition and fees, plus an out-of-state surcharge, and room and board rates) for graduate students who live on campus. Variable costs consist of books and supplies, transportation, personal, and miscellaneous expenses. Variable expenses are estimated by the OSFAS and are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), survey data of local housing (off-campus apartments), and estimated food costs. Allowances can be made for child care costs for preschool children upon request. You must provide documentation in writing to the OSFAS for individual consideration. The combined fixed and variable costs make up your total cost (budget) for the academic year.

Determining Eligibility

Graduate students are considered independent. You (and your spouse, if you are married) are expected to assist in meeting your educational costs. Your expected contribution is calculated from your previous year's earnings, untaxed income, benefits, and a percentage of personal savings and assets. The following equation is used to determine financial need:

Cost of education (budget)
        -  Minus expected student contribution
        =  Financial need

Award Package

After the FAFSA need analysis and other documents have been received and reviewed for accuracy (verified if applicable), an award offer is made to all eligible applicants. The award package can be a combination of gift assistance (fellowships, scholarships, graduate teaching/research associateships, etc.), federal loans, and employment to offset costs. Not all students receive all types of aid, but in general, the OSFAS attempts to balance gift aid (grants and scholarships) with self-help (employment and loans) within the limits of available funds and your eligibility. All gift aid received from all other sources must be reported when applying for the Federal Direct Student Loan to accurately determine eligibility. Applying and having your results at Ohio University before the March 15 priority date makes you likely to receive a more attractive package than those who apply later.

Notification of Aid Offers

All applicants who are eligible for aid will receive written notification from the OSFAS. Financial Aid Award Letters will be sent by mail to your permanent address. Applicants who are denied traditional sources of aid are encouraged to continue in the process for consideration for supplemental sources of assistance such as campus employment.

Award Disbursements

Federal aid recipients must be officially enrolled through the Registrar's Office and fulfill all other requirements (financial aid transcripts, verification of the FAFSA data, etc.) before disbursement of aid.

Disbursement of funds will vary depending on the type of financial aid awards you have been offered. The Federal Perkins Loan and Federal Direct Student Loan must have the appropriate promissory notes signed before the aid can be disbursed or checks issued. Federal Work Study awards are not credited to your account because the award must be earned before being paid. You will receive a FWS payroll check every two weeks for the hours worked and approved by the hiring department for the pay period. Total financial aid credits greater than the university charges will result in a refund being generated in the amount of the excess funds. Refunds will be mailed to your local address or direct deposited to you bank account to assist you in meeting other expenses related to your education . Consult the Schedule of Classesfor more detailed information concerning actual dates of disbursement for each quarter.

All FDSL borrowers must complete a Borrower Information Counseling (BIC) session or complete the requirement though our online services at near the completion of their degree.

Eligibility Requirements

All federal campus-based aid and Federal Direct Student Loan graduate recipients must be enrolled a minimum of five credit hours.

All Title IV federal aid recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the OSFAS and the university.

All federal aid recipients must comply with OSFAS procedures for adjusting overawards if the total federal aid received exceeds the financial need.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Federal regulations require that all federal aid recipients meet Ohio University's satisfactory academic progress standards:

  1. Minimum credit hours earned for the appropriate enrollment.
  2. Maximum time frame during which a degree or certificate must be granted.
  3. Minimum accumulative 3.0 g.p.a.

Minimum credit hour standards require you to earn a minimum number of hours based on your enrollment status. As a graduate student, the minimum credit hours required are: full-time=nine credit hours, half-time=five credit hours. Maximum time frame standards are determined by your enrollment status. Federal regulations allow a student to be eligible to receive aid uyp to 150% of the time that it normally would take to complete a degree. For graduate students to remain eligible, they must complete their program by the time their maximum time frame value reaches 9.00 quarters. Also, a 3.0 minimum grade point average must be met by the end of the second academic year (spring quarter) of enrollment.

Student Loans

Student loans are playing an increasingly significant role in financing post-secondary education. Because of the favorable terms and conditions of educational loans, you should not be hesitent to borrow as an investment in your future. On the other hand, loans represent debts that must be repaid, and failure to repay can result in substantial penalties. The federal government has expanded the limits on these vital loan programs to assure that students will have access to and a choice among educational institutions. All applicants for student loans must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their eligibility.

The Federal Perkins Loan(formerly National Direct Student Loan) is a federal loan for students enrolled for at least five credit hours. Repayment and interest accrual begin nine months after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment as defined by the university. The interest rate is currently five percent, and loans can be included under the loan consolidation provisions contained in the Reauthorization Act of 1992. You must sign a promissory note before your account can be credited or a check disbursed.

The William D. Ford Federal Loanis a federal loan for students enrolled at least half time in a degree-granting or teacher certification program at a participating postsecondary institution. (Those pursuing teacher certification should contact the OSFAS.) All applicants for the William D. Ford Federal Loan must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility.

The Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loanmaximum for graduate students is $8,500 per academic year. To qualify for the Subsidized Federal Direct Student Loan, you must demonstrate unmet need after other types of assistance, such as tuition scholarships, fellowships, research and teaching associateships, and graduate research associateships, have been considered. You must obtain specific information, requirements, and procedures from the appropriate academic departments. Eligibility is determined by the Federal Methodology need analysis on the FAFSA and must not exceed the difference between the cost of education (budget) minus the expected family contribution and other aid estimated to be made available.

The Direct Unsubsidized Loanmay be available if you do not qualify for the maximum Direct Subsidized Student Loan. You are responsible for the interest, and if you choose not to pay the interest while you attend school it will accrue on the loan principal. Interest rates for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans are variable and will not exceed 8.25 percent. The interest rate changes annually on July 1 and is equal to the rate on 91-day Treasury bills plus 3.1 percent.

Graduate Students may be eligible to borrow up to $10,000 in additional Direct Unsubsidized Loans. All loan proceeds are disbursed in equal installments by term. Total financial aid credits minus university charges will result in a refund, which is mailed to your local address.

Loan repayment may be deferred for certain conditions, and loan consolidation is possible under the Reauthorization Act. If you are a first-time borrower, you will receive Entrance Loan Counseling information by mail regarding your rights and responsibilities. You also must complete Borrower Information Counseling (BIC) upon completion of your program or withdrawal from the University.

Ohio University Loansare institutional funds made available to students on a temporary basis to provide cash while waiting for disbursement of financial aid or earnings from employment. You must complete a one-page loan application and have it approved before a loan check is issued. If you are in default on previous loans or federal loans, you are not eligible to receive an institutional loan. All borrowers are charged a $5 processing fee. An interest rate of 9 percent also is charged if your source of rpayment is not financial aid. You must have a guaranteed source of repayment within either 30 or 60 days from the time the loan is issued.

Employment Opportunities

Federal Work Study (FWS) is a need-based federal work study program providing part-time employment for graduate students who need additional financial assistance to attend college. The federal government stipulates that jobs available under the FWS program may not displace presently employed persons or fill regular job openings, including student employment; FWS jobs are therefore used as a supplemental source of assistance. When possible, FWS recipients are placed in positions that coincide with their career interest or academic major. Students are paid at least minimum wage. Most students are eligible to work 10 hours a week and are paid biweekly. If you have been awarded FWS, you will receive your work assignment prior to enrolling at Ohio University.

Centralized Student Employment Serviceswas established by Ohio University to provide job opportunity information for all students in a central location on campus in the OSFAS. The service assists in hiring students for part-time jobs, maximizes employment opportunities and job placement, and coordinates student employment policies and procedures.

The OSFAS serves as an employment clearinghouse for job posting and referrals for all hiring departments at Ohio University (Athens campus) and for private (off-campus) employers as well. When new positions are available or vacancies occur, all employment opportunities for students are posted at and on our jobs board. Positions to which students are returning will not be posted.

Graduate Assistance

Recipients of graduate stipends in the form of fellowships, scholarships, and research and teaching associateships will be reported to the OSFAS by the Office of Graduate Appointments. All tuition scholarships will be included as part of the aid package for federal need-based aid, if you are eligible. If you receive a loan for summer quarter and later receive a graduate scholarship, you may become overawarded according to federal guidelines. To avoid an overaward, notify the OSFAS of all additional resources (current and estimated, when possible) when applying for the Federal Direct Student Loan. All overawards are adjusted by the OSFAS by reducing the loan first and Federal Work Study as a last resort.

Financial Aid Services

Services are available to students on a daily basis between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. You also may choose to schedule an appointment with your counselor (counselor assignments are made alphabetically by your last name). Emergencies or schedule conflicts may be accommodated as needed. Some of the services provided by the counselor are confirmation of financial aid for preregistration, review of financial need and eligibility, and review of policies and procedures for different financial aid programs.

Federal regulations and institutional policies are subject to change without notice. The OSFAS will attempt to keep you updated through various media on campus, written notices, or e-mail. It is therefore important that you update your permanent and local addresses with the Registrar's Office to avoid delays that may be costly.

For more detailed information on financial aid programs, contact us: Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Chubb Hall 020; telephone 740-593-4141 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.); fax 740-593-4140; e-mail; Web

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

University Advancement and Computer Services staff revised this file ( on December 7, 2000.

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